Posts Tagged ‘firm’

Brexit – No vote changes nothing

     The morning’s headlines proclaiming the unthinkable didn’t make sense: the UK was leaving the EU; Cameron was resigning. The world had ended and been born anew. I’ll admit it, I was temporarily stunned. Jacob Rothschild had called for a Remain vote. What else was there to talk about? I hadn’t seen that one coming. […]

Russia, US agree to coordinate military operations in Syria

Russia says it has reached an agreement with the US to improve coordination between their military operations in Syria where they are backing opposing sides. Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov also rejected on Sunday the Pentagon’s accusations that it had deliberately targeted US-backed militants in Syria. He said Russia is pushing the US to help produce a shared map of […]

U.S. Sets Stage For Libya-Like Regime Change In Eritrea, “Africa’s Cuba”

Print Friendly Above Photo: The U.S. is moving towards war against Eritrea, a fiercely independent African nation of only six million people. Washington has deployed its UN “human rights” proxies to justify another “humanitarian” military intervention, remarkably like the UN-sanctioned aggression against Libya, in 2011. The UN panel charges Eritrea with “enslaving” and murdering its […]

Govts turn backs on suffering of millions – Oxfam on refugee crisis

Calling on world powers “to do more to help those forced to flee their homes,” the UK-based agency launched a new campaign on Wednesday aiming to push European countries to increase their efforts in helping refugees. ‘No ticket to Europe’: Send refugees back home or settle them on islands, says Austrian FM Having accused the governments […]

Senior Thai official: Iran new potential market for Thailand

In an exclusive interview with Mehr News correspondent, Ms. Anong Paijitprapapon, Deputy Director General of Department of Industry Promotion of Thailand Ministry of Industry, answered some questions on Tehran-Bangkok trade ties and its prospect after removal of sanctions. How do you analyze Iran-Thailand current economic and industrial ties? According to latest statistics (May 2015-April 2016) […]

SWAT team kills suspect who took hostages at Amarillo, Texas Walmart, investigators say

A SWAT team shot and killed a suspect who took hostages at a Walmart in Amarillo, Texas Tuesday afternoon, investigators confirmed. The Randall County Sheriff’s Office announced the gunman was dead. City officials first reported an “active shooter incident” at 12:30 p.m. local time.   We do consider this a work-place […]


In Gaza *June 8 interview Related Links: Filed under: Assad, Corporate Media, Eva Bartlett, Fabrications, Gaza, ISIL, Journalism, Media Lies, Netanyahu, Putin, Russia, Syrian Army, Turkey, War on Syria, Zio-controlled media Tagged: | Aleppo, Palmyra, Raqqa Source Article from

Man Arrested Heading To Gay Pride Parade With Weapons & Explosives

A heavily armed man has been arrested by police in Santa Monica as he was heading to the annual Los Angeles gay pride festival. Police found a cache of weapons and ammunition including assault rifles and explosives in the man’s car after responding to a prowler call. The man from out of town told police […]

Russia postpones airstrikes against terrorist-held areas in Syria

The Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria has received around 10 messages from the leaders of armed groups in Syria in a number of different provinces asking not to start airstrikes, according to Defense Ministry spokesman Major-General Igor Konashenkov.   The groups say they will look to drive Al-Nusra from specific areas and inform Moscow of […]

Muslim Scholar Celebrates Extinction of ‘Blue Eyed, Blonde Haired’ Germans

Islam scholar Lamya Kaddor said on German television that “being German” in future will not mean having blonde hair and blue eyes, but being a Muslim migrant and wearing a hijab. Source Article from

Muslim Scholar Celebrates Extinction of ‘Blue Eyed, Blonde Haired’ Germans

Islam scholar Lamya Kaddor said on German television that “being German” in future will not mean having blonde hair and blue eyes, but being a Muslim migrant and wearing a hijab. Source Article from

Muslim Scholar Celebrates Extinction of ‘Blue Eyed, Blonde Haired’ Germans

Islam scholar Lamya Kaddor said on German television that “being German” in future will not mean having blonde hair and blue eyes, but being a Muslim migrant and wearing a hijab. Source Article from

Muslim Scholar Celebrates Extinction of ‘Blue Eyed, Blonde Haired’ Germans

Islam scholar Lamya Kaddor said on German television that “being German” in future will not mean having blonde hair and blue eyes, but being a Muslim migrant and wearing a hijab. Source Article from

Muslim Scholar Celebrates Extinction of ‘Blue Eyed, Blonde Haired’ Germans

Islam scholar Lamya Kaddor said on German television that “being German” in future will not mean having blonde hair and blue eyes, but being a Muslim migrant and wearing a hijab. Source Article from

Muslim Scholar Celebrates Extinction of ‘Blue Eyed, Blonde Haired’ Germans

Islam scholar Lamya Kaddor said on German television that “being German” in future will not mean having blonde hair and blue eyes, but being a Muslim migrant and wearing a hijab. Source Article from

Muslim Scholar Celebrates Extinction of ‘Blue Eyed, Blonde Haired’ Germans

Islam scholar Lamya Kaddor said on German television that “being German” in future will not mean having blonde hair and blue eyes, but being a Muslim migrant and wearing a hijab. Source Article from

Muslim Scholar Celebrates Extinction of ‘Blue Eyed, Blonde Haired’ Germans

Islam scholar Lamya Kaddor said on German television that “being German” in future will not mean having blonde hair and blue eyes, but being a Muslim migrant and wearing a hijab. Source Article from

Muslim Scholar Celebrates Extinction of ‘Blue Eyed, Blonde Haired’ Germans

Islam scholar Lamya Kaddor said on German television that “being German” in future will not mean having blonde hair and blue eyes, but being a Muslim migrant and wearing a hijab. Source Article from

Muslim Scholar Celebrates Extinction of ‘Blue Eyed, Blonde Haired’ Germans

Islam scholar Lamya Kaddor said on German television that “being German” in future will not mean having blonde hair and blue eyes, but being a Muslim migrant and wearing a hijab. Source Article from

Muslim Scholar Celebrates Extinction of ‘Blue Eyed, Blonde Haired’ Germans

Islam scholar Lamya Kaddor said on German television that “being German” in future will not mean having blonde hair and blue eyes, but being a Muslim migrant and wearing a hijab. Source Article from

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