Posts Tagged ‘assessment’

“This Was NOT Faked” – Mike Adams Delivers Gripping Forensic Assessment on Trump Assassination Attempt

#10 – Trump Responds After Assassination Attempt; Shooter Dead; Secret Service Reportedly Ignored Warnings Plus, Mike Adams delivers a gripping forensic assessment. “This was NOT faked.” (Watch) #9 – Disturbing Government Data Suggests COVID-Vaccinated Kids are 45 TIMES More Likely to Die Than Unvaccinated Children #8 – Anderson Cooper Dies Inside as Glorious Trump Quote […]

Putin – a deeper assessment

We should ask ourselves why Putin’s Russia began military intervention on February 24, 2022, and not in 2014, when the Ukrainian army was extremely vulnerable. I see two reasons. The mediocrity and cowardice of the Russian leaders and the major influence of the ”fifth column” on the decision-making process. Also, how should we interpret the […]

White House releases National Climate Assessment

Image Credit: Grist/Getty Images The National Climate Assessment, a compilation of scientific knowledge and predictions of climate change impacts on American life was released by the Biden administration last week. The report, which is reviewed by hundreds of scientific experts, is the fifth of its kind. The report concluded that climate change will impact almost […]

Omkoi People File Lawsuit To Revoke Environmental Impact Assessment

Chiang Mai, Thailand – Fifty representatives of the residents of Omkoi filed a lawsuit at the Chiang Mai Administrative Court against the Expert Committee on EIA Consideration in the mining and extracting industry as the first defendant, and the Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning as the second defendant. The lawsuit aims […]

Relentless diplomacy? An early assessment of the Biden foreign policy

When Joe Biden was elected president last November there was great hope around the world that it meant that America’s foreign policy would be less erratic than it was under his predecessor. There were some positive signs early on, as the new administration recommitted to two Obama era agreements that the Trump administration pulled out […]

ISIS terrorist threats jeopardize Afghanistan evacuation, Pentagon assessment warns

The window for the evacuation is narrowing due to the new threats, the assessment indicates, a potential motivation for the military to wrap up its operation by the end of the week, one of the sources said. Defense Department officials told congressional staffers on Tuesday that they are trying to mitigate the threats as best […]

French drug assessment center demands removal of all four widely used COVID vaccines

According to the CTIAP, all of the vaccines were put on the market and actively used on human beings before ‘proof of quality for the active substance and the finished product’ was produced. By Jeanne Smits, Paris correspondent April 22, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — A regional independent drug assessment center, the CTIAP (Centre territorial d’Information indépendante […]

French drug assessment center says all four Covid-19 vaccines are dangerous, should be pulled off the market / Ethan Huff (Natural News) The Centre territorial d’Information indépendante et d’Avis pharmaceutiques (CTIAP), a regional independent drug assessment center in France, has published a report showing that none of the four Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccinations” currently being administered are safe or effective because all of them received emergency use authorization (EUA) with insufficient […]

Dr Judy’s assessment of the mRNA jab. With Dr Joseph Mercola. Don’t get it.

Dr Judy’s assessment of the mRNA jab. With Dr Joseph Mercola. Don’t get it. Tap News / Tapestry It’s not a vaccine. It’s going to cause disability on a massive scale – as well as deaths. People with pre-existing auto-immune conditions should not have the vaccine – arthritis and so on. It’s an important […]

Israel Says Iran Behind Blast On Israeli-Owned Ship In ‘Initial Assessment’

(ZH) Israel is blaming Iran for the Thursday incident in the Gulf of Oman wherein a cargo vessel owned by an Israeli businessman was hit by a ‘mystery’ explosion, forcing it to divert to the nearest port after sustaining severe damage. Defense Minister Benny Gantz has announced as part of an “initial assessment” that Tel Aviv […]

Israeli-Owned Ship in Dubai for Assessment After Explosion

An Israeli-owned ship hit by an explosion in the strategic Gulf of Oman waterway is seen after arrival at a port in Dubai, United Arab Emirates February 28, 2021. Photo: REUTERS/Abdel Hadi Ramahi. An Israeli-owned ship hit by an explosion in the Gulf of Oman strategic waterway has arrived at a port in Dubai, where […]

Israel Says Initial Assessment Is Iran Behind Explosion on Israeli-Owned Ship

Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz attends a cabinet meeting of the new government at the Chagall Hall in the Knesset, the Israeli Parliament in Jerusalem May 24, 2020. Photo: Abir Sultan/Pool via REUTERS Israeli defense minister Benny Gantz said on Saturday his “initial assessment” was that Iran was responsible for an explosion on an Israeli-owned […]

Annual IDF Intelligence Assessment Says Iran Two Years From a Nuclear Weapon, Hezbollah Still Wants Revenge

A view of the Natanz uranium enrichment facility 250 km (155 miles) south of the Iranian capital Tehran, March 30, 2005. Photo: REUTERS/Raheb Homavandi The IDF’s annual intelligence assessment states that Iran is two years away from a possible nuclear weapon and Hezbollah is still out for revenge against Israel, Israeli news site N12 reported […]

Biden’s Foreign Policy: A Preliminary Assessment

US President Joe Biden delivers a pre-Thanksgiving speech at his transition headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware, Nov. 25, 2020. Photo: Reuters / Joshua Roberts. – It is customary to give new US administrations a grace period before assessing their policies, but no administration in modern history has changed so much so fast. Literally dozens of […]

Oregon Measure to Decriminalize Drugs Goes Into Effect, Offering Assessment Instead of Prison

Photo Credit: Reb Center Moscow SALEM, Ore. (Fox News) — Oregon’s controversial Measure 110 went into effect Monday, decriminalizing possession of hard drugs such as cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine and oxycodone, according to reports. The measure reclassifies possession of small amounts of hard drugs as a civil violation: Offenders will face a $100 fine, which they […]

“Great Reset” Mastermind Suggests Risk Assessment “Brain Scans” Before Allowing Travel

“Great Reset” mastermind Klaus Schwab suggests a number of draconian measures for controlling the population under the umbrella of the ‘4th Industrial Revolution’, including risk-assessment brain scans to cross borders and implantable chips to read people’s thoughts. World Economic Forum founder Schwab has repeatedly emphasized how technocrats need to take advantage of the coronavirus pandemic […]

Homeland Security Assessment Warns Of Violent Unrest

Above photo: A right-wing protester armed with an AR-15 style rifle looks at Black Lives Matter counter-protesters who are across the street in front of the Oregon State Capitol in Salem, Ore, Sept. 7, 2020. Andrew Selsky | AP. Witch’s Brew. A new threat assessment by the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness […]

Cascading fallacies in climate risk assessment

Iowa Climate Science Education Reposted from CFACT By David Wojick |August 10th, 2020| As a logician, I am always on the lookout for fallacies and there is no lack of them in climate change alarmist policies. New Zealand’s newly released climate risk assessment not only has multiple fallacies, they build on one another in a cascade. North […]

EPA to Ignore 68 Million Pounds of Chemical Emissions in Limited Risk Assessment

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will limit the criteria it uses to determine the health risks of 10 dangerous chemicals including asbestos, The New York Times reported Thursday. A 2016 amendment to the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 required the EPA to evaluate hundreds of hazardous chemicals to decide if they should face […]

Author of the IPPC’s Third Assessment Report (Chapter 7) Shares His Thoughts On Global Warming

Next Story Physical Climate Processes and Feedbacks,” Chapter 7 of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Third Assessment Report on climate change. We have reached a dangerous state of scientific tyranny. People are ridiculed and even vilified for questioning the prevailing narratives about the nature of our world, but this counters the true meaning of science. At […]

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