Posts Tagged ‘crisis’

Let’s talk about….the Global Computer Crisis

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Emergency statement on the health and human rights crisis in the West Bank

Alongside the catastrophe in Gaza, another crisis is unfolding in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, where the Israeli military has launched land incursions, conducted airstrikes, restricted access to resources, and targeted health infrastructure. Source

The Crisis of Democracy and the New Right

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL The BBC’s Nick Robinson said that Conservatives think of Reform leader Nigel Farage as ‘a kind of Sunday roast with all the trimmings’ while Prime Minister (PM) Rishi Sunak is ‘a quinoa salad.’ The latest YouGov UK poll on 25 June has Labour leading at 36 percent, followed by Conservatives […]

Interview 1882 – Globalist Succession Crisis (NWNW 555)

This week on the New World Next Week: questions swirl after the downing of the Iranian president’s helicopter; the World Health Organization prepare to meet in Geneva to vote on the pandemic treaty and IHR amendments; and Schwab steps down as WEF executive director. Source

The Incoming Commercial Real Estate Crisis No One Seems Prepared For

The Incoming Commercial Real Estate Crisis No One Seems Prepared For Authored by Kevin Stocklin via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), It has been a year since a string of U.S. regional bank failures, together with the collapse of global heavyweight Credit Suisse, caused many to fear that a major financial crisis was imminent. (Illustration […]

Strengthening our movement in times of crisis: a historic task of the Palestinian liberation movement

The Palestinian struggle is at a critical juncture. We must come together to breathe conviction and clarity into our movement. Join us May 24–27 for The People’s Conference for Palestine! Source

Student resistance to the Gaza genocide is spurring a crisis for Democrats and the progressive coalition

The student protests erupting across American universities represent something far beyond a cyclical wave of campus activism. They reflect a profound political crisis that has laid bare the fractures within the Democratic Party. Source

Methadone Maintenance Ignited America’s Opioid Crisis

History Repeated: Forgotten Lessons of Narcotic Substitution In the shadow of the Netflix series Painkiller, combined with OxyContin documentaries—and the plague of fentanyl overdoses—lies an obscured chapter of America’s opioid epidemic: the 1965 “invention” of “Methadone Maintenance Treatment” (MMT) at Rockefeller University. Its immediately forceful promulgation by the public health establishment multiplied tenfold (!), within […]

US Fentanyl Crisis Is A ‘CCP-Run Operation’, Says Peter Schweizer

US Fentanyl Crisis Is A ‘CCP-Run Operation’, Says Peter Schweizer Authored by Terri Wu and Jan Jekielek via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Three months after the U.S. Department of the Treasury sanctioned a Chinese mafia leader for fentanyl trafficking, he received an award in Beijing. Peter Schweizer in March 2022. (NTD) In March 2021, […]

Government & Media Pretending Massive Health Crisis Not Going On – Ed Dowd

Greg Hunter goes one-on-one with money manager and investment expert Ed Dowd, author of the newly updated book, ‘Cause Unknown The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021, 2022 and 2023’. Source

“Stay away from Indian builders” Australia’s other hidden ‘Housing Crisis’

Most people should be aware of the ‘housing’ crisis, in the form of rentals and sales was a deliberate action caused by the federal government from ‘over’ importation of immigrants Australians truly do not need, as pointed out in government hansards. The government basically screwed over Aussies, sound familiar? The government created the problem, where […]

We study America’s biggest public health crisis. This is why we speak out against the Gaza genocide.

Recently, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken finally admitted to the fact that the situation in Gaza is nothing short of a humanitarian catastrophe. This comes after multiple UN agencies have warned that Gaza is at imminent risk of famine — a preventable crisis caused by the Israeli blockade of aid shipments. This has been the […]

U.S. aid to Israel faces scrutiny amid Gaza humanitarian crisis: Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez speak out

The recent passage of a U.S. government appropriations bill has sparked a heated debate among lawmakers, with significant implications for international relations and humanitarian aid. Central to the controversy is the bill’s provision for $3.3 billion in military aid to Israel and the exclusion of funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for […]

Malnutrition crisis skyrockets in Gaza: One-third of toddlers face acute hunger amidst conflict

In Gaza’s shadows, a malnutrition crisis grips its youngest, with one-third of toddlers in acute hunger. Amidst conflict, a generation’s future hangs in balance, urging a global call to action. Source

Severe Crisis as Cannibal Gang takes over Haiti Government

The unrest in Port-au-Prince, Haiti’s capital, escalated over the weekend as heavily armed gangs targeted government buildings, including the National Palace, and set fire to parts of the Interior Ministry using petrol bombs. These attacks are part of a wave of violence that has seen gangs wreak havoc across the city, torching airports, police stations, […]

The American empire in (ultimate?) crisis

Empires don’t just fall like toppled trees. Instead, they weaken slowly as a succession of crises drain their strength and confidence until they suddenly begin to disintegrate. So it was with the British, French, and Soviet empires; so it now is with imperial America. Great Britain confronted serious colonial crises in India, Iran, and Palestine […]

Hedge Fund Icon: “We’re Just Two Years Away From A US Debt Sustainability Crisis, Sparking A Major Global Market Event”

By Eric Peters, CIO of One River Asset Management “The last time the debt as a share of GDP was this large was in 1945-1946, at the end of World War II,” wrote Daniel Wilson and Brigid Meisenbacherat from the Economic Research Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. I was grinding through […]

Europe Is Alarmed Enough To Begin Wargaming A Food Crisis

Governments of the European Union are engaged in wargames which simulate and foresee a global food crisis. A mix of major factors including the Russia-Ukraine war and impact on grain supplies there, as well as weather events like El Niño and La Niña and their impact on Latin American soy output, and the anti-EU farmers’ protests […]

POPULATION CRISIS: Japan’s population plummets for 8 straight years, hitting historic low in 2023

POPULATION CRISIS: Japan’s population plummets for 8 straight years, hitting historic low in 2023 Recently released government data reveals that Japan’s population decline continues for an eighth consecutive year, with births diminishing to a historic low in 2023. In 2023, there were only 758,631 reported births in Japan, including to Japanese citizens, foreigners and even from Japanese […]

Constitutional Crisis and Murthy v. Biden

In two weeks, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in Murthy v. Biden (formerly known as Missouri v. Biden) to consider whether to uphold an injunction that bars the White House, CDC, FBI, CISA, and Surgeon General’s Office from coercing or encouraging social media companies from censoring constitutionally protected speech.  Brownstone has detailed the […]

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