Posts Tagged ‘youngkin’

Virginia Democrats Keep Senate, Projected to Win House of Delegates in Blow to Youngkin

Virginia Democrats kept the Senate and are projected to capture the House of delegates Tuesday in a blow to Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R-VA) and Republicans in Virginia, and beyond, hoping to fight the state’s two-decade lurch towards the Democrat Party. Source

Report: Never-Trumpers Recruiting Glenn Youngkin for GOP Primary as DeSantis Sinks

Never-Trump Republicans are trying to lure Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) into the GOP presidential primary as there is growing concern over Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s (R) sinking poll numbers. Source

Youngkin pardons father of girl sexually assaulted in school bathroom 

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) on Sunday issued a pardon for Scott Smith, a Loudoun County father who was convicted of disorderly conduct following a heated confrontation at a public school board meeting, which he attended “as a concerned parent” after his daughter was sexually assaulted in the school bathroom. “Upon careful deliberation and review… […]

Youngkin ‘not paying attention to filing deadlines’ in early GOP primary states

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R), who has been floated as a potential 2024 White House candidate, says he is “not paying attention to filing deadlines” in the early-voting states and instead is focusing on the commonwealth’s upcoming legislative elections.  Youngkin told Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo in an interview on Wednesday that he finds it… […]

Glenn Youngkin Education Guidance Puts Parents Back in Control

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) has directed public schools to help parents shield their children from transgender advocacy. Source

Youngkin says parents ‘know firsthand’ what Trump’s going through

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin on Friday condemned the decision to indict former President Donald Trump — and said parents in his state “know firsthand” what it’s like to be in Trump’s position. “These charges are unprecedented and it’s a sad day for our country, especially in light of what clearly appears to be a two-tiered […]

Youngkin will pursue 15-week abortion ban in Virginia

Republican Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin will pursue a ban on most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, his office said Friday, making immediate use of the Supreme Court’s decision to grant states the right to regulate abortion access. “Virginians elected a pro-life governor and he supports finding consensus on legislation. He has tapped Senator Siobhan […]

Exclusive — Governor Glenn Youngkin: ‘Getting it Done,’ ‘Learning How to Win’ the Core of Administration

Virginia GOP Gov. Glenn Youngkin told Breitbart News exclusively that “getting it done” and putting wins on the scoreboard are the core ethos of his administration five months in.

Gov. Glenn Youngkin Requests Local Police Establish ‘Expanded Security Perimeter’ Around SCOTUS Justices’ Homes

Glenn Youngkin requested that local police departments establish a security perimeter around the homes of three U.S. Supreme Court Justices.

Glenn Youngkin’s Secretary of State Pick Promotes Voter Suppression, Voter Fraud Claims 

Virginia governor-elect Glenn Youngkin announced this weekend that Kay Coles James will serve as Virginia’s Secretary of the Commonwealth—Virginia’s equivalent of secretary of state. Until last year, James served as president of the Heritage Foundation, a Trumpist right-wing think tank that has aggressively promoted bogus claims about widespread voter fraud that are used to justify more restrictive voting laws. James […]

CNN: Moms Who Voted for Joe Biden Voted for Glenn Youngkin

CNN’s Pamela Brown found some Virginia mothers who voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election but ended up voting for Republican Glenn Youngkin in the governor’s race last week. Brown interviewed four Virginia moms – one Democrat, two Independents, and one unaffiliated – but three of whom admitted to voting for Biden in […]


A northern California town, Oroville, has declared itself a “constitutional republic” in response to Covid-19 health restrictions imposed by the governor. The city council in Oroville, adopted a resolution this week stating it would oppose state and federal orders it deems to be government overreach.California town declares itself a ‘constitutional republic’… California Governor – Gavin […]

Religious-Right Groups Celebrate Youngkin’s Win, Look Toward 2022

The come-from-behind victory of Virginia’s Republican Gov.-elect Glenn Youngkin is setting off a predictable round of gloating and credit-taking from some of the anti-LGBTQ, anti-choice, and anti-public education groups that backed him. My Faith Votes CEO Jason Yates sent supporters an email this morning celebrating that “3 pro-life, Christian conservatives committed to handing control of […]


[embedded content]… Neil Oliver [embedded content]… JFK Junior ‘Ghislaine Maxwell allegedly had a one-time fling with John F. Kennedy, Jr. in the early 1990s, OK! Magazine reported. ‘Maxwell regarded the affair as her ‘chief conquest,’ they claimed. ‘President’s son JFK Jr., who was linked to a number of celebrities, died aged 38, in a plane […]

Youngkin: ‘We Expect to Do Really Well Tomorrow’

Republican Virginia gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin is optimistic about Tuesday’s prospects in his match-up against former Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D-VA) on Tuesday. Youngkin told FNC’s Martha MacCallum on Monday’s “The Story” there were indicators to back up his prediction. “I felt like the early voting was very much representative of our strength,” he said. “In […]

Trump Praises Republican Glenn Youngkin on Election Day Eve: ‘Flood the System and Get Out and Vote’

Former President Donald Trump weighed in on the eve of Virginia’s highly anticipated gubernatorial election, urging Virginians in a statement on Monday to “flood the system and get out and vote” for Republican Glenn Youngkin. Trump bashed the “fake news media” for “trying to create” a false narrative about Trump’s relationship with Youngkin, accusing media […]

Kaine: Youngkin Campaign ‘Hearkens Back’ to ‘Segregationist Attitudes’

Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that Virginia gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin’s (R) campaign “hearkens back” to the days of segregation. Kaine said, “If you look at the Youngkin campaign, they’ve made it about kind of invented inflated issues like Critical Race Theory. To close their campaign with an ad featuring […]

KKK Member Posing By Glenn Youngkin’s Bus Turns Out To Be Ralph Northam

CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA—A KKK member posing outside Glenn Youngkin’s bus, ostensibly to support the gubernatorial candidate, has turned out to actually just be Governor Ralph Northam in his trusty Klan hood. “We’re all in for Glenn! We’re all in for Glenn!” the man in the white hood chanted as Youngkin’s bus pulled into a campaign stop […]

Terry McAuliffe Mocked over Viral Picture of ‘Youngkin Supporters’ with Tiki Torches

Virginia Democrat Terry McAuliffe (D) is experiencing a wave of mockery on social media over a viral photo showing five individuals claiming to be supporters of his Republican challenger Glenn Youngkin, holding tiki torches outside of a campaign bus — an obvious nod to Charlottesville and white supremacy — as many surmise it is nothing […]

Poll: Youngkin, McAuliffe deadlocked in Virginia governor’s race

McAuliffe led Youngkin by three percentage points in the previous Washington Post-Schar School poll conducted mid-September. Friday’s survey is the latest polling to indicate an extremely competitive contest between the two candidates in Virginia’s closely watched off-year election. McAuliffe held a polling advantage over his GOP competitor throughout much of the campaign, though the gap […]

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