Posts Tagged ‘malnutrition’

Gaza’s desperate state: Malnutrition and disease intensify amid 300 days of Israeli assault

As Israel’s relentless military campaign devastates Gaza, widespread malnutrition and disease prevent even the most basic humanitarian efforts. Source

Malnutrition crisis skyrockets in Gaza: One-third of toddlers face acute hunger amidst conflict

In Gaza’s shadows, a malnutrition crisis grips its youngest, with one-third of toddlers in acute hunger. Amidst conflict, a generation’s future hangs in balance, urging a global call to action. Source

Half a million children on Somalia face acute malnutrition

The number of young children in Somalia facing severe acute malnutrition has increased to over half a million – a level which is higher than a 2011 famine when tens of thousands of children died, UN agencies said today, Reuters reported. “We’ve got more than half a million children facing preventable death. It’s a pending nightmare,” James […]

Hunger, Poverty, Malnutrition Have Increased In Brazil: Lula

During a meeting with the French President Emmanuel Macron held in Paris on Wednesday, Brazil’s former President Lula da Silva denounced that malnutrition, hunger, and poverty have increased in Brazil since rightist Jair Bolsonaro came to power in January 2019. “A few weeks ago, Bolsonaro was ignored because the French president refused to receive him at […]

How Did Nicaragua Reduce Hunger And Malnutrition?

 Despite crippling, unilateral sanctions and globally rising food prices, hunger levels in Nicaragua have been falling. How has this been achieved? Despite crippling, unilateral sanctions and globally rising food prices, hunger levels in Nicaragua have been falling. The Sandinista government has been able to ensure people’s food needs are met through its focus on […]

Decentralisation in Food Security System Can Reduce Hunger and Malnutrition

The procurement of wheat has started in several parts of the country. This should normally be a very happy time for farmers but at the same time there are several reports relating to procurement being held up at some places due to some reason or the other. It may be a hassle over moisture content […]

Turkey demands permission to prosecute comedian for Erdogan insult; Merkel abides

     The German government has granted a Turkish request to allow the possible prosecution of a TV comedian who wrote a crude poem about Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, Chancellor Angela Merkel said. Ankara has demanded to have comedian Jan Boehmermann prosecuted for insulting a foreign head of state. Under a section of Germany’s criminal code, […]

Forget lightsabers: Samurai slices baseball traveling at 100 mph in half (VIDEO)

The samurai named Isao Machii became an internet sensation this week, after a video demonstrating his stunning powers of concentration and super fast reaction skills was posted on YouTube. READ MORE: Super Samurai: Robot beats Japanese master swordsman (VIDEO)  Dressed in black attire, the man with a sword is stood on a pedestal, with baseballs […]