Posts Tagged ‘eyes’

Turning Moments Into A Movement: Notes From Boston

Print Friendly Above Photo: Dudley Station, Boston In light of the recent murders of Black people across the country, activists and organizers in the city of Boston have renewed calls for residents to take the streets back and voice their unrest. These past two weeks have seen a resurgence of rage following the circulation of videos […]

Russia’s first 3D-printed surveillance drone on display (VIDEO)

Currently, it takes one day to 3D-print the UAV’s elements, while assembling them takes just 15-20 minutes. The UAV has a wingspan of 2.4 meters, the UAV’s producer United Instrument Manufacturing Corporation (UIMC) said as cited by Russian news agencies. Airbus showcases 3D-printed drone at Aerospace expo in Berlin The drone’s propulsion system is a […]

Russian expert hails Iran’s counter-terrorism efforts

Moscow, July 11, IRNA – Former member of the Russian State Duma Foreign Affairs committee Simon Bagdasarov said here on Monday that Iran has managed to foil the foreign terrorists plots, the US in particular, in the past four decades. Talking to IRNA, Bagdasarov, who is now the director of the Center for Middle Eastern […]

Eleven Years Ago: The London 7/7 Mock Terror Drill: What Relationship to the Real Time Terror Attacks?

Photos: Iraqi political party leader Ammar al-Hakim visits Qom

Rumors confirmed about death of MKO leader, Massoud Rajavi TEHRAN (FNA)- Rumors were confirmed on Saturday about the death of ringleader of Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as the MEK,… Source Article from

200 foreign banks start business links with Iran: CBI

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Central Bank of Iran (CBI) said some 200 foreign banks have so far forged business ties with Iran since the implementation of a lasting nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers in January. “Two hundred small and medium-sized international banks have started correspondent relationships with Iranian banks,” CBI said in an emailed […]

Iran, Tajikistan stress enhanced cultural cooperation

Tehran, June 16, IRNA – Iran’s cultural counselor in Tajikistan Ebrahim Khodayar on Thursday underlined the need for enhanced cultural cooperation between Tehran and Dushanbe. Khodayar was speaking during a meeting with the director of international affairs department of Tajikistan’s Ministry of Culture. During the meeting, the two sides discussed ways for expansion of cultural […]

The One Thing I Really Like about BDS

June 07, 2016  /  Gilad Atzmon By Gilad Atzmon is the fact that it is very successful in evoking manifestations of the ultimate forms of Jewish power. NY Governor Andrew Cuomo declared this week: “If you boycott against Israel, New York will boycott you.” New York’s governor is putting all companies and individuals that support […]

Crooked Hillary’s “Jekyll and Hyde” personality further exposed by ex-secret service agent in new book

Crooked Hillary’s “Jekyll and Hyde” personality further exposed by ex-secret service agent in new book   Hillary Clinton has a “Jekyll and Hyde” personality that left White House staffers scared stiff of her explosive — and even physical — outbursts, an ex-Secret Service officer claims in a scathing new tell-all. Gary Byrne, who was posted outside […]

Kiev ready to join gas storage projects in Iran

TEHRAN, May 30 (Shana) – Ukraine has signaled preparedness to become engaged in gas storage projects with Iranian private sector developers, a senior petroleum official said. Amir Hossein Zamaninia, deputy petroleum minister in international affairs and trading, told Shana after a meeting with Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin in Tehran that delivery of gas to […]

Big Pharma’s medical research papers are total bunk… hundreds were fraudulently ghostwritten by a P.R. firm called ‘DesignWrite’

(NaturalNews) Even though the big revelations about Big Pharma’s science paper research fraud came out years ago, most people are still not aware of this. Here’s the scoop: Drug companies routinely pay P.R. firms to ghostwrite clinical science papers which are published in medical journals and forwarded to the FDA to “prove” the […]

Eurogroup reaches ‘breakthrough deal’ on $11bn Greek bailout payment

Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem confirmed that an agreement has been reached to greenlight €10.3billion ($11.5bn) in bailout loans to Greece. The bailout cash will be released in tranches, with over €7.5 billion ($8.4bn) to be allocated in June, and another payment expected sometime in the fall. “This agreement is act of confidence in today’s Greece,” […]

Three African states to get Iranian LNG

The Islamic Republic of Iran has commenced exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to three African countries. Esmaeel Hasham Firouz, the export-import director of the National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company (NIOPDC), has told Mehr news agency that Iran has begun to ship excess natural gas supplies as LNG to Kenya, South Africa and Tanzania. […]

Iran to increase investment in south Iraq

TEHRAN, May 18 (Shana) — Chairman of Iran-Iraq Chamber of Commerce Yahya Ale Eshaq called for increase of investment and trade with southern provinces of Iraq including Basrah. Iraq’s Basra Province is a good market for export of Iranian commodities including oil, gas, food, building materials, technical and engineering services, he added. The official referred […]

Wheelchair-bound ISIS executioner terrorizes ‘cursed’ Libyan city of Sirte (PHOTO)

Human Rights Watch (HRW) has revealed the new horrors of living in the city of Sirte, the birthplace of Libya’s former leader Muammar Gaddafi, and now the only Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) stronghold outside of Syria and Iraq. The human rights NGO says at least 49 people have been confirmed killed by IS in […]

LOL: Asian Weather-Woman Slut-Shamed Live on Air

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer May 17, 2016 Here’s a stupid/goofy bit of whatever sort of shitlordy thing for you. An Asian female weatherman was asked to put on a jacket live on air as apparently viewers of the weather report were emailing in complaints that she looked too slutty in her sparkly low-cut dress. The Independent: […]

LOL: Asian Weather-Woman Slut-Shamed Live on Air

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer May 17, 2016 Here’s a stupid/goofy bit of whatever sort of shitlordy thing for you. An Asian female weatherman was asked to put on a jacket live on air as apparently viewers of the weather report were emailing in complaints that she looked too slutty in her sparkly low-cut dress. The Independent: […]

Your Definitive Answer to Cannabis Use During Pregnancy

A recent study was released on the relationship betwee cannabis use and pregnancy, drawing a data pool from the UK, Ireland, and New Zealand. by Anthony Tyler Unfortunately, for those hoping to gain a deeper, unbiased insight into this plant’s historical use as a pregnancy-symptom treatment, this “scientific” study is the wrong place. The researchers […]

VP: Iran’s security best guarantee tourism investors

TEHRAN, May 12 (MNA) – In a joint presser with Turkish tourism minister, Iran’s chief of tourism, VP Soltanifar boasted the good security of Iran as a good ground for development of tourism in Iran.“Fortunately, the good security status in Iran is the best guarantee for investing on Iran’s tourism industry,” said Vice President and […]

VP: Iran’s security best guarantee tourism investors

TEHRAN, May 12 (MNA) – In a joint presser with Turkish tourism minister, Iran’s chief of tourism, VP Soltanifar boasted the good security of Iran as a good ground for development of tourism in Iran.“Fortunately, the good security status in Iran is the best guarantee for investing on Iran’s tourism industry,” said Vice President and […]

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