Posts Tagged ‘kenosha’

Wisconsin Crime Lab Destroys Rifle Used by Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha

Mark Richards, Kyle Rittenhouse’s lead attorney, left, and Kenosha Police Department Detective Ben Antaramian, center, look at the weapon Rittenhouse used during a riot in Kenosha in August 2020 at a trial at the Kenosha County Courthouse in Kenosha, Wis., on Nov. 9, 2021. (Sean Krajacic-Pool/Getty Images) The rifle Kyle Rittenhouse used to shoot three […]

Waukesha Christmas Massacre vs. Kenosha BLM Riots: A Tale of Two Propaganda Campaigns

Predictably, the corporate media’s narrative surrounding the recent racially-motivated Waukesha, WI Christmas parade slaughter by a career criminal gangsta rapper diverges wildly from the coverage it gave to the Kenosha, WI riot shootings. [embedded content] Last week, we debunked the corporate media’s brutal smear campaign of a (now-exonerated) teenager as a “white supremacist” vigilante who […]

Kenosha Begins Closing Schools as Protesters Flood City, Unrest Begins

Kenosha Begins Closing Schools as Protesters Flood City, Unrest Begins Date: November 19, 2021Author: Nwo Report    Source: Dillon BurroughsThe Kenosha Unified School District in Wisconsin has announced that five of its schools will switch to remote learning for the remainder of the week as a safety precaution ahead of potential violence over the verdict […]

Kenosha Quiet After Rittenhouse Verdict; Protest Planned for Sunday

After jurors declared Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty, Kenosha remained peaceful, but another wave of protests may be on the horizon. After the verdict, most of the protesters trickled away from the courthouse. The few that were left banged a drum and hoisted a banner for “Real Revolution.” “Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!” they shouted. “The whole [expletive] […]

US teenager acquitted of all charges in Kenosha shootings

US teenager Kyle Rittenhouse has been acquitted of all charges after pleading self-defence. He was on trial for killing two men and wounding a third with a rifle during the protests that erupted in Kenosha, Wisconsin in the summer of 2020 after a Black man, Jacob Blake, was shot by a white police officer. The […]

Rittenhouse not guilty in Kenosha fatal shootings

Rittenhouse cried, fell to the floor and then embraced one of his attorneys upon announcement of the jury’s verdict after more than three days of deliberations. Judge Bruce Schroeder, who himself garnered scrutiny during the trial at several points, thanked the jury at the conclusion of the verdict. President Joe Biden, at the time the […]

Kyle Rittenhouse Acquitted Of All Charges In 2020 Kenosha Shootings

Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted of all charges on Friday, after his trial for shooting three people, killing two of them in Kenosha last year. Rittenhouse broke down in tears, nearly collapsing as the verdict was announced. He had faced five counts, including charges of first-degree reckless homicide, first-degree reckless endangerment, first-degree intentional homicide, and attempted […]

WATCH: Multiple Arrests in Kenosha as BLM Protesters Clash with Kyle Rittenhouse Supporters

Police arrested multiple people in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Wednesday after Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters clashed with supporters of 18-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse. According to a viral video from Freedom News, the incident occurred near where Kyle Rittenhouse was being tried for the alleged murder of two men during riots in the city when tensions erupted […]

Buffalo Guy Wishing He Had Just Burned Down A Car Dealership In Kenosha Instead

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Jacob Chansley, also known as the “QAnon Shaman”, or “Buffalo Hat Guy”, has been sentenced to 41 months in prison. According to sources, he expressed his regret that he didn’t do something more peaceful, like burning down a car dealership in Kenosha.  “Dude, I dunno what I was thinkin’ man,” said Chansley as his […]

Kenosha Residents Paint Their Doorposts With ‘Black Lives Matter’ In Preparation For Verdict

Kenosha Residents Paint Their Doorposts With ‘Black Lives Matter’ In Preparation For Verdict KENOSHA, WI—In order to protect their lives and homes, Kenosha residents are painting “Black Lives Matter” over their doorposts just in case local Antifa communist rioters don’t like the Rittenhouse verdict and decide to burn the city down again.  “We hope this […]

WATCH: Kenosha Detective Admits Kyle Rittenhouse Only Shot People Chasing Him

Kenosha Police Department Detective Ben Antaramian, a prosecution witness, admitted under cross-examination Monday in Kenosha County Court that Kyle Rittenhouse only shot people who chased him through the streets during Black Lives Matter riots last Aug. 25. Rittenhouse, who was 17 at the time, is on trial for murder and related charges after shooting and […]

National Guard mobilised as Kenosha DA to decide whether to charge officers who shot Jacob Blake

The district attorney in Kenosha, Wisconsin is expected to announce a decision in the Jacob Blake police shooting case imminently, and the city is bracing for protests to follow.  Mike Graveley will decide whether or not to bring charges against the police officer who shot Mr Blake in the back, leaving him paralyzed.   The […]

Wisconsin Governor Deploys 500 National Guard in Kenosha for Jacob Blake Decision

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers has authorized the deployment of 500 National Guard members to help local law enforcement prevent violence in the city of Kenosha ahead of an anticipated court decision about the shooting of Jacob Blake Jr. last year. Blake, then 29, was shot several times by police in Kenosha after he resisted arrest […]

‘Red Sky at Night’: Massive Crowd for Trump in Kenosha, Wisconsin

Tens of thousands of supporters of President Donald Trump gathered under a red evening sky in Kenosha, Wisconsin, for the penultimate rally of the 2020 presidential campaign. With temperatures at 47º Fahrenheit, and the wind blowing steadily from the west, the weather was cold, with the wind chill at 41º. But that did not deter […]

PHOTOS: Kenosha, Wisconsin — Still Scarred by Black Lives Matter Riots, on Eve of Election

The city of Kenosha, Wisconsin, is still scarred by the riots that erupted in late August, after the police shooting of Jacob Blake Jr. triggered “Black Lives Matter” protests that turned violent. President Donald Trump is scheduled to speak there Monday evening in the next-to-last rally of his 2020 election campaign. Blake was shot Aug. […]

Watch Live: Donald Trump Hosts a Campaign Rally in Kenosha, Wisconsin

President Donald Trump on Monday will host a campaign rally in Kenosha, Wisconsin. The rally is scheduled for 8:00 p.m. EST. The president is barnstorming the country in the last days until the election, hitting critical swing-states important to his re-election. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, the president is delivering campaign speeches outdoors in locations […]

Rioter Who Fired First Shot Behind Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha Has Been Charged

The armed rioter who fired the first shots from behind Kyle Rittenhouse during the fatal incident in Kenosha has been charged, strengthening the case that Rittenhouse had reason to fear for his life and was acting in self defense when he shot and killed two rioters. Joshua Ziminski, 35, has been charged with disorderly conduct […]

Unrest In Kenosha Didn’t Come Out Of Thin Air

Unrest In Kenosha Didn’t Come Out Of Thin Air  We have known about the over-policing of Black and brown communities there for a long time, experts say. Story Transcript Eddie: A study in 2013 shows that Wisconsin incarcerated more black men than any other state in the United States in spite of the fact […]

Why the US left loses: they can’t support Kyle Rittenhouse & Kenosha’s Jacob Blake

September 14, 2020 By Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog There isn’t a news event this year which reveals the US left’s ability to continually aggravate the urban/rural divide more than the case of Kyle Rittenhouse. Their problem is that they cannot understand, or often merely just consider, that positive socio-political impulses may have been […]

Kenosha Embraces Martial Law Rather Than Arrest & Prosecute George Soros [Zionist] Who Funds This Violence; All of These Political Puppets Including Trump Are Owned by the ZIONIST Cabal

martial law[ˈˌmärSHəl ˈlô]NOUN military government, involving the suspension of ordinary law.”unlike the previous military interventions, the general did not declare martial law” What would happen if martial law was declared in America?First and foremost, declared martial law will almost certainly result in the suspension of rights. This means that the United States Constitution would be suspended, […]

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