Posts Tagged ‘win’

Democratic Party official Seth Rich shot dead in Washington, D.C.

The incident happened at around 4:20 a.m. ET on Sunday when officers patrolling in northwest D.C. heard gunshots being fired. Upon arrival in the 2100 block of Flagler Place, they located Rich, who was suffering from multiple gunshot wounds. A statement released by the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) on Monday said that Rich […]

Europeans outraged over glyphosate renewal, triggering street protests, while calling for an end to industry and government collusion

(NaturalNews) Like undoing a blindfold, many Europeans are beginning to see for the first time. As the light penetrates their blinking eyes, they are slowly awakening to the hard truths about the poison that is sprayed on their food, and about the collusion between industry and government that keeps them tied down in […]

Israel Remains Faithful to the Fundamental Ideology of Zionism

Teachers Protest Deportations, Detention Of Refugee Students

Print Friendly Above Photo: by Not One More Deportation.  …At First Clinton And Obama Rally It was the first presidential campaign event in which Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama appeared together. The Charlotte Observer ran a headline that suggested Clinton found her “roar” during the event in Charlotte, North Carolina. Despite the momentous […]

Michigan citizens lose their right to farm or pursue beekeeping in their private backyards

(NaturalNews) Every U.S. state has laws on the books designed to protect farms from being declared “nuisances” by their neighbors, and Michigan is no exception. But in 2014, the Michigan Commission of Agriculture and Rural Development exempted small farms from this protection with the stroke of a pen. The revised rule states that […]

‘Assad the enemy’ to ‘Assad the brother’: Ankara prepares shift in strategy

Last Monday, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan apologized to Moscow over the Su-24 pilot who died after being shot down over Syria by a Turkish warplane in November 2015; the same day, Ankara and Tel Aviv agreed to mend relations, ruined in 2010 following an Israeli raid on a Turkish humanitarian aid ship destined for Gaza which resulted in the deaths of 10 Turks. Now, according to HDP parliamentary group […]

Sanders says he will vote for Clinton

Bernie Sanders on Friday said he will cast his vote for Hillary Clinton in November. But he’s not all the way with her — at least, not yet. “Yes,” the Vermont senator said when asked on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” whether he would vote for the former secretary of state this fall. “I think the issue […]

You Can’t Stump the Trump Volume XXVII (You Can’t Barrage the Farage)

Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer June 25, 2016 Basically, Donald Trump did Brexit. I believe this to be a solid fact. If they would have known Trump was coming, they never would have agreed to schedule the referendum. When they scheduled it two years ago, they also didn’t know Merkel was going to invite trillions of […]


JUNE 19, 2016 MADDCOLDSONOFKUFA by Jonathan Azaziah I’m not going to say I don’t have the intention of pissing on everybody’s parade because that’s exactly what I’m trying to do so let me just get on with it. Slain British MP Jo Cox is NOT a martyr. Okay? She’s not. She’s not a “martyr in […]

Orlando Shooting: Still No Evidence

In response to my challenge readers report that they have found no evidence of bodies or blood. by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts One person reports that a TV station posted names of some victims, which is the way the absence of Sandy Hook bodies was handled. One person who said he is a veteran said […]

Trial Links Assassination of Egypt’s Attorney General to Muslim Brotherhood & Hamas

nsnbc : The Cairo Criminal Court postponed the trial against 67 person for their alleged role in the assassination of Egypt’s Attorney General Hisham Barakat to July 13. The assassination of Barakat in June 2015 has been linked to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood as well as to members of the Palestinian Hamas. Policemen investigate the site […]

Orthorexia Nervosa — New Mental Disorder Aimed at People Who Insist on Eating a Clean Diet

In a world where meaning is malleable, you can twist the truth however you want. You can create a story to make worthwhile endeavors look bad. You can make harmful practices appear attractive. by Mike Bundrant The mental health system has recently taken a shot at making healthy food choices appear dangerous, if you can […]

Israel bars all Palestinians after Tel Aviv attack

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Truth Will Out Radio: All Slaves to Israel

Radio Aryan June 10, 2016 Dennis Wise and Sven Longshanks discuss the material in part 19 of Dennis’ documentary ‘Communism by the Back Door’. The terrorist state of Israel is only able to survive by extorting money from White nations and it does this in a variety of ways which are discussed by the two […]

Encryption Security May Not Be Secure Anymore

Encryption security may not be secure anymore, if a breakthrough being touted as ‘possibly the biggest event in computer science and financial services for 50 years’ is proved correct. The breakthrough by students at the University of Toronto allows huge integer numbers to be factored quicker than previously thought possible, meaning encrypted files can be […]

South African Archbishop Tutu latest voice calling for Nobel Peace Prize for Marwan Barghouti

Celine Hagbard (IMEMC) : Revered Archbishop Desmond Tutu, himself a Nobel Prize recipient, has joined a growing number of people who have nominated Palestinian political prisoner Marwan Barghouthi for the Nobel Peace Prize. Barghouti is a founder of the armed wing of the Fateh party, known as the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades – named after the […]

Sanders Speaks against Racism, Injustice

Sanders Speaks against Racism, Injustice As Hillary Clinton seeks to finally extinguish Bernie Sanders’s campaign, the Vermont senator continues to speak out against the Establishment’s neglect of social justice and against the racism coming from Donald Trump, reports Marjorie Cohn. By Marjorie Cohn As I sat in the San Diego sunshine on Sunday listening to Bernie […]

Israeli forces execute Palestinian girl in West Bank

Days of Palestine, West Bank -Israeli occupation executed Palestinian girl on Thursday afternoon at an illegal Israeli checkpoint of Ennab in West Bank city of Tul-Karm. Eyewitnesses said that the Israeli occupation forces executed the Palestinian female youth after she had lost her way towards an Israeli military tower at the aforementioned checkpoint. According to […]

The NY Times Plays the Israeli Army’s Game: Hyping Threats, Shielding Criminals

Posted on May 31, 2016 by Richard Edmondson TimesWarp The New York Times reports today that Israel faces “monumental security challenges” and is now caught in a debate over just how tough the military should be with those who threaten to harm its soldiers and civilians. The story, by Isabel Kershner, is framed around “months of […]

Dr. Pierce: There Will Be Hell To Pay

Dr. Pierce speaks about some specific instances where jews have been caught running child pornography and sex slavery rings and of course the media remains silent. Source Article from

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