Posts Tagged ‘recruiting’

US Army and Air Force Call on Retirees to Return to Active Duty Amid Recruiting Shortages

US Army and Air Force Call on Retirees to Return to Active Duty Amid Recruiting Shortages Source

US Navy Lowers Entry Requirements As It Struggles To Meet Recruiting Goals

The US Navy was one of three branches of the country’s armed forces to announce that they had failed to meet their recruiting target last year. In an attempt to remedy the situation the Navy […] The post US Navy Lowers Entry Requirements As It Struggles To Meet Recruiting Goals appeared first on The People's […]

FBI Now Recruiting, Entrapping Autistic Children Terror Patsies for National Security

The good folks over at the Department of Justice (Ministry of Love), are spending our hard-earned bucks forked over to the IRS at gunpoint to recruit and entrap autistic adolescents in manufactured terror plots in the name of national security. Source

Wagner Recruiting Video – less than 2 min

Note from source   Thanks Daniel: I got this video from an ex-army, current airline, pilot who picked it up in Uzbekistan. It is a Wagner Recruiting Video meant for American Veterans. Link: Mitchell H. Source: Link: Source

Leaked Documents Reveal US and Zelensky Recruiting ISIS Terrorists To Fight in Ukraine

Ukraine President Vololdymyr Zelensky is trying to recruit ISIS fighters from Iraqi and Syrian prisons to join the Ukraine Armed Forces and fight against Russia, according to leaked documents published in the Middle East. The […] The post Leaked Documents Reveal US and Zelensky Recruiting ISIS Terrorists To Fight in Ukraine appeared first on The […]

Report: Never-Trumpers Recruiting Glenn Youngkin for GOP Primary as DeSantis Sinks

Never-Trump Republicans are trying to lure Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) into the GOP presidential primary as there is growing concern over Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s (R) sinking poll numbers. Source

London Police Recruiting Illiterate Officers Who Can Barely Write English to Meet Diversity Quotas

The Metropolitan Police in London is recruiting officers who are illiterate, can barely write English, and may have a criminal record in order to meet diversity quotas, it has been revealed. Yes, really. A 2014 promise to have 40% of the force be represented by ethnic minorities by 2023 has fallen well short, with just […]

Right Wing Round-Up: Recruiting Incels

Kristen Doerer @ Mother Jones: Hate Leader Nick Fuentes Is Recruiting Incels. Tim Dickinson @ Rolling Stone: ‘Alex Jones Did Nothing Wrong’: Meet the Christian Nationalist Behind ‘Pastors For Trump’. Michael Daly @ The Daily Beast: MAGA Pastor’s Unholy Racket Is Driving Neighbors Nuts. Laura Jedeed @ The New Republic: My Week Inside a Right-Wing […]

CIA Caught Recruiting Russians To Spread Pro-Ukraine Propaganda

The CIA is looking to recruit Russians as potential spies who are “disgusted” with President Putin’s war against Ukraine, according to reports. The CIA’s deputy director of intelligence David Marlowe declared in a speech at George […] The post CIA Caught Recruiting Russians To Spread Pro-Ukraine Propaganda appeared first on News Punch. Source

Russia running out of Troops, now recruiting Prisoners, Tells them to go ‘Hunt Nazis in Ukraine’

Russia is recruiting prisoners to fight in Ukraine with the promise of almost £3,000 and their sentences being annulled if they come back alive after six months. Inmates are being actively recruited in St Petersburg jails, according to independent media outlet IStories. The convicts are told they will be put on the frontline to hunt […]

Supreme Court limits California Union Recruiting In Favor Of Property Rights

Above Photo: Ron Holman / Visalia Times-Delta. In a blow to labor, the U.S. Supreme Court invalidated a decades-old California rule inspired by César Chávez that allowed union organizers to meet with farmworkers at their place of work. Commercial growers applauded the conservative court’s ruling to uphold property rights while union representatives vowed not to […]

‘The beautiful face of Israel online’: Israel recruiting youths from Gaza border for hasbara videos

Download App© Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, and analysis from Israel and the Middle East © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

Pro-Trump Militias Are Recruiting Thousands of Veterans, Police and Soldiers

An Atlantic investigation reveals who they are and what they might do on Election Day. Stewart RhodesStory by Mike Giglio Editor’s Note: After this story was sent to press for the November issue of The Atlantic, President Donald Trump was asked in the September 29 debate whether he would “condemn white supremacists and militia groups and say […]

East Jerusalem Palestinian suspected of recruiting agents for Hezbollah, Iran

Download App© Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, and analysis from Israel and the Middle East © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

Wisconsin Militia Recruiting Citizens to Patrol Kenosha After 2nd Night of Riots

Prostaguard Limited Advanced Release 29.95 19.95 Powerful Blend of Antioxidants & Plant Based Nutrients. All Hand Selected! Support Your Body Naturally With ProstaGuard* Survival Shield X-2 Nascent Iodine Spray 29.95 14.95 It’s Finally Here: Introducing The First Ever Nascent Iodine Survival Shield X2 Spray. Ultimate Fish Oil 44.95 29.65 […]

Antifa Recruiting Mentally Ill Students To Commit & Incite Violence

Antifa, the anarchist group backed by George Soros has found a new recruiting angle. The extremist organization have decided to take full advantage of the widespread epidemic of mental illness as they seek to recruit and train the mentally ill in Texas to commit violent acts against conservatives. A Texas Antifa student group reportedly hosted […]

Putin: Pentagon Secretly Recruiting ISIS Terrorists To Fight Assad

Russian President Vladimir Putin claims the Pentagon are secretly recruiting ISIS terrorists to fight Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Putin made the bombshell statements at the end-of-year press conference in Moscow on Tuesday, blasting the U.S. for turning a blind eye to intelligence provided by the Kremlin about ISIS militants travelling to neighboring Iraq in the […]

Afghan official blasted for thanking Iran for recruiting Afghan fighters for Syria

nsnbc : Deputy Afghan Chief Executive Mohammad Mohaqiq has come under fire after a video transpired in which he, during a conference in Iran, […]

"For The Sake Of Allah": Swedish Radio Station Hijacked To Play ISIS Recruiting Song

Earlier this year, President Trump took a beating in the mainstream media for blasting Europe’s, and more specifically Sweden’s, disastrous immigration policies… Give the public a break – The FAKE NEWS media is trying to say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully. NOT! — Donald […]

Beware of "Redneck Revolt," a radical left-wing terrorist organization that’s recruiting starry eyed youth to wage war against the government

(Natural News) President Donald J. Trump has no shortage of political and media enemies in Washington, D.C., but he’s getting thousands more all across the country if one Left-wing domestic terrorist group has their way about it. “Redneck Revolt,” according to watchdog website Far Left Watch, is a budding communist/Marxist organization that teaches “urban guerrilla” […]

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