Posts Tagged ‘care’

Dozens of dead sharks wash ashore on Mobile Bay, Alabama

     A mystery on Mobile Bay this morning when close to 100 bull sharks washed up on the beach. Residents and vacationers staying at homes on the beach on Belleair Boulevard, near Dauphin Island Parkway, woke up to find the sharks. They were left with plenty of questions, but very few answers. Sabrina Rios and […]

Israel Rejects “Trump Rabbi” Status

Israel’s “Jews-only” marriage laws are in focus once again with the news that the Jewish state has rejected the authority of the so-called “Trump rabbi”—Haskel Lookstein—to conduct conversions. Although the ruling was made in a separate case, it means that Ivanka Trump’s 2009 conversion to Judaism has now been rejected by Judaism’s supreme religious […]

EU look set to reject both TTIP & CETA, unfortunately same cannot be said about the isolated UK

More than a hundred officials are involved in the 14th round of negotiations on the EU-US Transatlantic trade and investment partnership (TTIP), taking place in Brussels all week. This time around, talks will cover all aspects of the deal, which aims to bring together the world’s two largest economic blocs by addressing all kinds of […]

Life as Israel’s hostage (or when will Palestinian dispossession be reckoned in the Diaspora?)

The American Jewish Committee placed a two-page ad in the June 6 Wall Street Journal, signed by European and American mayors, condemning action against Jews as a method of fighting the Jewish nationalist government in Palestine. The mayors signed a pledge which includes promises to: Condemn anti-Jewish hatred, in all its forms; Reject the notion […]

Michigan citizens lose their right to farm or pursue beekeeping in their private backyards

(NaturalNews) Every U.S. state has laws on the books designed to protect farms from being declared “nuisances” by their neighbors, and Michigan is no exception. But in 2014, the Michigan Commission of Agriculture and Rural Development exempted small farms from this protection with the stroke of a pen. The revised rule states that […]

Living From The Divine Ordinary

25th June 2016 By Juliet Tang Guest writer for Wake Up World Our divinity allows us to experience miracles far beyond the physical, yet our humanness tends to wish to quantify and examine every experience by looking for tangible proof. We are in our heads so much that we often forget the bigger picture: our […]

The Use of FBI’s Facial Recognition Is Growing, Despite Rampant Inaccuracy and Privacy Concerns

“FBI should better ensure privacy and accuracy” of its facial recognition technology and the databases that photographs are stored in, urged GAO. According to the report, the FBI has never reviewed its facial recognition searches for misuse—on either state databases or its own massive biometric database, known as Next Generation Identification System. […]

Critics say Israel’s new ‘terrorism’ law criminalizes Palestinian political activism

The Israeli parliament on Wednesday passed a law expanding the power of the state to label individuals or groups as “terrorists,” in what critics said will be exploited to criminalize legitimate Palestinian political activity. The new legislation combines into one law several pre-existing “counterterrorism laws” in place since the British Mandate, and will apply to […]


Elitists seek to eviscerate online anonymity, chill free speech. On June 9th-12th this malicious Bilderberg group, will be hosting their 64th annual meeting since their formation in 1954. There will be a total of 130 participants from 20 different countries coming together in the Taschenbergpalais Hotel in Dresden, Germany to discuss policies and their secretive […]

EPA boss tried to ‘cleanse’ personnel with perverted internal surveys asking about sex habits and public toilets

(NaturalNews) The inappropriate and depraved behavior of some of the federal government’s highest-ranking officials is just plain getting out of hand. The most recent example involves a former top official of the Environmental Protection Agency, which has been weaponized by President Obama and his regime, and used as a tool to subvert American […]

Few reporters allowed to enter Saudi Arabia: German journalist

Hans Jakob Ginsburg, an economic reporter working in Germany’s Wirtschafts Woche, is one of the few foreign reporters permitted to visit Saudi Arabia. IRNA recently reported his experiences of visiting the Arab country. Here is IFP’s translation of excerpts from his remarks made at the 3rd Transatlantic Assembly meeting entitled ‘The Iran-Saudi Conflict and the […]

California continues its crackdown on tiny houses for the homeless

     Personal liberty is under attack in so many areas of American society, and combined with a faltering economy, people are in greater need than ever of finding ways to survive economically while still maintaining basic freedoms. The tiny house movement is one of the many creative ways in which people are out-smarting the matrix […]

Children living in agricultural areas are developing leukemia, brain tumors and other childhood cancers at an accelerated rate

(NaturalNews) Health problems in children have risen significantly in recent years, and the cause is primarily environmental. That’s the bottom line of a new report released by the Pesticide Action Network entitled “Kids on the Frontline,” which details the harmful and potentially fatal health effects pesticides are having on America’s children. Using government […]

Local Anchor Exposes Open Borders Oligarchs Behind “Partnership for a New American Economy”

Youtube link Chris Berg from KXJB (CBS) in Fargo, ND discusses how local residents really feel about resettling “refugees” and the forces at work behind the scenes to ensure that the United States is flooded with a low wage workforce. Source Article from

School Cop Filmed Body-Slamming 12-Year-Old Girl Fired

A San Antonio Independent School District police officer filmed body-slamming a pre-teen female middle school student onto a brick walkway, has been fired. District Officials said Officer Joshua Kehm was removed from his position on Monday as investigators reviewed the March 29 incident at Rhodes Middle School in San Antonio, Texas in which he was filmed restraining 12-year-old Janissa Valdez and then throwing her […]

‘Russia closer to Austria than other major world powers’ – head of Austrian General Staff in Moscow

Vienna’s top military figure noted that one of the reasons for his visit to the Russian capital was to disobey others’ orders. Duma chief welcomes Austria’s ‘open policy’ towards Russia “I’m not going to carry out instructions and follow orders on who’s worth talking to and who’s not. That’s exactly the reason why I decided […]

Breakthrough cancer cures documentary threatens to collapse the for-profit cancer industry… launches April 12th… will be viciously attacked by the entire pharma-controlled media

(NaturalNews) (UPDATE: Registration is now open for The Truth About Cancer (FREE). The videos start streaming for free on April 12th. Click here to register now.) In case you didn’t notice, we are living in an age of extreme medical censorship. Over the last week or so, we’ve all watched in fascination as […]

Serbia won’t ascend to EU at cost of alienating Russia, or join NATO – FM

“We want to become part of the European Union since it would serve our interest. We are a country that geographically and politically is part of Europe. But it cannot be done at a cost of our good relations with the Russian Federation,” he said at a joint conference with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov. […]

Marijuana sales in Colorado beginning to surpass alcohol sales – could this shift in consumption lower cancer rates?

(NaturalNews) Sales of legal marijuana have begun to surpass those of alcohol in at least one Colorado city, a trend which could lead to – among other benefits – a corresponding drop in cancer rates. Statistics gathered by the City of Aspen, and published in the Aspen Times, reveal that during two consecutive […]

Mount Nyiragongo in Congo showing signs of imminent eruption

     Rwanda Red Cross has warned of a possible Nyiragongo volcano eruption in the near future, the country’s daily The New Times has reported. Nyiragongo is one of the eight volcanic mountains in the Virunga Massif. The volcano is located near the town of Goma in eastern DR Congo, close to the Rwandan border. Press […]

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