Posts Tagged ‘takes’

GOP takes aim at Palestine at Republican National Convention

Donald Trump’s closing speech to the Republican National Convention threatening Gaza ended a week of speeches featuring full-throated support for Israel, false allegations of campus antisemitism, and condemnations of pro-Palestine protests. Source

America’s TOP-SECRET $745 MILLION stealth nuclear bomber takes off in first publicly acknowledged test flight

(NaturalNews) Recently released images of America’s top-secret $745-million stealth nuclear bomber showed the aircraft taking to the air for its first publicly… Source

The land and sea blockade against Israel is working as Israel takes a strategic hit

Netanyahu’s plans to turn Israel into a regional transportation hub connecting Asia with Europe has just suffered a major setback. The reason is the maritime and land blockade against Israel in response to its genocide in Gaza. Source

VIDEO: Nicaragua takes on Germany over Gaza genocide- an interview with Carlos Argüello Gómez

Nicaraguan lawyer and diplomat Carlos Argüello Gómez speaks to The Grayzone about his case against the German government for its facilitation of Israel’s genocide in the besieged Gaza Strip, its potentially historic implications, and its similarities to the successful case he argued for the ICJ in 1986 which brought massive penalties against the United States […]

Largest protest in Israel against Netanyahu takes place April Fools Day, April 1, 2024

This news comes on Aprils Fools Day, 177 days after the war in Gaza began on October 7, 2023. Benjamin Netanyahu=177 *The Jesuit Order=177 *New World Order=177 Again, the war began 282 days after he retook office. *Benjamin Netanyahu=282 And as for today being 4/1, it goes with Israel being the Zionist nation. *Zionist=41 […]

Severe Crisis as Cannibal Gang takes over Haiti Government

The unrest in Port-au-Prince, Haiti’s capital, escalated over the weekend as heavily armed gangs targeted government buildings, including the National Palace, and set fire to parts of the Interior Ministry using petrol bombs. These attacks are part of a wave of violence that has seen gangs wreak havoc across the city, torching airports, police stations, […]

Tyson Foods Takes a Leap into the Bugsphere: A Delightful Dining Experience Awaits?

Tyson Foods, the connoisseurs of processed chicken delights, have shockingly announced a dalliance with Protix, a company that specializes in insect ingredients. It seems our beloved chicken overlords are spreading their wings into the world of bugs. Insect Invasion: A New Era for Food Labeling In a move that promises to revolutionize the processed food […]

The Axis of Asymmetry takes on the ‘rules-based order’

FEB 23, 2024 World War III is here, playing out asymmetrically in military, financial, and institutional battlefields, and the fight is an existential one. The western Hegemon, in truth, is at war against international law, and only ‘kinetic military action’ can bring it to heel. Pepe Escobar The Axis of Asymmetry is in full swing. […]

Belgium Takes A Step Toward Solving Its Jewish Problem By Banning Ritual Slaughter Of Animals

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) The top rights court in Europe has ruled that bans of ritual slaughter in parts of Belgium can stand, ending the hopes of Jewish supremacists who had claimed the bans were an unfair infringement on Jewish ritual killing: “Two of Belgium’s three regions banned slaughter without stunning in 2017 and 2018, saying […]

BETRAYAL and TREASON: SCOTUS takes away states’ rights to protect border as three former presidents fund flights to bring in more illegal aliens

(NaturalNews) Patriots could not help but feel betrayed at how President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice handled the dispute between the U.S. Customs and Border… Source

Texas takes control of park in Eagle Pass along the U.S.-Mexico border to halt endless flow of migrants

(NaturalNews) Texas has taken control of a public park in Eagle Pass due to its strategic location near the Rio Grande following a massive spike in illegal… Source

Congress Takes Step To Hold Hunter Biden In Contempt

By Zachary Stieber of Epoch Times Members of Congress on Jan. 10 approved a report and resolution that recommends holding President Joe Biden’s son in contempt. A U.S. House of Representatives panel voted approve the report and resolution, which says that Hunter Biden, 53, violated federal law by refusing to appear for a deposition behind […]

Gazans Begin the Journey Back after Truce Takes Effect (Videos)

 November 24, 2023 After enduring weeks of displacement due to the ongoing aggression, the people of Gaza finally have a glimmer of hope as they start to return to their homes. The four-day truce, which includes a complete ceasefire, went into effect this morning. Displaced Palestinians, who sought refuge in hospitals and schools during the […]

The Ole Wolf takes a leak!

‘The Ole Wolf takes a leak!’ The Ole wolf takes a leak with disdain,On the reputation of the merchants of death and pain, High he lifts his hind leg with a snarl on his muzzle,Of the evil of a people, and why allowed to exist, a puzzle, The sheep run after the illusion they see […]

Wind power takes billion dollar hit with stoppage of two projects

The impairments of the projects, Ocean Wind 1 and 2 located in New Jersey, will likely be as high as $5.58 billion. Source

Poll: Kennedy Takes Almost A Quarter Of Votes In 3-Way Matchup Against Biden And Trump

A new Quinnipac poll has found that in a hypothetical three way matchup between Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Joe Biden and Donald Trump the independent comes out with around a quarter of the votes. The findings, one year out from the election, reveal that Kennedy gets 22% support among registered voters, Biden gets 39% and […]

DeSantis: Biden ‘not doing what it takes to stand by Israel’

Presidential candidate Ron DeSantis denounced President Biden over his support for Israel, saying the president is “floundering” amid Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza. “He’s not doing what it takes to stand by Israel,” DeSantis said during a forum at Winthrop University in Rock Hill, South Carolina Thursday evening. Blake Burman, host of “The Hill… […]

Poll: Donald Trump Takes 9 Point Lead over Joe Biden in Pennsylvania

Former President Donald Trump holds a nearly double-digit lead over President Joe Biden in a hypothetical head-to-head presidential race in Pennsylvania, according to an Emerson College poll.  Source

WaPo/ABC Poll: Trump Takes Commanding 10-Point Lead over Biden

President Joe Biden is struggling to connect with Americans across a variety of critical issues as former President Donald Trump enjoys a commanding 10-point lead over his anticipated rival for the White House in 2024, polling released Sunday shows. Source

Irish TV’s ‘Mysterious Hole On A Beach’ Report Takes A Hilarious Turn

The story prompted what could be one of the funniest ever Community Notes on X, formerly Twitter. Source

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