Posts Tagged ‘cuts’

CDC Executive Resigns After Being Caught Colluding With Coca-Cola to Salvage Soda Market

CDC Executive Resigns After Being Caught Colluding With Coca-Cola to Salvage Soda Market July 14th, 2016 Via: Mercola: Recent media reports have now revealed devastating evidence showing a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) executive aided a Coca-Cola representative in efforts to influence […]

Fed’s focus on ‘too big to fail’ won’t save taxpayers from next bank bailout

Oz Shy (TC) : Last month, the Federal Reserve announced that 31 out of 33 U.S. banks had passed its latest “stress test,” designed to ensure that the largest financial institutions have enough capital to withstand a severe economic shock. Photo courtesy of Jorge Royan Passing the test amounts to being given a clean bill […]

SOTT FOCUS: Britain will remain in the EU: Why ‘Brexit’ outcome is a foregone conclusion

     I’ll go out on a limb here and predict that, regardless of the result in today’s “in or out” referendum, Britain will remain in the EU. In fact, I want to make the case that the British regime never had any intention of detaching itself from the EU, and that this ‘Brexit’ campaign is […]

Govts turn backs on suffering of millions – Oxfam on refugee crisis

Calling on world powers “to do more to help those forced to flee their homes,” the UK-based agency launched a new campaign on Wednesday aiming to push European countries to increase their efforts in helping refugees. ‘No ticket to Europe’: Send refugees back home or settle them on islands, says Austrian FM Having accused the governments […]

Iran Files Lawsuit Against United States Over Seized Assets

Iran has filed a lawsuit against the United States at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the Hague over their decision to confiscate Tehran’s assets. They are demanding compensation over the seizure of $2 billion worth of Iranian assets by the US supreme court In April the top US court ruled that Iran must […]

George Osborne Warns Of Brexit Budget Cuts

The British chancellor George Osborne has warned that Brexit would trigger tax hikes and spending cuts across the UK. He says says he would have to slash public spending and increase taxes in an emergency Budget to tackle a £30bn “black hole” if the UK votes to leave the European Union. Press TV reports: Osborne, […]

Biblical message? Life-size Noah’s Ark replica crashes at Norwegian harbor

     A full-size replica of Noah’s Ark was severely damaged when it crashed into a Norwegian Coast Guard vessel as it was leaving the Oslo harbor. The 70-meter-long (230-foot) ship was being towed out of the harbor Friday morning by tugboats when “several things went wrong” according to a statement from Ark of Noah. While […]

By Retaking Raqqa Syrian Army May Upset ‘Federalization’ Plan

The problem of Syria’s potential “federalization” is stirring public opinion inside the country and beyond its borders. There are rumors circulating in the media that some forces inside Syria may support the ‘Plan B’ championed by the United States. But is there really a plan for the federalization of Syria in which a Kurdish state is going to be created? Syria’s Federalization and the […]

Poland tightens anti-terror laws, making it easier to spy on foreigners

Under the bill, Poland’s state security service would be allowed to conduct surveillance of foreign citizens for up to three months without prior court approval, Reuters reported. Authorities would also be allowed to hold suspects for 14 days without charges but with court approval, drastically lengthening the current period of 48 hours. Russia more dangerous […]

Snowden Tried To Tell NSA About Surveillance Concerns

Print Friendly Above Photo: From On the morning of May 29, 2014, an overcast Thursday in Washington, DC, the general counsel of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), Robert Litt, wrote an email to high-level officials at the National Security Agency and the White House. The topic: what to do about […]

As Iran’s oil exports surge, international tankers help ship its fuel

More than 25 European and Asian-owned supertankers are shipping Iranian oil, data seen by Reuters shows, allowing Tehran to ramp up exports much faster than analysts had expected following the lifting of sanctions in January. Iran was struggling as recently as April to find partners to ship its oil, but after an agreement on a […]

3 Syrians planned major ISIS suicide attacks in central Duesseldorf

The chilling details that emerged showed that two of the attackers wanted to detonate suicide vests in central Duesseldorf while the other members would look to kill as many people in the vicinity with a combination of explosives and gunfire.  Terrorists set ‘sights’ on Euro 2016, warns Germany’s intel chief The suspects were identified as […]

German MPs recognise Armenian ‘genocide’ amid Turkish fury

German MPs recognise Armenian ‘genocide’ amid Turkish fury The German parliament has approved a resolution declaring that the mass killing of Armenians by Ottoman Turks during World War One was a “genocide”. Armenians say up to 1.5 million of their people died in the atrocities of 1915. Turkey says the toll was much lower and […]

Whales found stranded around North Sea had stomachs full of plastic debris

     The whales’ deaths are symbolic of humanity’s shocking disregard for marine life. In January, 29 sperm whales were found stranded on shores around the North Sea, an area that is too shallow for the marine wildlife. Only recently were details of the animals’ necropsy released. However, scientists were deeply disturbed by what they found […]

Hollande vows to shut down France’s oldest nuclear power plant

Fessenheim houses two 920 megawatt reactors and has been running since 1978, making it France’s oldest operating plant. Due to its age, the German government and activists alike have long been calling for it to be permanently closed. Speaking at the 4th Environmental Conference at the Elysée Palace, Francois Hollande promised to formally initiate the […]

Trapped by ice: Four killer whales saved in rescue op in Russia’s Far East (VIDEO)

The killer whales’ plight triggered a unique eight-hour rescue mission, which was carried out by the Russian Emergencies Ministry with the help of a local fishing company. As the bay where the orcas got stuck was shallow and filled with ice and rocks, a traditional fishing boat was enlisted for the job, in place of […]

‘Despicable’: Sweden’s deputy PM refers to 9/11 attacks as ‘accidents’ on live TV

Appearing on SVT’s breakfast show ‘Gomorron Sverige’ on Tuesday, Åsa Romson discussed the resignation of Housing Minister Mehmet Kaplan. Romson praised Kaplan’s efforts in working with Muslim youth associations in Sweden, but then added a surprising and rather confusing twist to her words of affirmation – referring to the 9/11 attacks as “accidents.” READ MORE: Swedish […]

Turkey demands permission to prosecute comedian for Erdogan insult; Merkel abides

     The German government has granted a Turkish request to allow the possible prosecution of a TV comedian who wrote a crude poem about Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, Chancellor Angela Merkel said. Ankara has demanded to have comedian Jan Boehmermann prosecuted for insulting a foreign head of state. Under a section of Germany’s criminal code, […]

Jamaica Plans To Get Rid Of The Queen And Legalise Marijuana

Lawmakers in Jamaica are to debate a constitutional amendment that would replace Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II as head of state and make the island a republic. The legislative agenda also includes a proposal to fully legalize marijuana for “specified purposes.” The Independent reports: The proposal is a “major action item” on the new government’s 2016-2017 […]

Kurd Autonomy: Is it Kerry’s Plan B or Putin’s Plan A?

F. William Engdahl (NEO) : On March 17 delegates representing different ethnicities and nationalities–Kurds, Arabs, Assyrians, Syriacs, Turkomans, Armenians, Circassians and Chechen–along with representatives from the Syrian People’s Defense Units or YPG, and the YPJ womens’ defense units, declared a formal Federation of Northern Syria which would incorporate 250 miles of mostly Kurdish-held territory along […]

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