Posts Tagged ‘israels’

What Israels American bombs do to children

This might possibly be one of the worst videos i’ve seen since Israeli’s slaughtering of Gaza. I’ve attached a 30 second scroll warning to the video. This is what bombs do to people. To children. These were someone’s son and daughter. They would run into the comforting embrace of their parents’ arms when they were […]


When I see what the soul-less Zionist Zombies are doing to God’s little children, the Beast tries to crawl up my throat and get out.Someday I will let him out. But there needs be no war to stop this evil.Humanity stands as one, convenes Nuremberg Common Law Tribunals.Humanity arrest all the evil soul-less Zionist Zombies […]

COMMENTARY: In Beijing Netanyahu Looks To Marry Israels Technology With China’s Capacity

Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong said Beijing and Jerusalem had agreed to upgrade bilateral relations, including by forming an “innovative comprehensive partnership” meant to “bring the ties and the cooperation between the two countries to new heights,” according to the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem. “Innovation cooperation is a highlight of our bilateral relations,” Liu […]

The Rise Of The Three Israels

The Rise Of The Three Israels Brother Nathanael Channel, BroVids The Rise Of The Three Israels November 5, 2017 © Watch ‘EU-Censor-Free!’ HERE! Thank You Humble Servants Of Jesus Christ___________________________________ MORE: Why Israel Gets Away With Murder Here Don’t Move The Embassy Mr Trump! Here Why Israel Should Not Exist Here Do We Really Want […]

‘Monuments to Racism’: Anti-Trump activists and RNC attendees debate separation walls in the US and Israel

The first day of the Republican National Convention passed only with new heights of bizarre offensiveness, but not violence. But there are still three more days to go. Melania Trump looks like she plagiarized Michelle Obama’s 2008 DNC speech, Iowa Congressman Steve King went on MSNBC and said that white people have contributed more to […]

‘NY Times’ offers Israeli lessons about dealing with ‘enemies’ to France

The other day the The New York Times published a favorable review of Ben Ehrenreich’s important new book on how Palestinian resistance is an inevitable response to occupation, but that turns out to be tokenism. Today the newspaper reverts to form, piping hasbara to Americans, in this case publishing an impossible-to parody valentine to Israelis for […]

Erdogan was so quick in arresting 6,000 people clearly the list must have been prepared in advance

A senior European Union official on Monday suggested that Turkey had prepared for thousands of people to be arrested prior to Friday night’s failed military coup attempt. Turkey’s justice minister said on Sunday that over 6,000 people have been detained in connection with the coup attempt which President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has blamed on his […]

Putin on Nice Attack: Humanity Needs to Unite in Order to Defeat Terrorism

Putin on Nice Attack: Humanity Needs to Unite in Order to Defeat Terrorism Posted By: Inspire To Change World July 15, 2016 Russia is ready for close cooperation with France on all anti-terrorism issues, Putin said in a message to French President Francois Hollande after deadly truck attack in Nice. Russian President Vladimir Putin has […]

Diaspora Jews grow out of their imaginary friend israel

Diaspora Jews grow out of their imaginary friend Israel 1) JTA: Study: Diaspora Jews are growing increasingly critical of Israel 2) Ynet: Diaspora Jews voice their opinions about Israel, the JPPI report; 3) Times of Israel: A war-torn Israel directly affects Diaspora Jewry, so where’s its voice?, report on JPPI survey; 4) JF: Jews March […]

2 yrs for beheading selfies in Syria: Militant jailed in Germany for horrendous photoshoot

READ MORE: ISIS loses 25% of ground in 18 months, could step up civilian attacks – report A regional court in Frankfurt has found Aria Ladjevardi, a 21-year-old German citizen, guilty of war crimes for treating two Syrian army soldiers “in a degrading and humiliating manner” in violation of international humanitarian law. Merkel’s terrorism warning […]

EU look set to reject both TTIP & CETA, unfortunately same cannot be said about the isolated UK

More than a hundred officials are involved in the 14th round of negotiations on the EU-US Transatlantic trade and investment partnership (TTIP), taking place in Brussels all week. This time around, talks will cover all aspects of the deal, which aims to bring together the world’s two largest economic blocs by addressing all kinds of […]

Ozick says Obama needs 6-volume history of Jews on his bedside table

Two weeks ago the New York Times Magazine ran a glowing profile of the writer Cynthia Ozick, 88, as a moral crusader that did her the service of leaving out her racist views of Palestinians. No mention, for instance, of this prejudiced statement: “By replacing history with fantasy, the Palestinians have invented a society unlike […]

‘Arabs’ saved us, says settler boy whose father was slain

Violence / Detentions — West Bank / Jerusalem In rare twist, Palestinian man rescues wounded Israelis RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) 5 July — Just a few years ago, Islam al-Bayed spent seven months in an Israeli prison for allegedly throwing stones at Israeli troops. Now, the 26-year-old Palestinian man has become an unlikely symbol of […]

New Jersey’s Student Loan Program is ‘State-Sanctioned Loan-Sharking’

Amid a haze of grief after her son’s murder last year, Marcia DeOliveira-Longinetti faced an endless list of tasks — helping the police access Kevin’s phone and email, canceling his subscriptions, credit cards and bank accounts, and arranging his burial in New Jersey. And then there were his college loans. When DeOliveira-Longinetti called […]

4-year-old girl asks Ayatollah Khamenei to buy her a pink hat

Mahdi Qazikhani was a 30-year-old man with three children. He was killed by Takfiri terrorists on December 7, 2015, in Aleppo, Syria. Nahal, his only daughter, is four years old. Her mother relates a funny conversation she had with Ayatollah Khamenei. “One day, they called and said we are invited to the Leader’s Iftar ceremony […]

Swedish embassy opens trade section in Iran

In a meeting with head of Tehran’s Chamber of Commerce, Swedish Ambassador Peter Tiller said the newly-established bureau is run jointly by the Swedish government and private sector. The commercial attachés in the bureau have diplomatic passports and reside in the embassy, the envoy added. Tehran and Stockholm eye rise in their economic relations after […]

How Jo Cox’s alleged assassin was influenced by neo-Nazism

Asa Winstanley Rights and Accountability 23 June 2016 Mair talked to a local newspaper in 2011 about volunteering. Image of Cox from her Facebook. Since Jo Cox, a Labour member of Parliament, was shot and stabbed to death in the UK last week, evidence has mounted that the killing was a planned assassination. A suspect was […]

Gaza’s fishermen are just trying to make a living, so why does israel frequently shoot and arrest them?

Suffocated at sea Gaza’s fishermen are just trying to make a living, so why does Israel frequently shoot and arrest them?   Palestinian fishermen display their catch in Gaza’s seaport in April 2016. Ashraf Amra APA images A group of Gaza fishermen were working an early morning shift when the Israeli navy opened fire. Rajab […]

Free speech! but not on Palestine

Free speech! but not on Palestine The Palestine Exception to Free Speech   Report by Palestine Legal and the Center for Constitutional Rights EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Over the last decade, a dynamic movement in support of Palestinian human rights, particularly active in US colleges and universities, has helped raise public awareness regarding the Israeli government’s violations […]

How Jo Cox’s alleged assassin was influenced by neo-Nazism

Asa Winstanley Rights and Accountability 23 June 2016 Mair talked to a local newspaper in 2011 about volunteering. Image of Cox from her Facebook. Since Jo Cox, a Labour member of Parliament, was shot and stabbed to death in the UK last week, evidence has mounted that the killing was a planned assassination. A suspect was […]

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