Posts Tagged ‘year’

Political correctness goes beyond insane at this public school that just BANNED applause… teachers to direct parents when to engage in ‘silent cheer’

(NaturalNews) A public school in Sydney has just earned the prize for the most laughably insane political correctness lunacy we’ve ever seen. Elanora Heights Public School just issued a ban on applause and cheering in order to avoid offending people who are “sensitive to noise.” Instead of clapping and cheering, it will now […]

“François, Tu es un criminel”: President Hollande Ordered the Massacre of Syrian Women and Children In Retaliation for the “Alleged” ISIS Bastille Day Attack

Truck attack in Nice: No national police present, French govt admits

The entrance through which Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel drove his truck before going on a rampage that claimed 84 lives was guarded only by the municipal police, who are more lightly armed, Bernard Cazeneuve said in a statement. READ MORE: 67% of French don’t trust govt to tackle terrorism – poll The acknowledgement came after several critical […]

There Could Be Some Big Cybersecurity Issues With “Pokémon Go”

As Professor Oak once warned you way back in Pallet Town, it’s dangerous out there. Unless you’ve been living under a Geodude for the past week, you’ll be well aware that the augmented-reality game Pokémon Go is taking over the world, despite not being available for most countries yet. While the somewhat dubious viral stories surrounding Pokémon […]

Marijuana Contains “Alien DNA” From Outside Of Our Solar System, NASA Confirms

It’s big news, set to shock, amaze, and entertain the world. But unfortunately, it’s got nothing to do with extraterrestrial stoners melding with Earth’s plants. However, since you’re now reading, you’ll almost certainly be interested in this research that looked into the clicking and sharing behaviors of social media users reading content (or not) and […]

Gavin Long, named as Baton Rouge gunman, was marine with online alias

Gavin Long, the man identified on Sunday as the deadly shooter of police officers in Baton Rouge, left behind an online trail to web pages featuring complaints about the treatment of African Americans by police. “You gotta fight back,” he urged viewers in a video […]

Massive Florida algae bloom can be seen from space

     A huge bloom of toxic algae that took over Florida’s largest freshwater lake has been captured in stunning images taken from space. The NASA images show an expanse of blue-green algae that covered Lake Okeechobee in Florida this summer. The toxic bloom appeared in May and expanded to 33 square miles (85 square kilometers) […]

Iran condemns terrorist attack in France’s Nice

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi released a statement on Friday, expressing deep regret for the incident. “As we have mentioned several times, terrorism is an ominous phenomenon that will be eradicated only with international cooperation and consensus,” he stressed. Qassemi underlined that any “negligence or double standards” on battling terrorism is condemned and will be […]

Bernie Sanders and the Clintonite Neoliberal Consensus: The End of a Campaign

Distant galaxy fools astronomers for decades, turns out to be giant ‘Franken-spiral’

The ugly duckling of a galaxy has been included in more than 40 scientific papers, but none of them paid attention to the gem hiding on the outskirts of a “quiet little suburban neighborhood of the universe,” said Mark Seibert, of California’s Observatories of the Carnegie Institution for Science, co-author of a study on UGC […]

Russian expert hails Iran’s counter-terrorism efforts

Moscow, July 11, IRNA – Former member of the Russian State Duma Foreign Affairs committee Simon Bagdasarov said here on Monday that Iran has managed to foil the foreign terrorists plots, the US in particular, in the past four decades. Talking to IRNA, Bagdasarov, who is now the director of the Center for Middle Eastern […]

George Soros Manufactured EU Refugee Crisis

George Soros funded and orchestrated the refugee crisis in Europe, opening the gates to allow refugees and terrorists into the continent.  Soros’s agenda has always been about destroying national sovereignty and national borders. reports: The refugee crisis is not a naturally occurring phenomenon. It coincided with OSF donating money to the US-based Migration Policy Institute […]

Activists Expose Monsanto’s Senate Lackeys Minutes Before DARK Act Vote

Actions highlight how senators who took money from Big Ag companies are voting against majority public opinion on GMO labeling by Nadia Prupis Just before a controversial genetically modified (GM or GMO) labeling bill came up for a cloture vote in the U.S. Senate on Wednesday, food and consumer advocates dropped over $2,000 on the […]

San Francisco Becomes First City To Ban Styrofoam Products

Convenience is a big factor in today’s society, especially when it comes to eating, which is why styrofoam has been such a staple in fast food restaurants, for takeout orders anywhere, and in the home when the pool, beach, or a large party at the house is calling. But did you ever stop to think how this […]

A Dollar a Day

Editor’s note: Digger was not asked to make this suggestion. His support is appreciated. Polite Proposal: How about on the 14th of each month, each and every one of us sends off equivalent of $30 to the Renegade production team. My approach to donating is exactly like doing activism. We are far better off as […]

Comey: Hillary’s FBI Testimony Wasn’t Under Oath Or Recorded!

Email Us For general inquiries and advertising, email: Admin (at) Article submissions, tips, and feedback, email: Tips (at) Send us Snail Mail: P.O Box 8526 Round Rock, Tx 78683 Voicemail/TXT: Feel free to send us a message anytime (512) 222-3067 Source Article […]

Libya – Part III – The Return Of The King Saif Gaddafi

By Richard Galustian In an article in early May, I wrote “Keep in the back off your mind the potential future importance of Saif Gaddafi.” In Libya’s 2011 Arab Spring uprising, Saif joined his father and sons on the barricades, castigating NATO-backed rebels in a bitter revolutionary war. While those […]

‘The Salesman’ shines in Munich Film Festival

Tehran, July 3, IRNA – Iranian film ‘The Salesman’ by Academy Award winner Asghar Farhadi won the top prize of CineMasters Competition of the 34th Filmfest München in Munich, Germany, on Saturday. Established in 1983, the festival is the main summer film festival with over 65,000 admissions every year. Opened on June 23, the 34th […]

Pregnant Palestinian woman, 27, is killed in Hebron

Violence / Detentions — West Bank / Israel Israeli soldiers kill a pregnant Palestinian woman in Hebron IMEMC 1 July — Updated: Israel soldiers killed, on Friday, a pregnant Palestinian woman near the Ibrahimi Mosque, in the southern West Bank city of Hebron, while a number of eyewitnesses refuted the military claims of an attempted […]

10 ISIS-funding timber dealers detained in central Russia, suicide belt & weapons seized – report

The regional branch of the Federal Security Service (FSB) in Vologda told TASS news agency that the suspects have been “pretending to be involved in the timber selling business,” while transferring the money they earned to terrorist groups in Syria, a source in law enforcement told TASS. A special operation at the suspects’ residence resulted […]

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