Posts Tagged ‘insider’

WEF Insider: Klaus Schwab Facing Death Penalty for ‘Crimes Against Humanity’

Leading globalists are set to be sacrificed on the altar of public outrage for their roles in the Covid plandemic, according to an International Criminal Court insider who revealed that preparations are underway for Crimes […] The post WEF Insider: Klaus Schwab Facing Death Penalty for ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Royal Insider: Kate Middleton Was Murdered in ‘Illuminati Blood Sacrifice’

Kate Middleton Newensign: One has to remember the enemy hates Royalty as they are not so easy to subvert as politicians are. While there is no doubt that down the centuries the House of Rothschild and other Edomites have been infiltrating European Royal Houses, but there is still a remnant of true Judah (that is […]

A Globalist Insider Calls for the Arrest of Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab for Crimes Against Humanity (VIDEO)

A Globalist Insider Calls for the Arrest of Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab for Crimes Against Humanity (VIDEO) Source

Looming Ozempic Nightmare With Former Pharma Insider Calley Means

Americans are fatter and sicker than ever, with obesity rates and chronic illness at an all-time high. In response, there’s a controversial recommendation advocating for widespread use of Ozempic for individuals struggling with obesity, including children. Former Pharma insider Calley Means says that’s a disastrous idea. He joins Maria Zeee on Media Blackout to shed […]

Ex-Pharma Insider Warns of Looming Government-Funded ‘Medical Disaster’

More American tax dollars are destined to be spent on a “medical disaster.” Enter Ozempic, a diabetes and weight loss drug that is “going to be the highest-funded drug by the US taxpayer in history.” Ozempic has some severe problems, according to ex-pharma insider Calley Means: 1. Gastrointestinal issues and stomach paralysis: • “The drug […]

Former Pharma Insider Unveils Big Pharma’s ‘Open Secret’

If you’ve ever wondered why the American news media appears to shy away from delivering impactful critiques of the pharmaceutical industry, your curiosity has now been answered. It may or may not come as a surprise, but TV pharmaceutical ads are illegal in every country besides the United States and New Zealand. One of the […]

Feb 1 – Insider Confesses Biden Has Dementia

Insider confesses Biden has dementia Blow up the world. Blame him. How convenient. Charlie Kruger, a top White House Cyber Official tells O’Keefe in Disguise “they can’t say it publicly” the White House wants to replace Kamala Harris and Confirms President @JoeBiden mental decline: “Biden is definitely slowing down.”     “I’m just telling you […]

Pentagon Insider Admits Most UFO Sightings Are Secret Military Crafts

A senior Pentagon official has admitted that most UFO sightings in America are of top-secret military crafts that are being kept hidden from the public. “There [are] a lot of observations of real, advanced US […] The post Pentagon Insider Admits Most UFO Sightings Are Secret Military Crafts appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

‘Turbo-AIDS’ Set To Kill BILLIONS After ‘Disease X’ Rollout, Gates Insider Warns

The global elite are using the World Economic Forum in Davos to boast about a range of new vaccines that they claim will allow them to change the world. The timing could not be more […] The post ‘Turbo-AIDS’ Set To Kill BILLIONS After ‘Disease X’ Rollout, Gates Insider Warns appeared first on The People's […]

FBI Insider Ray Epps – Who Told People To Storm Capitol on J6 – Avoids Jail Sentence

J6 provocateur and undercover FBI informant Ray Epps was fined and sentenced Tuesday to probation and community service, avoiding any jail time despite being caught on video explicitly ordering protesters to storm the US Capitol. […] The post FBI Insider Ray Epps – Who Told People To Storm Capitol on J6 – Avoids Jail Sentence […]

They are coming for your car: An insurance insider speaks out

Not surprising in light of all we now know…If you’re short of time go to .58 Video Info: THIS IS ALL PART OF THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AGENDA THAT IS WORLD WIDE!! There are no property rights under Agenda 21/2030.Property Rights are incompatible with the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.America is the only place where […]

Satanist Insider — Embrace Depravity!

“Their structure will be hierarchic, with the Satanic caste at the top and outright slavery at the bottom, and the crushing out of liberty would exceed anything the world has yet seen.  “Within each state the necessary psychological atmosphere will be maintained by a complete severance from the outside world, and by a continuous phoney […]

Modern Insider Trading Fully Exposed

MUST SEE: Industry Insider Spills the joo beans.  How the banksters corrupt every government agency in order to profit from fleecing the people.  Anyone who has been victimized by an economic crash needs to understand how it happened and who did it.  How banksters rule the world. The Great Taking – Documentary – YouTube Please […]

Zelensky Insider Blows Whistle on Massive Elite Pedophile Ring in Ukraine


Gates Foundation Insider Boasts BILLIONS Will Die In 2024 Plandemic

Three years ago, Bill Gates openly bragged that a future pandemic would wipe billions of people off the face of the earth. Speaking with his trademark smirk, Gates could not have been clearer about his plans for the future. Now, according to a Gates Foundation insider, plans for the promised pandemic are underway and the […]

11 Of The Most Faked Foods In The World | Big Business | Insider Business

Hate to break it to you, but your truffle oil wasn’t made from truffles. Your vanilla extract? Well, that’s probably just a lab-made derivative of crude oil. And your shaker of Parmesan cheese? It probably has wood pulp inside. You might feel the companies behind these food products are using deceptive packaging — but it’s legal. […]

Insider Admits Israel Attack Was ‘False Flag’ To Start ‘Holy War’ and Usher In ‘One World Government’

The Hamas attack on Israel was an “inside job” by the globalist elite working in tandem with the Biden administration and the Israeli government as part of the great masterplan for World War 3 – […] The post Insider Admits Israel Attack Was ‘False Flag’ To Start ‘Holy War’ and Usher In ‘One World Government’ […]

Satanist Insider – “Kiss Your Ass Good Bye”

“Miss Keeler and I were on friendly terms. There was no impropriety whatsoever in my acquaintanceship with Miss Keeler.”   –John Profumo, The Secretary of State for War   Friday 22nd of March 1963   “Look at yourself in a mirror. Take your time. When you’re settled and at peace, try telling yourself that you and yours deserve […]

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