Posts Tagged ‘kill’

Latin America’s Debts to the British Empire: Simón Bolívar in the Debt Labyrinth

Israeli Knesset passes law expelling Arab members

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem -Israeli occupation parliament (Knesset) passed on Tuesday night law allows expelling Arab members over their support for Palestine issue. The law, which was presented by Nissan Slomiansky from the Jewish Home, passed the second and third readings in a 62-47 vote. MKs from Meretz and Zionist Union protested the law. Arab […]

Donald Trump and the Revolt of the Proles.

Psychology study cautions: Think twice before overdoing the positive thinking

     The unexpected negative effect of positive thinking on mental health. Dreaming about positive events in the future makes you feel better now, but may make you feel worse later on, new research finds. The more positively people fantasized about the future, the more depressive symptoms people experienced up to seven months later, the study […]

Britain’s Nuclear Deterrent isn’t ‘Independent’ “Is a British Prime Minister Really Free to Strike any Target In this World with Nuclear Weapons?”

Jesus has a Political Platform

Turkey Accuses US of Being Behind Failed Military Coup, Demands Extradition of Cleric Gulen

28 Pages: Newly Released Classified Documents Indicate Saudi Ties to 9/11

  Local Editor The long-awaited 28 pages of a 2002 congressional report on the 9/11 attacks had been released. The document indicates that prominent members of the Saudi Arabian regime were involved in planning and financing the terror attacks. The declassified documents were released by Congress on Friday and released them the same day. The […]

FBI, Homeland Security Chiefs Preparing for Violence at Political Conventions

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Whites Hitting Back: “Take Your N*gger Ass Back to Africa!”

ZeigerDaily Stormer July 14, 2016 When these Black riots happened in the past, what we’d see is Whites being bombarded with propaganda to make them feel bad about slavery or whatever. This nonsense doesn’t fly anymore. With each shooting, with each riot, with each BLM protest, people are just getting more and more fed up. […]

“Pokemon Go” What You Need to Know About This Massive Mind Control Effort

Less than a week after Pokémon Go’s launch, our streets are already filled with packs of phone-wielding, Weedle-catching zombies. They’re robbing our teens, filling our churches with sinners, and tricking our children into exercising. But worst of all, Pokémon Go is turning us all into an army of narcs in service of the coming New World […]

Israel issues 34 admin detention orders

Days of Palestine, West Bank -Israeli occupation issued on Tuesday 34 administrative detention orders ranging between three to six renewable months against Palestinians. Lawyer of the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society Mahmoud al-Halabi said that 24 of the orders were issued against prisoners, who had already spent months or years inside Israeli jails under administrative detention. Israeli […]

Former envoy stresses importance of JCPOA supervision committee

July 12, The Iran Project – Former Iranian ambassador to Berlin says JCPOA supervision committee has a heavier responsibilty than the negotiators. Speaking to a reporter on the anniversary of nuclear deal between Iran and P5+1, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), former Iranian ambassador Alireza Sheikh Attar stressed on the significance […]

Israel Rejects “Trump Rabbi” Status

Israel’s “Jews-only” marriage laws are in focus once again with the news that the Jewish state has rejected the authority of the so-called “Trump rabbi”—Haskel Lookstein—to conduct conversions. Although the ruling was made in a separate case, it means that Ivanka Trump’s 2009 conversion to Judaism has now been rejected by Judaism’s supreme religious […]

Dallas – Civil Law Enforcement Use Of Vehicle Based IED Raises Questions

Last nights shooting and killing of several policemen in Dallas, Texas is still somewhat mysterious. At one point the Dallas police chief asserted that four attackers were working together with rifles and triangulating themselves in positions for the attack. Two of them were reported as snipers on roof. This led me to estimate […]

Iran: Terrorists, Tools for Furtherance of Saudi Plans against Muslim Countries

An informed source at the Foreign Ministry said that Saudi Arabia is using terrorists as a tool for developing its plans against Muslim nations in the region. The source, who talked under the condition of anonymity, made the remarks while commenting on an anti-Iran gathering held on Saturday in Paris, France, by a number of […]

Why NRA Ignores Philando Castile’s 2nd Amendment Rights

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Group   Attorney Tom Kelly, representing St Anthony Police Officer Jeronimo Yanez in connection with the shooting death of Philando Castile, told the press that “race did not play a part in the use of deadly force at all.” Kelly said his client […]

Breakdown Of US Citizens Killed By Cops In 2016

What’s also disturbing is that according to the data compiled by the Washington Post a big proportion of those killed obviously showed signs of mental illness. Of the 509 killed this year at least 124 were thought to be suffering from such conditions. Many of those killed carried guns according to police records. In at […]

2 tornadoes hit Eureka, Kansas causing widespread damage

     The National Weather Service says two tornadoes ripped through southeast Kansas late Thursday, causing widespread damage in a small town. No injuries have been reported. The National Weather Service said Friday preliminary information shows that an EF2 tornado hit Eureka, a town of roughly 2,600 residents east of Wichita. The tornado damaged about 50 […]

Man Opens Fire on Tennessee Highway Because He Was Upset About Incidents Involving Police, Blacks: Investigators

Authorities in Tennessee say a man who opened fire on a highway in Tennessee targeted police officers and others because he was troubled by incidents involving black people and law enforcement officers. The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation says in a news release that initial conversations with the suspect, identified as Lakeem Keon Scott revealed he […]

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