Posts Tagged ‘normalization’

How Sudan’s Civil War Was Aided By The US’ Israel Normalization Agenda

The US government recently condemned an attack that murdered over 100 civilians in the Wad al-Noura area of Sudan, committed by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) who are waring with Sudanese military. Yet, Washington’s projected outrage over the ongoing atrocities committed in the North African nation are tantamount to a cover-up of the US government’s […]

Israeli-Saudi normalization in Checkmate, a realist analysis

23 Feb 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen English By Ali Jezzini A realist analysis attempting to shed light on the complications of Israeli-Saudi normalization in light of the Israeli genocide in Gaza, and the discrepancies in the aims of each party. The Israeli war on Gaza has entered its fourth month. The occupation regime faces an […]

No country wants normalization with a weak Israel

OCT 10, 2023 The Palestinian resistance’s successful strikes against Israel have buried prospects for Saudi-Israeli normalization, as global attention pivots to the plight of Palestinians under a brutal occupation. Mohamad Hasan Sweidan Immediately following the launch of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood in occupied Palestine, a chorus of analysts surfaced to express their grave concerns about the prospects for […]

Saudi’s Bin Salman Sells Palestine: Normalization-for-Security

October 3, 2023 Hussein Ibrahim* Translated by Areej Fatima Husseini In 1945, Abdulaziz Al Saud, Saudi Arabia’s first king, signed an “oil-for-security” agreement with former US President Franklin D. Roosevelt, marking the transfer of leadership of the Western project in the Middle East from Britain to the US. Thus, the mission of protecting the Gulf […]

Saudi Arabia poll found ‘declining’ support for Israeli normalization

Sep 27, 2023 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English A recent opinion poll in Saudi Arabia addresses the issue of the Kingdom’s normalization with “Israel” and finds that normalization does not enjoy popular support. A public opinion poll, conducted by the Washington Institute for Near East Studies in Saudi Arabia, found that “a significant minority of Saudi […]

Normalization and co-resistance 

Co-existence between Jews and Arabs is not possible under Israeli apartheid, but there is an opportunity to work toward a better future based on equality and genuine democracy through co-resistance. Source

What Did the Saudi Crown Prince Say, and Didn’t Say about Palestine, Israel, Iran, and Normalization – ANALYSIS 

September 21, 2023 By Palestine Chronicle Editors In an interview with the conservative US media channel, Fox News on Wednesday, September 20, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman spoke about Palestine, Iran, and normalization with Israel, among other issues.  Every major media, including pan-Arab media channels seemed to interpret what Bin Salman said differently, depending […]

WSJ: Netanyahu Floating Saudi Uranium Enrichment for Possible Normalization Deal

 September 21, 2023 The Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “instructed Israeli officials to cooperate” with the US toward allowing Saudi Arabia to enrich uranium. According to the WSJ report, a central part of the deal was also being seriously considered by Netanyahu, despite Israeli opposition leaders being against […]

Libyan PM met Mossad chief in Jordan to discuss normalization: Report

SEP 4, 2023 Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° The meeting, which took place in 2022, was sponsored by the US and the UAE News Desk According to a classified diplomatic cable obtained by Lebanese daily Al-Akhbar, Libyan Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh met with the head of the Israeli spy agency Mossad, David Barnea, in the Jordanian capital […]

Biden is pushing Saudi normalization for one reason, to please the Israel lobby

The White House push for Saudi-Israeli normalization is the tail wagging the dog yet again. The only ones who really want this deal are Israel and its lobby, to distract the world from apartheid in Palestine. So Joe Biden is taking it seriously, dispatching one official after another to the Middle East. Source

The US Biden Administration Desperately Attempts To Push Israeli-Saudi Normalization

US national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, visited Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed Bin Salman, in Jeddah to discuss a number of important issues concerning both nations, however, the issue of Israeli-Saudi normalization has taken center stage. As Israel and Saudi Arabia have both had bumpy relations with the US Biden administration, such a deal makes little […]

CIA Director Tells Saudis the US Was Blindsided By Iran Normalization

Saudi Arabia and Iran agreed to reopen their embassies on Thursday after their foreign ministers met in China Source

Another Gulf State Opens Airspace For Israeli Carriers As ‘Normalization’ Advances

Israeli airlines can now significantly shorten travel eastbound to places like India and China.  Source

The Price of Betraying Palestine: Moroccans Challenge Normalization with Israel

December 30, 2022 By Ramzy Baroud Two years ago, Morocco and Israel signed the US-brokered “Joint Declaration”, thus officially recognizing Israel and instating diplomatic ties. Though other Arab countries had already done the same, the Moroccan official recognition of Apartheid Israel was particularly devastating for Palestinians. Years ago, a close Moroccan friend told me that the ‘first time’ […]

Morocco’s FIFA World Cup Victories Defeat Israeli Normalization Efforts

Last Saturday, Morocco’s national football team defeated Portugal in the FIFA World Cup, resulting in celebrations throughout the Arab World. One of those celebrations took place in Jerusalem, where Palestinians hoisting up the Moroccan flag were dispersed and attacked by Israeli occupying police forces. Morocco has been the star of the 2022 FIFA World Cup, […]

The Normalization of Perversion

READ HERE:   Source

Anti-normalization Countries Resist The Arab-‘Israeli’ Alliance

July 9, 2022  By Staff, Agencies Amid a push by the US and the ‘Israeli’ occupation regime to build an anti-Iranian coalition in the region, a report suggested that a number of Arab countries are against such an alliance. Washington and Tel Aviv are pushing Arab countries for the realization of a military pact to […]

The Normalization of Dishonesty in Medical Science

This week MedpageToday published a piece on the benefits to infants from maternal vaccination, reported in a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine on June 22nd Source

Normalization of Palestinian apartheid is new normal

“The tale of Palestine from the beginning until today is a simple story of colonialism and dispossession, yet the world treats it as a multifaceted and complex story—hard to understand and even harder to solve.” ? Noam Chomsky  Source

Israel’s Normalization Deals Revive Palestinian Armed Struggle

As Israel held a meeting with US and Arab officials in the Negev region, Palestinian gunmen launched one of the deadliest attacks of its kind in over a decade. It appears that Israel is in for a renewed round of violent resistance to its policies against the Palestinians. The ‘Negev Summit’ conference hosted Arab leaders […]

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