Posts Tagged ‘prosecute’

Elon Musk Says “Prosecute/Fauci” After Health Official Makes Damning Admission

“Prosecute/Fauci” quote tweeted Elon Musk, owner and CTO of the 𝕏 platform on Friday. Musk’s comments were in response to a New York Post cover titled “SICK LIES: After Years of Falsehoods, health official ADMITS US funded dangerous virus research at China’s COVID Lab.” Here’s a summary of the New York Post article: • NIH […]

Attempt to Prosecute Former Danish Defence Minister and Spy Chief Collapses

Former defense minister Claus Hjort Frederiksen had alleged that Danish spies helped the NSA eavesdrop on European leaders. Source

RFK Jr. Says He Will Prosecute “Lying” Medical Journals That Are “Killing Americans”

Editor of The Lancet Says Journals Have Become “Information-Laundering Operations” #MedicalJournals RFK Jr. has launched a frontal assault on the medical journals which were looked to for authoritative information during COVID, of which the editor of The Lancet, the premier medical journal in the world, shockingly said in 2004: ” medical journals have become an important […]

Zeldin: DA Alvin Bragg Decision to Prosecute Marine Based on Race, Not Facts

During an appearance on FNC’s “Lawrence Jones Cross Country,” former Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) insisted Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s pursuit of charges against 24-year-old Marine veteran Daniel Penny was based on the race of Penny. Source

Feds prosecute Utah doctor who dumped out mRNA shots and worked with parents to free kids from vax mandates

Feds prosecute Utah doctor who dumped out mRNA shots and worked with parents to free kids from vax mandates At request of patients, Dr Michael Kirk Moore swapped the experimental gene therapy for saline, offered vax cards for mRNA-free patients Jordan Schachtel Jan 26 The Dossier is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and […]

Elon Musk Triggers Deep State Operative With ‘Prosecute Fauci’ Tweet

Amid his ongoing publishing of details of Twitter 1.0’s vast censorship program and intimate relationship with Biden government intelligence officials, Elon Musk further triggered leftists and one notorious deep state operative with a five word tweet. Source

Abbas ‘dares’ US to prosecute Shireen Abu Akleh killers

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of killing Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh and urged the US to prosecute her killers. Abbas announced before the United Nations (UN) General Assembly that Israel is killing the Palestinian people without accountability, as it did with Shireen Abu Akleh: “Who was killed by a sniper’s bullet intended to […]

Abbas ‘dares’ US to prosecute Shireen Abu Akleh killers

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of killing Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh and urged the US to prosecute her killers. Abbas announced before the United Nations (UN) General Assembly that Israel is killing the Palestinian people without accountability, as it did with Shireen Abu Akleh: “Who was killed by a sniper’s bullet intended to […]

Abbas ‘dares’ US to prosecute Shireen Abu Akleh killers

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of killing Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh and urged the US to prosecute her killers. Abbas announced before the United Nations (UN) General Assembly that Israel is killing the Palestinian people without accountability, as it did with Shireen Abu Akleh: “Who was killed by a sniper’s bullet intended to […]

Abbas ‘dares’ US to prosecute Shireen Abu Akleh killers

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of killing Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh and urged the US to prosecute her killers. Abbas announced before the United Nations (UN) General Assembly that Israel is killing the Palestinian people without accountability, as it did with Shireen Abu Akleh: “Who was killed by a sniper’s bullet intended to […]

Abbas ‘dares’ US to prosecute Shireen Abu Akleh killers

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of killing Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh and urged the US to prosecute her killers. Abbas announced before the United Nations (UN) General Assembly that Israel is killing the Palestinian people without accountability, as it did with Shireen Abu Akleh: “Who was killed by a sniper’s bullet intended to […]

Abbas ‘dares’ US to prosecute Shireen Abu Akleh killers

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of killing Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh and urged the US to prosecute her killers. Abbas announced before the United Nations (UN) General Assembly that Israel is killing the Palestinian people without accountability, as it did with Shireen Abu Akleh: “Who was killed by a sniper’s bullet intended to […]

Abbas ‘dares’ US to prosecute Shireen Abu Akleh killers

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of killing Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh and urged the US to prosecute her killers. Abbas announced before the United Nations (UN) General Assembly that Israel is killing the Palestinian people without accountability, as it did with Shireen Abu Akleh: “Who was killed by a sniper’s bullet intended to […]

Abbas ‘dares’ US to prosecute Shireen Abu Akleh killers

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of killing Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh and urged the US to prosecute her killers. Abbas announced before the United Nations (UN) General Assembly that Israel is killing the Palestinian people without accountability, as it did with Shireen Abu Akleh: “Who was killed by a sniper’s bullet intended to […]

Pollak: Prosecute Hunter Biden for Gun Violations Before Any New Laws

President Joe Biden used a prime time address Thursday to call for stronger gun control laws. He could demonstrate his own commitment by making sure existing laws are enforced — including against his son, Hunter Biden, for apparent violations.

Canada Votes to Give Itself Power to Prosecute Crime on the Moon

A Canadian space law amendment allowing for the prosecution of crimes committed on the Moon passed Canada’s House of Commons at the end of April, Euronews reported on Thursday.

McCaskill: ‘Prosecute’ Mark Meadows for Voter Fraud, ‘Put Him in Jail’

Former Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Deadline” that former President Donald Trump’s former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows should be prosecuted for voter fraud.

Prosecutor Sought Enbridge Funding To Prosecute Water Protectors

Above Photo: Water Protectors lock down to construction equipment at a Line 3 pipeline pumping station near the Itasca State Park in Minnesota as police in riot gear line up on June 7, 2021. Kerem Yucel / AFP / Getty Images. The Center for Protest Law & Litigation has obtained documents through our ongoing investigation […]

CN Rail Wins Right To Privately Prosecute Rail Blockade Participants

Above Photo: CN Railway tracks blockaded near New Hazelton, B.C in February 2020. Resource Works Video Screengrab. The group was arrested on Feb. 24, 2020. BREAKING: A private corporate prosecution targeting Indigenous activists is taking root in Canada — based on the same @Chevron model used to detain me in the U.S. for 2 years. […]

UNHRC Report Calls To Prosecute Anti-LGBT/Pro-Family Christian Groups

A newly released report from the United Nations Human Rights Council has adopted the left-wing narrative that normalized homosexuality and transgenderism. It also states that people who oppose this agenda are transgressing “international human rights law” and are guilty of “hate speech”. UNHRC REPORT In September,  Victor Madrigal-Borloz,  currently serving as the UN Independent Expert […]

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