Posts Tagged ‘blockade’

The land and sea blockade against Israel is working as Israel takes a strategic hit

Netanyahu’s plans to turn Israel into a regional transportation hub connecting Asia with Europe has just suffered a major setback. The reason is the maritime and land blockade against Israel in response to its genocide in Gaza. Source

Israeli lies about a ‘land bridge’ to the Gulf show the Yemeni blockade is working

Israel says it is circumventing Yemen’s Red Sea blockade with a “land bridge” connecting it to Saudi Arabia and the UAE via Jordan. This is simply a charade to hide that Yemen’s blockade is working. Source

Polish Farmers Set To Join European Revolt With Mass Blockade

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French farmers blockade Paris in heated protest

French farmers blockaded Paris on Monday, cutting off the capital city from outside connections with tractors and barricades, in a protest over agricultural reforms that the farmers say do no go far enough. Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, still in the first month of his job, attempted to temper the protesters with reforms last week, including… […]

The cruelty and futility of Israel’s starvation blockade on Gaza

Seeking victory by starving Palestinians of Gaza is not only a crime, it’s a blunder. Source

Israeli blockade in Gaza threatens to unleash cholera, other infectious disease OUTBREAKS

(NaturalNews) Now that there is no more water, fuel, electricity, food, or medicine flowing into Gaza – Israel cut them off after the October 7 Hamas attack –… Source

ANC on G77 Summit: Resounding win for Cuba to end blockade, sanctions

 September 15, 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen By Al Mayadeen English Explore in detail the remarks made by the Arab intellectuals of the Arab National Congress ahead of the G77+China Summit to be held in Havana, Cuba. The Arab National Congress (ANC) sees the G77+China Summit held in Cuba as a confirmation of the world’s transition […]

Pentagon warns Tuberville blockade could bring Senate to ‘complete shutdown’

A spokesperson for the Pentagon challenged Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) over his continued blockade on senior military promotions, saying that a solution around his protests would stop all work in the Senate. Tuberville has prevented more than 300 senior military promotions from being approved by the Senate for nearly six months due to a protest… […]

Taiwan’s Armed Forces Prepare to Break the PLA Blockade

Meanwhile, Taipei’s allies, led by the United States, develop plans to evacuate their citizens from the island Despite Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense’s “appeasement” statement on June 14 this year that the country’s leadership has no intention of integrating into the battlefield intelligence sharing mechanism used by the US and Japan to obtain a unified […]

Gaza’s shifting seafood culture under Israel’s blockade

It all starts on a Gaza beach at dawn. Fishermen end a full night’s work by displaying the fish they caught that night on the dock. Fish traders wait by Gaza’s seaport to advertise their freshly caught wares. A government employee, known as “al-Dallal,” organizes the process of exchange between fishermen, fishmongers, and potential customers. […]

How are sanctions, blockade affecting humanitarian effort in Syria?

7 Feb 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen Net By Sara Salloum  With thousands dead and thousands of others injured in Syria due to the earthquake, numerous international cargo companies refuse to land in Syria out of fear of US and EU sanctions. A massive earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 Richter ripped through Syria on early Monday, […]

A Chinese Blockade of Taiwan Will Trigger International Response, US Navy Says

The U.S. Navy’s frontline fleet commander warned that China’s military is capable of imposing a blockade around Taiwan, but doing so would trigger a concerted effort by the international community to intervene. Vice Adm. Karl Thomas, commander of the U.S. Seventh Fleet, said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal on Tuesday that China […]

The Gaza blockade didn’t begin in 2007

This year is supposed to mark 15 years since Israel imposed its devastating blockade on Gaza. It’s been 15 years of systematic collective punishment, with entire generations growing up in Gaza virtually isolated from the outside world, with no idea about what life was like before the siege.  We were most recently reminded of this […]

Milwaukee Cuba Caravan Highlights The Damage Caused By The Us Blockade And The Tragic Fire In Matanzas

Thirty Cuba solidarity activists heard updates, Sunday, August 28, on how the people of the island are adapting to the ongoing impacts of the US economic blockade and the recent fire at an oil depot in Matanzas, fifty miles from Havana.  Three members of the Party for Socialism and Liberation gave report backs from a recent […]

Trucker Rebellion: The Story of the Coutts Blockade

Trucker Rebellion: The Story of the Coutts Blockade A new documentary by Rebel News breaks down the Canadian freedom convoy’s defiance of the mandatory COVID vaccines, specifically the standoff with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police at the border crossing at Coutts, Alberta earlier this year.From the documentary’s description: You’ve heard of the Canadian ‘freedom truckers’ […]

Watch Live: ‘ShutDownDC’ Attempt Planned ‘Blockade’ of SCOTUS Ahead of Possible Abortion Ruling

“These unelected extremists are trying to steal our rights and roll us backwards on issue after issue – abortion, guns, environment, due process, &c [sic]. They are illegitimate & the people say no,” said the group in a tweet on Sunday.

Germany and France Call on Putin to Lift Grain Blockade, Engage in Peace Talks with Zelensky

French president Emmanuel Macron and German chancellor Olaf Scholz urged Russian president Vladimir Putin to lift the blockade on Ukrainian grain in order to mitigate the growing global food crisis.

UK Backs Plan to Escort Grain Ships Past Russia’s Naval Blockade of Ukraine

An international fleet of naval warships could break the Russian blockade of Ukraine which is preventing the export of huge amounts of food.

West Virginians lead blockade of coal plant that made Manchin rich

Organizers of the “Coal Baron Blockade” protest which targeted right-wing Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin’s coal empire Saturday afternoon reported that state police almost immediately began arresting campaigners who assembled in Grant Town, West Virginia. “Sen. Joe Manchin’s policies hurt poor people and hurt our environment so deeply that activists are ready to put themselves on […]

CN Rail Wins Right To Privately Prosecute Rail Blockade Participants

Above Photo: CN Railway tracks blockaded near New Hazelton, B.C in February 2020. Resource Works Video Screengrab. The group was arrested on Feb. 24, 2020. BREAKING: A private corporate prosecution targeting Indigenous activists is taking root in Canada — based on the same @Chevron model used to detain me in the U.S. for 2 years. […]

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