Posts Tagged ‘delivering’

Vessels Used For Delivering Aid To Gaza Via U.S.-Built Pier Run Aground-Maybe West Point Needs Stop Teaching Chewing Rope/Kissing Ass & Teach engineering Again-Sure Haven’t Taught How To Be a Warrior Lately

West Point was originally a military academy which taught engineering to men who wanted to be Army officers. Along the line someone decided they should teach plebs how to be warriors. The problem is warriors are born, not made and all the book instruction on war can not turn a sheep into a wolf. Then […]

Pro-Palestine Protesters Delay US Military Ship They Say Is Delivering Weapons to Israel

It was still dark out on Monday morning when hundreds of pro-Palestine protesters blocked the entrance to Port of Tacoma, Washington, with the goal of thwarting a U.S. military cargo ship they said was planning to load and transport military aid, including weapons, to Israel. Protesters picketed the boat to try and prevent it from […]


Remember this 2017 post? .. consent? This is outrageous… EWRAUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND TO BE TEST SITES FOR GM INSECT TRIALS COURTESY OF DARPA! From responsibletechnology.orgOriginally posted by MSN on October 2nd, 2022 Scientists have managed to turn one of the deadliest insects into a vaccine delivery system. According to new reports from NPR, a […]

‘Brexit is delivering’ says Sunak as UK PM rejects ‘any alignment with EU laws’

The UK prime minister batted away calls from business leaders for looser immigration rules and closer EU ties to overcome labour shortages and trade barriers. Source

Goshen of Arabia: Delivering Egypt out of the Exodus

If the Exodus of the Israelites was a historical story, then surely it did not take place in ancient Egypt…

Goshen of Arabia: Delivering Egypt from the Exodus

“Often taken for granted and simply overlooked the land of Goshen will remain a flagrant inconsistency in the biblical narrative about the Exodus” By Dr. Ashraf Ezzat If the Exodus of the Israelites was a historical story, then surely it did not take place in ancient Egypt …   The Hebrew Bible is a book […]

China’s Belt & Road Already Delivering for Southeast Asia

The West’s propaganda campaign against China is attempting to convince the world that Beijing and its policies pose a global threat. China is accused of everything from presenting an outright military threat to its neighbors and the world, to sinisterly trapping nations in debt for infrastructure projects the West insists are unnecessary in the first […]

Santa Claus Sleighjacked While Delivering Toys In Philly

PHILADELPHIA, PA—The Philadelphia Police Department today confirmed Santa Claus was sleighjacked while trying to deliver toys to all the good little boys and girls in the city. “I parked to check Google Maps and suddenly there was this guy with a gun forcing me out of the sleigh,” a tearful Claus told police. “I didn’t […]

Hospital to stop delivering babies as maternity workers resign over vaccine mandate

Lewis County General Hospital will stop delivering babies after September 24 because too many maternity unit workers have resigned over COVID vaccination mandates. That’s according to Lewis County Health System Chief Executive Officer Gerald Cayer, who held a news conference Friday in Lowville. He said 6 employees in the maternity unit resigned rather than get […]

COVID-19 vaccine: Delivering the Pfizer jab and keeping it at -80℃ is not easy

With vaccine deliveries slowing down across Europe, every drop counts – and when supplies do arrive, time is of the essence. The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine needs to be stored at extremely low temperatures, and any glitch in the cold chain can ruin a batch. The vials arrive by plane from Belgium and then by courier to […]

Liberal NY Gov. Cuomo Cites Scripture in Delivering Remarks at Church About State Vaccination Efforts

NEW YORK — Liberal Gov. Andrew Cuomo cited two Scriptures on Sunday while delivering virtual remarks about state vaccination efforts from a Baptist church in New York City. “Happy New Year to all. 2020 is over and I say amen,” Cuomo, a Roman Catholic who supports abortion “rights” and same-sex “marriage,” said from Abyssinian Baptist Church. […]

All These Countries Played A Part In Delivering The Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 Vaccine

All eyes were on Coventry Hospital early on Tuesday morning as 90-year-old Margaret Keenan became the first patient in the world to be injected with Pfizer/BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine.  “If I can have it at 90 then you can have it too,” she told the crowd of reporters who had gathered to capture the very start […]

Gates Tied to “Antifa U-Haul” Seen Delivering Shields and Other Supplies to Rioters in Louisville, Kentucky. Audacious Project, which received hundreds of millions in funding from BillGates, the TED organisation (of the famous TED Talks), and others, has provided $100 million to the Bail Project in the last two years, and will continue to donate $50 million a year for the foreseeable future. 04024November 22, 2020 (National File) Roger Stone, the […]


Originally appeared at ZeroHedge Currently Iran already operates the S-300 anti-air defense system, but just ahead of the major UN weapons embargo set to expire this month, which the US contests, Russia has once again strongly suggested that it’s poised to transfer its more advanced S-400 system to Iran. The latest comments on the issue […]

After Seeing Extraterrestrials & A UFO, This Artist Is Delivering A Message From Space

Next Story Related CE Articles: It’s Official – We Now Know That UFOs or UAP Are Real – So Are They Extraterrestrial or Not? Pentagon UFO Footage After seeing a UFO or an extraterrestrial (ET), would you share your experience with others? Odds are that tons of people out there have had encounters with ETs, […]

On the eve of Trump delivering decision on Iran deal, Congress strategizes

The Washington Post | Karoun Demirjian and Carol Morello: Members of Congress who have squared off on the Iran nuclear deal since its inception strategized Wednesday in preparation for President Trump’s highly anticipated announcement on its fate. Leading House Republicans huddled with national security adviser H.R. McMaster Wednesday evening for a classified briefing on the administration’s plan […]

MH370 Investigator Shot Dead ‘Delivering New Evidence’

Zahid Raza Zahid Raza, Honorary Consul of Malaysia, has been shot dead in Madagascar whilst delivering “damning” new evidence discovered during his investigation into missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370. MH370 disappeared on March 8, 2014, carrying 239 people, on a flight to Beijing and Mr. Raza was leading an official investigation into its mysterious disappearance on […]

California Bans Drones from Delivering Marijuana

California Bans Drones from Delivering Marijuana September 11th, 2017 Via: The Verge: Drones delivering hamburgers, beer, and Amazon products might be right around the corner, but don’t get your hopes up if you want your weed sent to you via robot. That’s because California’s […]

Amazon drones to scan your house while they’re delivering?

 Technically Incorrect offers a slightly twisted take on the tech that’s taken over our lives. Just what will it be doing when it’s hovering above your house? Amazon Preparing for the future means preparing for every part of your life to be exposed to the world. How far, though, might it […]

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