Posts Tagged ‘Damascus’

Hypocrisy or Democracy!: Turkey Blocks Access to WikiLeaks after Ruling Party email Dump

Wednesday, 20 July 2016 12:23 Turkey has blocked access to the WikiLeaks website, the telecoms watchdog said on Wednesday, hours after it leaked thousands of ruling party emails just as Ankara grapples with the aftermath of a failed military coup, according to Reuters. Turkey’s Telecommunications Communications Board said on Wednesday that an “administrative measure” had […]

The “Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East ~ [Updated Reissue]

The following document pertaining to the formation of “Greater Israel” constitutes the cornerstone of powerful Zionist factions within the current Netanyahu government, the Likud party, as well as within the Israeli military and intelligence establishment. According to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, “the area of the Jewish State stretches: “From the Brook of […]

Eleven Years Ago: The London 7/7 Mock Terror Drill: What Relationship to the Real Time Terror Attacks?

Iran Coverage: Iran to Merkel: Missile work to continue

Blocking trade with Iran to further weaken US: Analyst Press TV has interviewed Jan Oberg, founder of in Lund, about the US House of Representatives approving measures to block sale… Source Article from

Turnbull remains less than pitch-perfect

Michelle Grattan (TC) : Malcolm Turnbull is struggling to produce the right response in the aftermath of his election debacle. One thing Malcolm Turnbull should do in the short term if he’s forming a new ministry is find a first-rate minister to put into the health portfolio. David Moir/AAP On Saturday he did not take […]

‘Go ahead & kill’ drug addicts, Philippines president says

Duterte, who said during his campaign that some 100,000 criminals would die in his crackdown, their bodies dumped in Manila Bay, has been conspicuously deaf to criticism that he was promoting a “culture of death” in his native country. After taking his oath inside the Malacanang presidential palace, Duterte, 71, continued his defiance and threats […]

Glorious Leader Tells GOP Shills to Shut Their Filthy Rat-Mouths

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer June 16, 2016 Shut your filthy rat mouth! The judge is Mexican! He’s a La Raza extremist! And no one cares about racism anymore! It’s a dead issue! It is absolutely unconscionable that these GOP rats are attempting to sabotage Trump after he’s become the nominee. We’re all seeing this happen. They […]

US Military Admits Bombing Syrian Rebels Trained By The Pentagon

The US military has admitted bombing a Syrian rebel unit it had trained and armed purportedly to fight ISIS terrorists. A report in the  Wall Street Journal said that the incident was the most serious setback for the controversial Pentagon program that was looking to find new recruits to train. A friendly-fire incident occurred in May, prompting […]

Brilliant Black Rapes Woman to Get Sentenced to Prison to Avenge His Son

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer June 11, 2016 Joel Jones: One man, on a mission to avenge the death of his son. He’ll do anything – including but not limited to rape. So, a Black guy raped a woman in order to get sent to prison to avenge the murder of his son (his son’s killer is […]

Indonesian speaker calls for expansion of cooperation with Iran

Kuala Lumpur, June 3, IRNA – Indonesian Parliament Speaker Ade Komarudin on Friday congratulated reelection of Iranian Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani and called for expansion of economic cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Indonesian parliament speaker made the remarks in a meeting with Iran’s Ambassador to Jakarta Valiollah Mohammadi. They called for expansion […]

Indonesian speaker calls for expansion of cooperation with Iran

Kuala Lumpur, June 3, IRNA – Indonesian Parliament Speaker Ade Komarudin on Friday congratulated reelection of Iranian Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani and called for expansion of economic cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Indonesian parliament speaker made the remarks in a meeting with Iran’s Ambassador to Jakarta Valiollah Mohammadi. They called for expansion […]

Iran calls for cooperation with China on tourism

Beijing, May 19, IRNA – Vice President Masoud Soltanifar on Wednesday, referring to the historical-cultural ties between Iran and China, called for stronger tourism ties between the two countries. Chief of the Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization made the remarks at an Iran-China tourism conference in the Chinese capital. Getting familiar with Iranian civilization […]

PCHR: “The Nakba At 68: A Catastrophe Born Of Discrimination And Impunity”

As Palestinian refugees and internally displaced persons (approximately 66% of Palestinian population worldwide) enter the 69th year of forced displacement from, and within, their ancestral homeland, Israel continues to create intolerable living conditions which further swell the number of displaced Palestinians. Report By The Palestinian Centre For Human Rights This ongoing Nakba (‘catastrophe’) is perpetuated […]


by Jonathan Azaziah In the wake of Ahmadi Muslim Asad Shah being murdered by a Wahhabi fanatic for wishing his neighbors a Happy Easter in Glasgow, the time is long overdue to have a serious chat about the poisonous symbiosis between Saudi Arabia’s Wahhabi-Takfirism and Islamophobia. Yes, it’s well-known that Zionist Jews are the originators, […]

Envoy: S. Korea paying for Iran’s oil without using Western currencies

In an interview with the Tasnim News Agency, Kim Seung-ho said South Korea cannot use US dollar as a medium of exchange in trade with Iran, although the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), a lasting nuclear deal between Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany), has terminated all […]

Nasser Kandil: اليمن يصنع انتصاره وتفجير حلب تغطية للهزيمة السعودية

ناصر قنديل – الحرب على حلب وفيها تطوّر طبيعي لمسارات حروب عديدة، من تلك التي تجري في سورية، وتلك التي تجري عليها، وتلك التي تجري من حولها، لكن هذه الحرب تأتي بطابعها التدميري والإجرامي، بتمويل سعودي مكشوف، يفضحه انسحاب وسلوك جماعة الرياض، السياسي والميداني، لمن بيده السلاح منهم، فيما تشير التقارير الواردة من الكويت إلى […]

Iran, Nakhchivan to cooperate on natural disaster control

Baku, April 26, IRNA – Iran and the autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan will cooperate on natural disaster control. Iran’s Chief Consulate in Nakhichevan Mansoor Ayrem and the Minister for Emergency Situations of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Lieutenant-General Shami Abdullayev on Tuesday discussed cooperation between their countries in the field. Abdullayev said cooperation in the field […]

Foreign ‘Dirty Bomb’ Responders Will Start Training in Nevada

Foreign ‘Dirty Bomb’ Responders Will Start Training in Nevada April 25th, 2016 Via: Las Vegas Review Journal: In today’s world it could be called the University for Dirty Bomb Studies. Founded in 1998, it was a niche at what was then the Nevada Test […]

US says to buy 32 metric tons of Iran’s heavy water

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – US State Department Spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau said Washington plans to purchase 32 metric tons of heavy water from Iran in the wake of a lasting nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers. “…the US Government, via the Department of Energy, is making a license purchase of 32 metric tons of heavy water […]

Snakes in suits: British military firm hired ex-child soldiers from Sierra Leone for Iraq operations

     Comment: If you need any more blatant evidence that psychopathic CEOS see human beings as little more than disposable fodder for war and profit, here it is. The rationalization for children suffering the atrocities of war, fighting and dying for Western hegemony is just mind boggling. Former child soldiers from Sierra Leone have been […]

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