Posts Tagged ‘point’

Vessels Used For Delivering Aid To Gaza Via U.S.-Built Pier Run Aground-Maybe West Point Needs Stop Teaching Chewing Rope/Kissing Ass & Teach engineering Again-Sure Haven’t Taught How To Be a Warrior Lately

West Point was originally a military academy which taught engineering to men who wanted to be Army officers. Along the line someone decided they should teach plebs how to be warriors. The problem is warriors are born, not made and all the book instruction on war can not turn a sheep into a wolf. Then […]

What’s the Point of the Administrative Class?

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL The administrative class – at all levels, in all organizations – portrays itself as indispensable. Nothing would get done without the smooth operation of the internal mechanics of a company, a government agency, any group you care to mention. Tasks must be performed, memos sent, regulations and procedures codified.  And plans […]

Rumblings point to impending San Andreas earthquake – is New Madrid next?

“The big one” is soon to come in the state of California as scientists warn that the infamous San Andreas fault line is waking up. Right on schedule after the second Great American Eclipse, the San Andreas, for which Hollywood movies have been made, is showing signs of an upcoming “tremor,” as Metro (United Kingdom) […]

Progressive coalition proposes 10-point agenda to counter fascism in 2024 election

Image Credit: Zach D. Roberts/NurPhoto via Getty Images) As the 2024 presidential election horizon draws near, a chorus of progressive voices has coalesced to confront what they perceive as an unprecedented threat to American democracy. Spearheaded by a coalition of national advocacy groups, including Our Revolution, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA), and the State Democratic […]

Outrage As West Point Drops ‘Duty, Honor, Country’ Motto From Mission Statement

The US Military Academy at West Point has been accused of ‘going woke’ after suddenly removing the iconic motto “Duty, Honor, Country” from its mission statement. The phrase will be replaced with the words, “Army […] The post Outrage As West Point Drops ‘Duty, Honor, Country’ Motto From Mission Statement appeared first on The People's […]


U.S. Military Academy Superintendent Lt. Gen. Steven Gilland announced a major change in West Point’s mission statement Tuesday with the removal of the academy’s motto, “Duty, Honor, Country.” In a West Point press release, Gilland revealed the academy’s new mission statement is, “To build, educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets to be commissioned […]

Prather Point: United Nations and the U.S. are funding NGOs to push INVASION USA – Brighteon.TV

(NaturalNews) The United Nations – with the help of the U.S. government – is pouring money into non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to drive the migrant… Source

Prather Point: United Nations and the U.S. are funding NGOs to push INVASION USA – Brighteon.TV

(NaturalNews) The United Nations – with the help of the U.S. government – is pouring money into non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to drive the migrant… Source

Prather Point: United Nations and the U.S. are funding NGOs to push INVASION USA – Brighteon.TV

(NaturalNews) The United Nations – with the help of the U.S. government – is pouring money into non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to drive the migrant… Source

Shocking Stats Point to Mass Drugging of Kids on Medicaid

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FEBRUARY 16TH, 2024 Source Ahmed AbdulKareem In the courtyard of Yemen’s famous Al Shaeb Mosque, guards of honor stood at attention accompanied by the melody of military music as the funeral ceremony of Yemeni marines killed in the latest round of U.S. and UK strikes commenced. The mourners, many of whom traveled from the countryside […]

A four-point Albany guide to the State of the City

With help from Shawn Ness State government’s biggest players weren’t physically present at New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ State of the City address in the South Bronx today. It was a session day in Albany after all — but they were clearly on the mayor’s mind. It was a largely positive speech that felt […]

Jan 21 – All Signs Point to Wider War

Please send links and comments to [email protected] Yemen’s Houthi Ansar Allah movement has announced plans to close all major waterways in the Middle East, including the Suez Canal and the straits of Hormuz and Bab al-Mandeb. This initiative, called the Al-Aqsa Triangle, will be implemented in the event of a large-scale attack on Yemen by […]

GOP candidates point to China when asked about threat of climate change

GOP presidential candidates former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis pointed to emissions from China and promised to eliminate the Biden administration’s environmental policies when asked about the threat of climate change at an Iowa debate Wednesday. Moderator Jake Tapper noted that 2023 was the warmest year ever recorded and that… […]

It Seems We Have Hit A Point Where A Wall Is In The Way Of “Kicking The Can” Much Further

By Peter Tchir of Academy Securities I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about “kicking the can.” Not because “kicking the can” has been effective, but because we seem to have hit the point where a wall is in the way, stopping us from “kicking the can” much further. This is more apparent on the […]

Right-Wing Spanish Politician Miraculously Survives Shot In Head From Point-Blank Range In Madrid

Authored by Thomas Brooke via Remix News, Alejo Vidal-Quadras was shot in the head by a gunman on a motorcycle who fled the scene and remains at large… A Spanish politician who helped found the right-wing populist Vox party was shot in the head in broad daylight on Thursday in an upmarket neighborhood in Madrid. […]

German newspaper Bild publishes 50-point migrant manifesto amid rise in social tensions fueled by mass immigration

Germany’s largest-selling tabloid newspaper Bild has published a 50-point migrant manifesto urging newcomers to respect the country’s values, democracy, and constitution. It described the publication as a “guiding principle for what holds our free society together” and claimed the text was aimed at everyone who lives or wishes to live in Germany, adding: “We do […]

The Best Home and Portable Projectors at Every Price Point

Movie theaters are the definition of entertainment nostalgia: the smell of sticky spilled soda, strange (often dated) curtained interiors, suspiciously yellow popcorn, Big Gulp-style slushies—the ambiance is a fever dream. Do we love it? Sure, but sometimes the screaming kids, seats with mysterious stains, and the man coughing next to us spoil the experience. We’re […]

Trump gains 9-POINT LEAD over Biden in Pennsylvania poll

(NaturalNews) Former President Donald Trump is enjoying a nine-point lead over incumbent President Joe Biden, according to the results of a recent poll.The… Source

Poll: Donald Trump Takes 9 Point Lead over Joe Biden in Pennsylvania

Former President Donald Trump holds a nearly double-digit lead over President Joe Biden in a hypothetical head-to-head presidential race in Pennsylvania, according to an Emerson College poll.  Source

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