Posts Tagged ‘air’

Inside the Test Flight of Facebook’s First Internet Drone

Inside the Test Flight of Facebook’s First Internet Drone July 21st, 2016 Via: The Verge: In its first flight, Aquila exceeded engineers’ expectations for its energy efficiency. More test flights are planned, aimed at flying Aquila “faster, higher, and longer,â€� says Jay Parikh, Facebook’s […]

Israeli Zionists Are Main Videographers at Nice Truck Killing Scam and Hoax

Israeli Zionists Are Main Videographers at Nice Truck Killing Scam and Hoax What was a German journalist, arch-Zionist agent Richard Gutjahr, doing in perfect position to capture the footage of a supposed truck on the run, one aiming to kill July Nice-area revelers? It cannot be a coincidence that this individual was so perfectly placed, this hostile pro-Israeli agent, […]

Bahrainis continue sit-in protest outside Sheikh Qassim’s home in Diraz

TEHRAN (FNA)- Hundreds of peaceful protesters continued their presence in front of Bahrain senior cleric, Sheikh Isa Qassim’s home in Diraz, to condemn Manama regime’s ongoing wave of opposition crackdown in the country. Nearly a month has passed since the Bahraini authorities revoked the citizenship of the country’s Shia spiritual leader Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim […]

US urged to facilitate Iran banking transactions: Araqchi

The US has been urged by fellow members of the P5+1 group of countries to facilitate banking ties with Tehran through the clarification of transaction channels with the Islamic Republic, a senior Iranian official says. Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs Abbas Araqchi made the remarks in Vienna on Tuesday after a fourth meeting of […]

Jesus has a Political Platform

Leafy Attacks Feminist Anti-Racist Bitch

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 18, 2016 Leafy’s channel is watched more than most mainstream TV shows. t 2-4 million views, his videos beat basically every cable news show other than Bill ORLY and Megyn [sic] Kelly. To give further perspective, the Game of Thrones season finale got 8 million views. And lately he’s been going […]

What I Learned From Having a Chronic Illness

19th July 2016 By Christina Lavers Contributing writer for Wake Up World Seven years ago, when I emerged from the doctor’s office after having my worst fears confirmed, I knew that I had some big decisions to make. With the words “most likely Multiple Sclerosis” reverberating around my mind I felt shaky and nauseous. I wanted […]

Attack in Nice: Clash of Civilizations

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 17, 2016 Black Pigeon Speaks! Also a note for those complaining about me posting about this guy because he doesn’t talk about Jews – tell me, does he signal against discussion of Jews? Or does he just not mention them? It is, of course, impossible to mention Jews and remain on […]

Debunking More Bad Science – People With High Levels of ‘Bad Cholesterol’ Actually Live Longer Than Those With Low Levels

18th July 2016 By Marco Torres Guest writer for Wake Up World Mainstream medicine promotes what they want to sell, from a fear perspective. The don’t sell health. They can’t, because they sell little fear pills that have consumers in the billions gobble up, out of fear, fictitious diseases. Bad cholesterol is a good example […]

Fethullah Gulen Denies Hand in Turkey Coup Attempt

The preacher moved to the United States in 1999, before he was charged with treason in his native country. Fethullah Gulen, the arch-enemy of Erdogan Fethullah Gulen, the U.S.-based cleric accused by Ankara of orchestrating the coup attempt in Turkey, has a wide following in his native country, where he enjoys support among the […]

Turkey implies US is not its friend due for harboring cleric accused of staging coup

“I do not see any country that would stand behind this man, this leader of the terrorist gang, especially after last night. The country that would stand behind this man is no friend to Turkey. It would even be a hostile act against Turkey,” Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım told reporters on Saturday, as Turkey was […]

Military take media hostages at Hurriyet, CNN Turk offices – reports

  Earlier, CNN Turk halted its news broadcast after soldiers stormed the control room. Reuters reported that the sound of shots being fired was heard on air. BREAKING: Civilians enter CNN Turk studios in attempt to stop rogue soldiers; gunfire heard — BNO News (@BNONews) 16 июля 2016 г. The presenter said the soldiers ordered […]

France: 84 Dead in Nice Truck Attack

France: 84 Dead in Nice Truck Attack July 14th, 2016 Via: NBC: The death toll continued to climb Friday as forensics teams combed the scene where a truck driver mowed down dozens of revelers after a fireworks display at the French seaside. Police told […]

‘Demographic war’: Spike in Arab homes demolition in east Jerusalem slammed in new report

“During the first six months of this year, 72 homes were demolished in east Jerusalem, while 113 nonresidential structures were torn down by the government,” Suhail Khalilieh, head of the Settlement Monitoring Department at the Applied Research Institute – Jerusalem (ARIJ), who contributed to the report, told the Jerusalem Post. The group says it aims […]

2 yrs for beheading selfies in Syria: Militant jailed in Germany for horrendous photoshoot

READ MORE: ISIS loses 25% of ground in 18 months, could step up civilian attacks – report A regional court in Frankfurt has found Aria Ladjevardi, a 21-year-old German citizen, guilty of war crimes for treating two Syrian army soldiers “in a degrading and humiliating manner” in violation of international humanitarian law. Merkel’s terrorism warning […]

Russian Foreign Ministry: NATO provokes crisis while attempting to demonize Russia

     NATO “exists in a political mirror-world,” focusing on a “mythical” threat from the East “demonizing” Russia, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said commenting on the results of the bloc’s summit in Warsaw. “We’re currently analyzing the decisions made at the NATO summit that took place in Warsaw on July 8 and 9. But even […]

Globalist Agenda Watch 2016: Update 14 – A quick note on the Summer of Terror and the September War (+ Dallas and the Republican National Convention)

If the globalists are going to make the September window for their fake World War 3, they need to get US troops moving to the area pretty soon… …and that means that the Summer of Terror needs to ramp up soon. So be on the lookout for a coordinated, multiple-city attack in the US by […]

Ancient Lourdes

by Professor Revilo P. Oliver (September 1990) It has long been known that the Gallic goddess Sequana (whose name is perpetuated in the Seine that flows through Paris) was as efficient as her Christian counterpart, Mary, in healing maladies and other physical afflictions. As in other places where a supposedly ubiquitous Christian deity has replaced […]

Putin LOSES IT, Warns Journalists of War: ‘I Don’t Know How to Get Through to You People’

The Russian president was meeting with foreign journalists at the conclusion of the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum on June 17th, when he left no one in any doubt that the world is headed down a course which could lead to nuclear war. Putin railed against the journalists for their “tall tales” in blindly repeating […]

Five years of independence amid economic collapse and suffering in South Sudan

     A crashing economy and continued fighting threaten the future of South Sudan and its people, Oxfam had warned ahead of the fifth anniversary of the country’s independence on July 9. As South Sudan draws near five years of independence, its people face a crashing economy that is impacting the already fragile peace agreement and […]

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