Posts Tagged ‘life’

The Secret History of Majestic 12

These purported UFO documents changed the course of the culture of UFO belief. by Brian Dunning via skeptoidRead transcript below or listen here The Majestic 12 documents are the Holy Bible of UFO enthusiasts. These documents, which appear to be declassified official US government memos written in 1947, confirm everything believed by many in the […]

Influx Of Awful Toxic Algae Has Florida Declaring A Local State Of Emergency

In Florida, miles of waterways and beaches in St Lucie and Martin counties are ridden with foul-smelling algaeResulting skin rashes and concerns over marine animals have caused Florida governor Rick Scott to declare a state of local emergency in the affected areas. Governor Rick Scott offered this statement: Today, I am declaring a state of emergency […]

Can US-Vietnam reconciliation hurt Moscow’s ties with Hanoi?

Hypocrisy or Democracy!: Turkey Blocks Access to WikiLeaks after Ruling Party email Dump

Wednesday, 20 July 2016 12:23 Turkey has blocked access to the WikiLeaks website, the telecoms watchdog said on Wednesday, hours after it leaked thousands of ruling party emails just as Ankara grapples with the aftermath of a failed military coup, according to Reuters. Turkey’s Telecommunications Communications Board said on Wednesday that an “administrative measure” had […]

Monsanto, Big Pharma, George Soros, and the Push to Legalize Marijuana

20th July 2016 By Carolanne Wright Contributing writer for Wake Up World When it comes down to it, corporations have just one purpose: turn a large profit for shareholders. So it should come as no surprise that corporate America has turned its eye toward the wildly successful recreational cannabis movement. In 2015 alone, legal pot sales […]

‘Every American citizen’s right’: Armed men parade outside GOP convention in Cleveland, Ohio

     On the opening day of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, a dozen members of the West Ohio Minutemen paraded through the streets, armed with assault rifles, exercising their right to do so under the state’s “open carry” laws. Among the Minutemen marching through the streets, one carrying a 9mm Carbine hi-point rifle, […]

Moslem males should be banned from America, because they fantasize about molesting and gang-raping White women the JEWS have given them access to

The two have been accused of using their Uber driver jobs to prey upon gullible White Christian American college students. Ibrahim faces one count of fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct in connection with a Feb. 14 incident, according to East Lansing police. He turned himself in March 11 after a warrant had been issued for his […]

Coup Against Wannabe-Sultan Erdogan Failed – Beware The Aftermath

S.Korea’s June Iran crude imports surge nearly 115 pct y/y

* June Iran crude imports at 1.04 mln T, up 114.8 pct y/y -customs * H1 crude imports from Iran up 107.9 pct y/y * Total June crude imports at 11.26 mln T, up 5.5 pct y/y SEOUL, July 15 South Korea’s crude imports from Iran jumped nearly 115 percent in June from a year […]

Corporate retail grocery giants contributing to global hunger and food waste by rejecting food that’s ‘too ugly’

(NaturalNews) Global food waste has become an increasingly concerning problem that the world needs to address. According to The Guardian, 60 million tons of produce, or one-third of all the world’s foodstuffs, are wasted by retailers and consumers on an annual basis. As a result of consumer and retailer rejection of produce that […]

Turkey intelligence agency: Coup attempt ‘repelled’

The Turkish National Intelligence Organization (MIT) says a coup attempt in the country has been “repelled” and the situation has been restored to “normal”. In comments carried by Turkish broadcaster NTV on Saturday morning, the MIT spokesman said the intelligence agency’s headquarters was targeted by hijacked military helicopters, but the coup attempt was “foiled”. Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim also […]

Pack Of squirrels Attack Three-Year-Old Boy In Cornwall

A boy of three was hospitalized after feeding wild squirrels at a park in Cornwall. West Briton reports: Mum Sophie Renouf, 22, was enjoying a walk in Tehidy woods with son Finley when he reached out to feed one of the creatures, but he was left horrified when five more suddenly burst out of the undergrowth […]

Health Ranger Report: News you need to know for July 14, 2016

About the author:Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger“) is a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on and a globally recognized scientific researcher in clean foods. He serves as the founding editor of and the lab science director of an internationally accredited (ISO 17025) analytical laboratory known as CWC Labs. […]

Is Climate Engineering Real? Square Cloud Formations are Undeniable Proof

15th July 2016 By Dane Wigington Guest writer for Wake Up World The climate science and meteorological communities, along with mainstream media and countless other agencies, have long since completely sold out to the power structure. Countless individuals within these groups have committed themselves to what is nothing less than a total betrayal of populations around the globe (along with […]

July 30th Rick Tyler Campaign Kickoff: Take a Stand for Working Class White Families

Trad Youth July 13, 2016 The growth of the Traditionalist Worker Party has humbled me and every member of our leadership team. Through your sacrifices we are establishing new chapters, planning new projects, and we have now made our first political endorsement! Rick Tyler is running for Congress in District 3 of the great State […]

Impossible Vanishing Stars Could Indicate Highly Developed Extraterrestrial Civilizations

Arthur C. Clarke was known for saying “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” If you were to be taken away by a time traveler from the past to the present, you see modern technologies such as wireless devices, airplanes and even artificial light probably as sorcery. Astronomers from the University of Uppsala in […]

Ozick says Obama needs 6-volume history of Jews on his bedside table

Two weeks ago the New York Times Magazine ran a glowing profile of the writer Cynthia Ozick, 88, as a moral crusader that did her the service of leaving out her racist views of Palestinians. No mention, for instance, of this prejudiced statement: “By replacing history with fantasy, the Palestinians have invented a society unlike […]

In Photos: Palestinians celebrate Ramadan in Gaza

Muslims across the world have spent June observing the religious month of Ramadan. In Gaza, where reconstruction after three wars in six years has stalled, the celebrations, fasts followed by feasts, and prayer has brought a welcomed sense of normalcy. At night the landscape is set alight with festive lanterns. Charity drives are organized at […]

Smarter Meters, Smarter Grid, Smarter Energy?

As the march of technological progress continues, cutting-edge solutions are being put in place to help us use our energy resources in ways that are both “smarter” and more sustainable. Using digital technology to detect and react to local changes in energy usage, electrical grid infrastructure around the world is undergoing substantial changes to prepare […]

Suicide bomber kills over 30 people in northeast Syrian city of Hasakah

     According to a Kurdish source, a suicide bomber has killed at least thirty people in Hasakah, Syria. Over 30 people died in a suicide bombing in the northeastern Syrian city of Hasakah, a Kurdish source told Sputnik on Tuesday. The attack took place in the city’s eastern province of Salhiye, according to the source. […]

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