Posts Tagged ‘desperately’

Gov. Hochul admits NY courts SINGLED OUT TRUMP for prosecution, desperately warns other real estate developers it won’t happen to them to prevent them from LEAVING

(NaturalNews) The recent New York ruling against Donald Trump that resulted in a $355 million fine for real estate development crimes has scared many other real… Source

Gaza Bleeds: Over 4,000 Killed, 14,200 Homes Destroyed, and Supplies Desperately Needed

October 21, 2023 On the fifteenth day of relentless Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, the toll of innocent lives lost has tragically surpassed 4,137, with heart-wrenching statistics revealing that 1,524 of these victims were innocent children. As the relentless onslaught continues, the consequences have been devastating, ripping apart families and shattering communities. — PALESTINE […]

Egypt’s Border Crossing Opens To Let A Trickle Of Desperately Needed Aid Into Besieged Gaza

Over 200 trucks have been positioned near the crossing for days. But Egypt’s state-owned Al-Qahera news said just 20 trucks crossed into Gaza. Source

COVID Agenda Desperately Re-Deployed, Twitter Goes Full Technocrat & US’ Rapidly Eroding Rights

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (9/2/23 – Part 2). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you […]

The US Biden Administration Desperately Attempts To Push Israeli-Saudi Normalization

US national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, visited Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed Bin Salman, in Jeddah to discuss a number of important issues concerning both nations, however, the issue of Israeli-Saudi normalization has taken center stage. As Israel and Saudi Arabia have both had bumpy relations with the US Biden administration, such a deal makes little […]

The Guilty Of Mass Murder Via Loaded Syringes Desperately Trying To Convince The Killer Jabbed Sheep the Scamdemic Was Real

The IsraHell Firster Whores holding forth in Sodom & Gomorrah on the Potomac Ask “scientist” Why they “Did A 180” On “COVID” lab leak after F#cki emailed them. This is all meaningless bull shit to try to convince you the Scamdemic was real and they did not just Holocaust Americans for their MASTER. NO ONE, […]

Zuck Loves Commie Bucks: Facebook Desperately Wants to Sell VR Headsets in China

In an attempt to tap into a vast new market, Facebook (now known as Meta) is in discussions with Tencent, the world’s largest video game publisher, to introduce its Quest VR headset to China. Mark Zuckerberg’s company reportedly faces an uphill battle in selling its wares in the communist country.

Law Enforcement Desperately Searching For Handcuffs Big Enough To Fit Trump’s Very Massive, Large Hands

MANHATTAN, NY — After being alerted to a possible indictment of former President Trump, law enforcement scrambled to try to find handcuffs big enough to fit his unbelievably massive hands. “We‘ve got nothing, chief,” said Officer Rodney Campbell. “These XL cuffs won’t even come close!” Trump shocked the country by announcing his imminent arrest, giving […]

‘It’s Not Political, It’s His Duty’: Team Joe Biden Desperately Tries to Spin Partisan Speech

President Joe Biden’s staffers worked furiously Thursday night to combat accusations that his speech at Independence Hall was too partisan against “extreme” MAGA Republicans. The president repeatedly condemned “MAGA Republicans” and supporters of former President Donald Trump as violent extremists who represented a threat to American democracy. “Democracy is not a partisan or political issue,” […]

Republicans Desperately Need An Agenda


Hayward: China’s Battered Economy Desperately Needs Biden to Lift Tariffs

Chinese state media spent the past month pressuring President Joe Biden to lift the tariffs imposed by his predecessor Donald Trump – ostensibly because the Chinese Communist Party cares deeply about the travails of American consumers struggling under Biden’s sky-high inflation rates, but actually because the Chinese economy is sinking and Beijing desperately needs those […]

US Gov & Corporate Media Desperately Attempt To Rewrite History To Hide The Truth About Ukraine

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Email | RSS Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (3/7/22). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for […]

Ukraine Museums Desperately Working To Preserve Priceless Hunter Biden Paintings

KYIV, UKRAINE—As shells have begun exploding in the heart of Kyiv, museums have rushed to protect their most prized, valuable pieces: the original artwork of once-in-a-generation talent Hunter Biden. “The Louvre may have Van Gogh and the Mona Lisa, but here we have Coke On Coke by Hunter Biden,” said museum owner Ivan Rostyslav. “I will never forget when he […]

Racist Democrats Desperately Try To Prevent Black Man From Becoming Governor Of California

Racist Democrats Desperately Try To Prevent Black Man From Becoming Governor Of California SACRAMENTO, CA—The racist Democrats are at it again, pulling out all the stops and raising tens of millions of dollars in order to keep a white man in power and prevent a black man from becoming the first black governor of California. […]

Biden needs friendly meeting with Israeli P.M. ‘desperately’ — Israel lobby advises White House

Tomorrow, the new American President Joe Biden is due to have his first meeting (ever, reportedly) with the new Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett; and the Israel lobby is working hard to argue that the American president needs Bennett a lot more than Bennett needs him, so as to shore up his battered reputation internationally […]

‘Maskless’ Dem Donna Howard Still Desperately Digging

A leaked internal email from CNN’s Washington bureau chief complains that the “carrot” is no longer working in terms of convincing Americans to get vaccinated and that authorities need to start using the “stick.” The message, which was mistakenly sent to conservative activist Charlie Kirk, was only intended to be seen by other CNN colleagues. […]

G7: Desperately Seeking Relevancy

June 09, 2021 A G7 rebooted as a Sinophobic crusade will have few if any takers due to members’ rising dependence on Chinese goods and markets by Pepe Escobar with permission and first posted at Asia Times The upcoming G7 in Cornwall at first might be seen as the quirky encounter of “America is Back” with […]

Finally, Trumpers build their loyalty test ‘border wall’—only to keep out desperately needed voters

Misguided purification rites turn a wannabe party fortress into a prison When do self-wounding House extremists face this apparently mystifying dynamic: fewer voters = fewer winners, thus less power? However contradictory, radical Republicans are mounting two contrary, counterproductive campaigns: they are suppressing Democratic voters but with such ham-fisted, anti-democratic fervor the ploy looks to backfire. […]

In Texas, Jewish Communities Join a Desperately Needed Response

Now the community has repurposed the team, consisting of rabbis from each denomination and the CEOs of local Jewish agencies, to take on a very different kind of crisis: the unfolding effects of an unusual winter storm named Uri that has crippled large swaths of Texas and left millions of people without reliable access to […]

In a Texas battered by cold, Jewish communities join a desperately needed response

One year ago, Dallas’s Jewish community convened a “health crisis management team” to coordinate the local response to the brand-new COVID-19 pandemic. Now the community has repurposed the team, consisting of rabbis from each denomination and the CEOs of local Jewish agencies, to take on a very different kind of crisis: the unfolding effects of […]

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