Posts Tagged ‘trumpers’

Washington Post: Trumpers Yelled to Police “Guy on the Roof With Rifle” for Minutes, Cheatle Confirms Crooks Seen with Range Finder

Above image: Photo taken by sniper of Crooks and texted to team 1/2 hour before shots What you need to know. After Cheatle testimony in Congress, someone tell me how this is NOT a deliberate plot to kill Trump. – Bystanders yelling man-with-rifle after snipers had already texted Crooks’ picture as a suspicious person a […]

‘Not a good night for Donald Trump’: Why Never Trumpers think he’s really losing

MANCHESTER, New Hampshire — Donald Trump thumped Nikki Haley in New Hampshire — but anti-Trump Republicans are hardly upset about it. Even after Trump went two-for-two in the early nominating contests, the non-Trump movement sees increasingly positive signs that the former president can be beat in November. Polls and exit surveys from Iowa and New […]

Report: Never-Trumpers Recruiting Glenn Youngkin for GOP Primary as DeSantis Sinks

Never-Trump Republicans are trying to lure Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) into the GOP presidential primary as there is growing concern over Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s (R) sinking poll numbers. Source

Never Trumpers rally in D.C., trying to find hope and a plan amid despair

Donald Trump used his primetime stage at the CPAC conference this Saturday to taunt the Bush Republicans, globalists and neocons. A dozen miles away, at a lower-profile gathering in downtown D.C. the remnants of that bygone GOP era gathered in a hotel ballroom, attempting once more to plot their way out of the obscurity into […]

RNC chair challenger looks to Never Trumpers for a boost

In a last-ditch effort to upend the Republican National Committee chair race, challenger Harmeet Dhillon has begun a full court press of various factions of a party in search of skeptics of current chair Ronna McDaniel. Her efforts have included reaching out to some of the biggest names in Republican politics. But her team has […]

Ex-Trumpers set to plot how to try and take down Trump

While Grisham did not name members of the group, three people familiar with the matter said former Department of Homeland Security chief of staff Miles Taylor, who was revealed to be the author of “Anonymous”; former national security official Olivia Troye; and Trump’s one-time, short-lived communications director, Anthony Scaramucci, are involved. None offered additional details […]

Finally, Trumpers build their loyalty test ‘border wall’—only to keep out desperately needed voters

Misguided purification rites turn a wannabe party fortress into a prison When do self-wounding House extremists face this apparently mystifying dynamic: fewer voters = fewer winners, thus less power? However contradictory, radical Republicans are mounting two contrary, counterproductive campaigns: they are suppressing Democratic voters but with such ham-fisted, anti-democratic fervor the ploy looks to backfire. […]

Anti-Trumpers are done with the GOP. Where do they go now?

The Democratic Party, which continues to move leftward, isn’t a good ideological fit. Those who want to fight to recapture the GOP from within are vastly outnumbered. Building a third party from scratch requires gigantic sums of money and overcoming a thicket of daunting state laws designed in large part by the two major parties. […]

Never Trumpers Go All in for Democrats Against Republicans in Georgia State Runoffs

ATLANTA — The Never Trump Lincoln Project released an ad on Wednesday urging voters to give the Senate majority to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) by voting for Georgia Senate Democrats Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff. The Lincoln Project released the ad, titled “On the Ballot,” which asks Georgia voters to consider voting against […]

North Korea, Deep State Neocons, and why the Anti-Trumpers should be careful what they wish for

Patrick Slattery and Mark Dankof talk foreign policy, and specifically why the gravest threat facing us is the crazy neocon establishment that has hijacked our government. Download YouTube: Source Article from

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