Posts Tagged ‘faked’

Actor George Takei: ‘Assassination Was Faked To Rig Election for Trump’

Hollywood actor George Takei claims that the Trump assassination attempt was faked by the Trump campaign in a “desperate effort to win the election.” Posting on the X, the Star Trek star argued that if Trump had […] The post Actor George Takei: ‘Assassination Was Faked To Rig Election for Trump’ appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

“This Was NOT Faked” – Mike Adams Delivers Gripping Forensic Assessment on Trump Assassination Attempt

#10 – Trump Responds After Assassination Attempt; Shooter Dead; Secret Service Reportedly Ignored Warnings Plus, Mike Adams delivers a gripping forensic assessment. “This was NOT faked.” (Watch) #9 – Disturbing Government Data Suggests COVID-Vaccinated Kids are 45 TIMES More Likely to Die Than Unvaccinated Children #8 – Anderson Cooper Dies Inside as Glorious Trump Quote […]


In this interview: The satanic new world order’s biggest lies are all being revealed, one by one. From NASA’s faked moon missions, to Pizzagate and deep state secret technologies – the darkness is being brought to light. Dustin Nemos joins me to discuss. Source: SGT Report In Case You Missed It: Albrecht vs. Nemos DEBATE: […]

11 Of The Most Faked Foods In The World | Big Business | Insider Business

Hate to break it to you, but your truffle oil wasn’t made from truffles. Your vanilla extract? Well, that’s probably just a lab-made derivative of crude oil. And your shaker of Parmesan cheese? It probably has wood pulp inside. You might feel the companies behind these food products are using deceptive packaging — but it’s legal. […]

FAKED: Thousands of jet engine parts with falsified safety certificates installed in commercial aircraft

(NaturalNews) Top airlines in the United States are reportedly searching for thousands more engine parts that were backed by falsified safety certificates. These… Source

Medicine is plagued by untrustworthy clinical trials. How many studies are faked or flawed?

18 July 2023 – Medicine is plagued by untrustworthy clinical trials. How many studies are faked or flawed? Investigations suggest that, in some fields, at least one-quarter of clinical trials might be problematic or even entirely made up, warn some researchers. They urge stronger scrutiny. Richard Van Noorden How many clinical-trial studies in medical […]

30 Shekel Whores Trying Hard To Convince Americans The Faked Scamdemic Was Real- Natural Immunity As Good As Or Better Than COVID-19 Vaccination: Study

Natural Immunity to What??? There is no “COVID-19” The mRNA KILLER JABS are not a vaccine. In order to have a vaccine it must contain the dead bodies or bones of the “virus” being vaccinated for. In order to have the “virus” bodies, one must Scientifically Identified a virus by Isolating it from and infected […]

Italian Tennis Star Camila Giorgi Faked Vaxx-Certificate to Keep Playing — Her Whole Family Is Pureblood

Italian Tennis Star Camila Giorgi Faked Vaxx-Certificate to Keep Playing — Her Whole Family Is Pureblood Date: January 9, 2023Author: Nwo Report  Posted BY: J.D. Rucker Hundreds of millions of people have been forced to make tough choices thanks to the various Covid-19 “vaccine” mandates. They can get dangerous jabs. They can choose not to […]

BIDEN BOOSTER FAKED retractable needle remains stuck in syringe tip.

» ‘Time traveler’ warns of an impending alien invasion! Can’t come soon enough! LOL Yesterday at 10:43 am by PurpleSkyz » Hospitals’ Incentive Payments for COVID-19 are About $100K per COVID PatientYesterday at 10:38 am by PurpleSkyz »  8 Casualties in Fully-Vaccinated Connecticut Nursing HomeYesterday at 10:35 am by PurpleSkyz » Understanding Live Vaccines and Vaccine Shedding Yesterday at 10:26 am […]

Trump Vindicated: FBI Arrest Democrat Stooge Who Faked Trump-Russia Dossier

The FBI arrested Igor Danchenko on Thursday – a top Democrat-aligned researcher behind the bogus Trump-Russia dossier. Danchenko is a researcher behind most of the lies in the infamous Steele dossier – the same dossier Hillary Clinton and the Obama regime relied upon in their attempts to destroy Trump. reports: Danchenko was taken into […]

Survey: 34% of White College Applicants Faked Minority Status

A new study shows that the college craze over diversity has inspired more than a fair share of white applicants to lie about their ethnic identity when applying. “Some college applicants are misrepresenting their race in an effort to use their desired school’s diversity efforts to gain admission, or obtain more financial aid,” reported Intelligent. […]

PROOF the Gov’t Faked COVID-19 Death Statistics: Lisbon Court Rules Only 0.9% of ‘Verified Cases’ Died of COVID, Numbering 152, Not 17,000 as Claimed

As per a ruling by the Lisbon court, only 0.9% of ‘verified cases’ died of COVID, numbering 152, and not 17,000 as claimed by the government. The ruling has proved that the government faked COVID-19 death statistics. Following a citizen’s petition, a Lisbon court was forced to provide verified COVID-19 mortality data. According to the […]

JFK death faked

JFK death faked

Diana Faked Her Death

  Diana Faked Her Death by Miles Mathis First published December13,2019 As usual,this is just my opinion,based on internet research anyone could do. I have been looking for a way into this one for years, but could never find an easy path—though I didn’t look very hard. I had read the basic Wikipedia story […]

Black student who faked ‘white supremacist’ graffiti on campus suspended from Albion College

    A black student at Albion College has been temporarily suspended for writing racist and anti-Semitic graffiti on a dormitory wall. After the culprit admitted his responsibility for the hoax, the school said “we’ll heal together.” Campus authorities at Missouri’s Albion College have discovered that a 21-year-old black student was responsible for the racist […]

Israel Vaccine shots faked

Israel Vaccine shots faked In Israel, they fake their vaccine shots.. check how far off the needle is from the arm. click below link to watch the video. Israel Vaccine shots faked  

Leftists Claim Trump Faked His Coronavirus Infection

After it was announced that President Trump had contracted coronavirus, numerous leftists took to Twitter to vehemently argue that Trump had staged the infection in order to help his re-election chances. The consensus opinion appears to be that Trump being diagnosed with COVID-19 will harm his campaign because it will stop him traveling for 2 […]

Jessica Krug, who faked an Afro-Latina identity, won’t teach this fall at George Washington University

Jessica Krug, who faked an Afro-Latina identity, won’t teach this fall at George Washington University – Jewish Telegraphic Agency Skip to content Advertisement Advertisement

Jessica Krug, the professor who faked an Afro-Latina identity, went to Jewish day school in Kansas City

Jessica Krug, the professor who faked an Afro-Latina identity, went to Jewish day school in Kansas City – Jewish Telegraphic Agency Skip to content Advertisement Advertisement

Wisconsin: Obese Negress Mayoral Candidate Faked Kidnapping & Beating to ‘Get Sympathy & Votes’

This is the female version of Jussie Smollett. WISTV: A woman running for mayor in Sumter now faces criminal charges after police say she staged her own kidnapping and beating to get “publicity, sympathy and votes in the November election.” Sabrina Belcher, 29, carried out the stunt on Facebook live, police say, with help from […]

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