Posts Tagged ‘deep’

Gary Johnson Reaches All-Time Polling High of 13% on Eve of GOP Convention

Three national presidential polls came out over the weekend, and all three contain historically good news for Libertarian Party nominee Gary Johnson. A four-candidate CNN/ORC survey conducted July 13-16 delivered the highest number Johnson has ever received in national poll: 13 percent (compared to Hillary Clinton’s 42 percent, Donald Trump’s 37, […]

Iran, Belarus to ink scientific agreement

Moscow, July 9, IRNA – Iran and Belarus are to sign an agreement on technological, scientific and educational cooperation within the framework of a commission meeting recently held in Minsk on the issue. The signing ceremony will be held in the next few days during the visit of an Iranian delegation led by Minister of […]

Lightning kills 7 buffaloes in India

     Seven buffaloes were killed by lightning strikes in a jungle above Bhanara village of Manali late on Tuesday night, said sources. However, the owner of the buffaloes got to know about this only on Wednesday morning. Roshal Lal, a resident of Mandi district , said he was sleeping in his tent near the pasture, […]

Netanyahu Rejects American And European Condemnations Of New Settlements’ Plan

IMEMC : Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected American and European ‘condemnations’ of a new plan to build hundreds of colonialist units, in illegal Israeli colonies in the occupied West Bank, including Jerusalem. In a press conference with the Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame, on Wednesday, Netanyahu claimed that what is preventing peace in the region […]

How does reverse psychology work?

     There’s good news for frustrated parents trying to get their kids to eat their vegetables (or go to sleep, or clean their rooms): Science shows that using reverse psychology can, indeed, work. Reverse psychology is part of a phenomenon of psychology called “reactance,” said Jeff Greenberg, a professor of social psychology at the University […]

Iran’s pipeline politics reaches Iraqi Kurdistan

For the past two decades, energy interconnectivity has been one of the pillars of Iran’s regional relations. From the early days of the so-called oil swap deals between Iran and Central Asia in the 1990s through the expansion of a regionally structured grid of gas pipelines, and to a growing connectivity of electricity grids, Iran […]

Form of Anti-Regime struggle could change in Bahrain; Iran’s Gen. Soleimani warns

Alwaght- “ If only 10 percent of those who nearly six years have been directing their fists and fingers towards the palaces and tanks in Bahrain put their fingers on triggers, they quickly destroy Al Khalifa regime.” This is a message by General Qassim Soleimani, the chief of Iran’s Quds Force, a force belonging to […]

Iran, UNEP sign environmental joint plan of action

Iran and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) have signed a joint plan of action on managing hazardous wastes and promoting collaborative researches. The document was signed by Vice President and Head of Iran’s Department of the Environment, Massoumeh Ebtekar, and the UNEP Executive Director, Achim Steiner, in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi on Friday […]

Muslim Scholar Celebrates Extinction of ‘Blue Eyed, Blonde Haired’ Germans

Islam scholar Lamya Kaddor said on German television that “being German” in future will not mean having blonde hair and blue eyes, but being a Muslim migrant and wearing a hijab. Source Article from

Muslim Scholar Celebrates Extinction of ‘Blue Eyed, Blonde Haired’ Germans

Islam scholar Lamya Kaddor said on German television that “being German” in future will not mean having blonde hair and blue eyes, but being a Muslim migrant and wearing a hijab. Source Article from

Muslim Scholar Celebrates Extinction of ‘Blue Eyed, Blonde Haired’ Germans

Islam scholar Lamya Kaddor said on German television that “being German” in future will not mean having blonde hair and blue eyes, but being a Muslim migrant and wearing a hijab. Source Article from

Muslim Scholar Celebrates Extinction of ‘Blue Eyed, Blonde Haired’ Germans

Islam scholar Lamya Kaddor said on German television that “being German” in future will not mean having blonde hair and blue eyes, but being a Muslim migrant and wearing a hijab. Source Article from

Are You Ever Naked In Your Dreams? Here’s What It Could Mean

A common theme in dreams involves finding yourself naked in a public place. This is a really important clue about how you see yourself in society, or what we call the “collective” in dream speak. Clothes in dreams generally represent your persona. The adaptations we make to be in society; the personality that you wear for other people. […]

Muslim Scholar Celebrates Extinction of ‘Blue Eyed, Blonde Haired’ Germans

Islam scholar Lamya Kaddor said on German television that “being German” in future will not mean having blonde hair and blue eyes, but being a Muslim migrant and wearing a hijab. Source Article from

Muslim Scholar Celebrates Extinction of ‘Blue Eyed, Blonde Haired’ Germans

Islam scholar Lamya Kaddor said on German television that “being German” in future will not mean having blonde hair and blue eyes, but being a Muslim migrant and wearing a hijab. Source Article from

Muslim Scholar Celebrates Extinction of ‘Blue Eyed, Blonde Haired’ Germans

Islam scholar Lamya Kaddor said on German television that “being German” in future will not mean having blonde hair and blue eyes, but being a Muslim migrant and wearing a hijab. Source Article from

Muslim Scholar Celebrates Extinction of ‘Blue Eyed, Blonde Haired’ Germans

Islam scholar Lamya Kaddor said on German television that “being German” in future will not mean having blonde hair and blue eyes, but being a Muslim migrant and wearing a hijab. Source Article from

Muslim Scholar Celebrates Extinction of ‘Blue Eyed, Blonde Haired’ Germans

Islam scholar Lamya Kaddor said on German television that “being German” in future will not mean having blonde hair and blue eyes, but being a Muslim migrant and wearing a hijab. Source Article from

Muslim Scholar Celebrates Extinction of ‘Blue Eyed, Blonde Haired’ Germans

Islam scholar Lamya Kaddor said on German television that “being German” in future will not mean having blonde hair and blue eyes, but being a Muslim migrant and wearing a hijab. Source Article from

Muslim Scholar Celebrates Extinction of ‘Blue Eyed, Blonde Haired’ Germans

Islam scholar Lamya Kaddor said on German television that “being German” in future will not mean having blonde hair and blue eyes, but being a Muslim migrant and wearing a hijab. Source Article from

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