Posts Tagged ‘policy’

THE ‘Privacy Policy’ that exposes Google’s corrupt business dealings

Google, contrary to their earlier motto is ‘evil’, but is that against the law? Google is a corrupt global behemoth, period. Google is the epitome of corporate scum.  Google, is the world’s largest copyright breacher, yet governments do nothing about this, whereas a ‘person’ who would act in a similar fashion would have the heavy […]

New Jersey doubles down on their unconstitutional policy of keeping blood drawn from every baby

Today, New Jersey Attorney General Matthew Platkin and the New Jersey Department of Health doubled down on their unconstitutional policy of keeping blood drawn from every baby born in the state. A group of New Jersey parents, who filed a class action lawsuit against the state, announced they will fight on until the policy is fixed. The […]

COVID-19 vaccination policy interferes with fundamental right to refuse medical treatment.

A California lawsuit targeting Los Angeles schools imposed a vaccine mandate on its workers.  The Ninth Circuit disagreed with the lower courts ruling not to proceed, ruling 2-1 that the workers could move forward with the case. The court recognized the plaintiffs “plausibly alleged” that the vaccine for COVID-19 “does not effectively ‘prevent the spread’” […]

The 2009 US Policy Paper that Laid out Future Israel-Iran War – Brian Berletic

The 2009 US Policy Paper that Laid out Future Israel-Iran War – Brian Berletic  Tue 10:59 am +01:00, 16 Apr 2024   posted by danceaway 00:04 US policy paper laid out plan for current Israeli-Iranian tensions 02:40 US policy paper reveals deceptive tactics towards Iran 05:03 US policy paper details methods to provoke Iran-Israel war […]

CDC Quietly Admits to Covid Policy Failures

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL In so many words—and data—CDC has quietly admitted that all of the indignities of the Covid-19 pandemic management have failed: the masks, the distancing, the lockdowns, the closures, and especially the vaccines; all of it failed to control the pandemic.  It’s not like we didn’t know that all this was […]

‘They can recommend what they want,’ but Trump is setting policy from position of strength

After the House Republican Study Committee released an election-year policy package last month proposing to raise the retirement age, John McLaughlin, a veteran pollster advising former President Donald Trump, said it was “not a good idea.” The former president and presumptive GOP nominee, he told POLITICO, will be “the dominant voice in the Republican Party […]

March 12 – US Gaza Policy is a Contradiction

Consider the irony of the US providing Israel with weaponry and munitions  to clearcut Gaza while at the same time building a pier and dropping humanitarian aid.  The Biden admin belongs to the Soros Communist wing of Freemasonry.  But, as ever, they wear both Zionist (right) and Communist (left) hats.  So they don’t know whether they […]

The Real Victoria Nuland: US foreign policy official retires after decades of fomenting conflict and destruction

On Tuesday, the State Department announced that she will be retiring from her role “in the coming weeks.” “Toria’s tenure caps three and a half decades of remarkable public service under six Presidents and ten Secretaries of State,” a statement from Secretary of State Antony Blinken read. “What makes Toria truly exceptional is the fierce passion she brings to fighting for what she believes in most: freedom, democracy, human rights, […]

The foreign policy issue that could decide the U.S. presidential election

Leading Democrats and Republicans are scrambling to look “tough” on immigration. Source

More than 100,000 people vote ‘uncommitted’ in Michigan primary over Biden Gaza policy

President Joe Biden predictably won Michigan Democratic primary, but more than 100,000 people voted “uncommitted” over the administration’s policy in Gaza. Source

Air Quality Crisis: Climate change and policy failures endanger millions

This resource is part of a broader initiative to educate Americans about the multifaceted risks posed by climate change, from poor air quality to wildfires, flooding, and extreme heat. Source

Biden administration’s EV policy shift: A step back for climate action

This potential policy shift, seen as a nod to automakers and labor unions, is stirring controversy amid the escalating climate crisis, marked by last year’s record-breaking global temperatures. Source

Rational Policy Over Panic

[Full PDF of report is available below] An Awkward Problem The world of international public health is in a precarious position. Current policy, resources, personal careers, and the very credibility of major organizations are aligned with the recent statement from the World Health Organization (WHO) that:  Epidemics and pandemics of infectious diseases are occurring more […]

ICE official urges NYC to reassess sanctuary policy due to sharp rise in migrant crimes

ICE official urges NYC to reassess sanctuary policy due to sharp rise in migrant crimes An Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) official is calling on New York City to reconsider its sanctuary policy due to unsuccessful cases against migrant-related crimes. The sanctuary policy, established in 1989 by then-Mayor Ed Koch, prohibits the use of municipal resources to assist […]

Shocking Proof That There Was No ‘Science’ Behind Most Covid Policy

Feb 1st 2024 Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to Dr. Drew Pinsky about his political evolution during the COVID-19 pandemic; his shift in openness to alternative ideas due to growing distrust in mainstream media; how an interview with RFK Jr. was a turning point for him in revealing the cozy relationship between regulators […]

‘Strategic Engineered Migration’ To Drive Policy/BioSurveillance & Israel’s Deliberate War Crimes

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/6/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Scientific Alarmism Drives DoD Climate Policy

Authored by Scott Sturman and Doug Goodman via The Epoch Times, Executive Order 14057 justifies the Department of Defense’s (DOD) Plan to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions as necessary to counteract the existential threat of climate change. The program’s comprehensive and prohibitively expensive initiative proposes to transform the operational military by achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2045, […]

Disease-X and Davos: This is Not the Way to Evaluate and Formulate Public Health Policy

[Full PDF of report is available below] Private Interest and the Development of Pandemic Policy Public health messaging should provide accurate information so that the public and their leadership can formulate appropriate responses, weighed against society’s competing priorities. Planning for the future requires scarce resources to be concentrated on areas of greatest need and with […]

Jan 25 – Civil War Erupts Over Biden’s Treasonous Migrant Policy

(Texas is defying Supreme Court order to remove razor wire.) Texas is not backing down! Governor Abbot just released a letter explaining why Biden is violating the constitution. Texas is officially challenging the United States governments unconstitutional actions. Va, SD, Oklahoma and Florida stand with Texas. Even New York Gov Hochul applauds. “Virginia […]

Google Data Collection policy

See 55 page document: Source

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