Posts Tagged ‘scans’

EU visitors will soon be subject to facial scans and fingerprinting under new initiative

(NaturalNews) Anyone traveling to Europe will soon have to deal with fingerprinting and facial scans, under the European Union’s (EU) two new border management… Source

Scans Reveal Magic Amulets Inside Egyptian Golden Boy Mummy

CT scans conducted during a recent study of the “Golden Boy” mummy, which was discovered in 1916 in southern Egypt, has revealed a hidden collection of 49 magical amulets, including many forged in gold. It is believed the amulets were “strategically” placed on the mummy’s body to “vitalize the dead body.” The ancient Egyptians believed […]

Brain scans suggest the pandemic prematurely aged teens’ brains

A small study finds rapid brain maturation in pandemic kids Changes wrought by the pandemic during the last few years may have affected the development of adolescent brains.JUSTIN PAGET/DIGITAL VISION/GETTY By Freda Kreier JANUARY 3, 2023 AT 7:00 AM Living through the COVID-19 pandemic may have matured teens’ brains beyond their years. From online schooling and […]

Astonishing Scale of Ancient Maya Metropolis Revealed by Laser Scans

Using a scanning and imaging technology with broad applications in the archaeological field, an international team of researchers discovered fresh and eye-opening details about a famous Maya metropolis in southern Mexico. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Ancient Places Americas Read Later  Source

“Secret” Scans of Elgin Marbles Could Feed into Demands for Their Return

Researchers from the Oxford-based Institute of Digital Archaeology (IDA) have “secretly” made 3D scans of the controversial Elgin Marbles inside the British Museum. The idea is to create “perfect” replicas chiseled by a robot sculptor, which could then force the hand of the British government to return the original Elgin Marbles to Greece. The Museum […]

High-Tech Scans Prove Austria’s Venus of Willendorf Originated in Italy

During an archaeological dig near the village of Willendorf in Lower (Eastern) Austria in 1908, a laborer dug up a small statue that proved to be one of the most important pieces of prehistoric art ever found in Europe. This 4.5-inch (11-centimeter) carved human figurine was eventually labeled the Venus or Woman of Willendorf, in […]

Archaeologists Claim 3D Scans Show Formation Matching ‘Biblical’ Description of Noah’s Ark in Eastern Turkey

(Christian Post) — Biblical archaeologists say they have discovered a boat-like formation matching the biblical description of Noah’s Ark as they used a ground-penetrating radar at a rocky spot in eastern Turkey that some speculated to be the location of the original vessel. Archaeologists associated with a project named Noah’s Ark Scans say they have discovered a […]

CT Scans Reveal Ceremonial Execution of Pharaoh ‘Seqenenre the Brave’

A professor of radiology from Cairo University has uncovered new and fascinating details about the death of the famed Egyptian Pharaoh Seqenenre-Taa-II (or Seqenenre the Brave), who ruled the southern region of a divided Egypt in the 16th century BC. Using an innovative technique known as paleoradiology, Dr. Sahar Saleem deployed computer tomography (CT) technology to […]

“Great Reset” Mastermind Suggests Risk Assessment “Brain Scans” Before Allowing Travel

“Great Reset” mastermind Klaus Schwab suggests a number of draconian measures for controlling the population under the umbrella of the ‘4th Industrial Revolution’, including risk-assessment brain scans to cross borders and implantable chips to read people’s thoughts. World Economic Forum founder Schwab has repeatedly emphasized how technocrats need to take advantage of the coronavirus pandemic […]

Robocop Is Here — New Police Helmet Scans For Signs of COVID-19 and Uses Facial Recognition

By Jack Burns It took 33 years but Robocop is now here. Well, not exactly, but the rise of the police state fueled by advancements in technology has given birth to a heads-up display equipped helmet sure to please the most anxious of peace officers. It’s called a “Smart Helmet” and it can screen airport […]

Robocop Is Here — New Police Helmet Scans For Signs of COVID-19 and Uses Facial Recognition

By Jack Burns It took 33 years but Robocop is now here. Well, not exactly, but the rise of the police state fueled by advancements in technology has given birth to a heads-up display equipped helmet sure to please the most anxious of peace officers. It’s called a “Smart Helmet” and it can screen airport […]

Robocop Is Here — New Police Helmet Scans For Signs of COVID-19 and Uses Facial Recognition

By Jack Burns It took 33 years but Robocop is now here. Well, not exactly, but the rise of the police state fueled by advancements in technology has given birth to a heads-up display equipped helmet sure to please the most anxious of peace officers. It’s called a “Smart Helmet” and it can screen airport […]

Robocop Is Here — New Police Helmet Scans For Signs of COVID-19 and Uses Facial Recognition

By Jack Burns It took 33 years but Robocop is now here. Well, not exactly, but the rise of the police state fueled by advancements in technology has given birth to a heads-up display equipped helmet sure to please the most anxious of peace officers. It’s called a “Smart Helmet” and it can screen airport […]

Scans Reveal Cruelty Behind Ancient Egyptian Animal Mummies

Ancient Egypt is famous for its mummies of pharaohs, however, the ancient Egyptians mummified animals as well as people. New non-invasive technology has been used to digitally unwrap three animal mummies in Britain. This has provided new insights into the dark secrets of the ancient Egyptian practice of animal mummification. The three animal mummies that […]

Listen: Israel scans troll websites to decide who can enter

Nora Barrows-Friedman The Electronic Intifada Podcast 3 May 2018 On this episode of The Electronic Intifada Podcast: Israel denies entry to the executive director and board chair of the Center for Constitutional Rights, using false information from Zionist blacklisting websites; author Sunaina Maira explains why the academic boycott is growing in popularity across US universities […]

Google Chrome Browser Scans All The Files On Your Computer

Google has come under fire for many questionable actions as of late — and the startling revelation that their widely used web browser, Google Chrome, is scanning personal computers around the world is nothing short of infuriating for its users. Big Brother is here — and countless numbers of people have invited this authoritarian presence […]

Mandatory Eye Scans & Finger Prints Required To Buy Food & Use Basic Services In India

India has the world’s largest domestic biometric identification system. Big brother in India now requires all of  its 1.3 billion residents to have their fingerprints, eyes and faces scanned in order to access public services like schools, grocery stores, welfare benefits and banks The Indian government has made registration mandatory for hundreds of public services […]

Fingerprints, Eye Scans Now Required To Buy Food In India, As Banks Cut Off Cryptocurrencies

By John Vibes There was a string of interesting financial reports from India this week that appear to be unrelated at first glance, but upon further inspection, they all seem to be working towards a common goal—an intrusive big brother surveillance state that tracks every single financial transaction for every single resident. According to the New York […]

Eye Scans & Finger Prints Now Mandatory To Buy Food & Basic Services In India

Next Story A new move out of India requires all citizens to have their fingers printed, and their eyes scanned in order to use public services like schools, grocery stores, the bank, or anything that fits in that same category. Things are getting quite hectic on planet Earth these days. It seems that any action […]

Facebook Scans Your Photos And Links You Send In Its Messenger App

By Aaron Kesel Recently embroiled in scandal Facebook is facing blowback from allowing its users’ data to be shared with political consultation firm Cambridge Analytica. Shockingly, Facebook has now admitted that it scans its users’ photos and links posted on the social media giant and will review text you send if something is […]

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