Posts Tagged ‘blacks’

How Communist Jews Rewrote History To Convince Gullible Blacks ‘They Wuz Kangs’

(Substack) Benighted Blacks have always been putty in the hands of the Jews — easily manipulated and molded into willing “golems” — a mythical Frankenstein-like monster created by rabbis to destroy their perceived oppressors and enemies. As the earliest European explorers have attested in their extensive writings, what they witnessed when first setting foot in […]

Pro-war Senate blacks measure proposed by Sen. Bernie Sanders to FREEZE Israel aid and probe Gaza war crimes

Pro-war Senate blacks measure proposed by Sen. Bernie Sanders to FREEZE Israel aid and probe Gaza war crimes Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has proposed a resolution to potentially freeze U.S. military aid to Israel and mandate the Biden administration to investigate war crimes in the Gaza Strip – a measure that was unfortunately set aside. […]


Anglo-Blaxon: BBC Children’s Show Claims Blacks Have Always Been in Britain

Don’t you know bout da Chedda-Man? He was an Ice Age black rapper from Britain! All jokes aside, Source

US Real Household Incomes Slide For 3rd Year In A Row As White Incomes Tumble; Blacks, Hispanics Gain

Renegade Editor’s Note: Obviously I am not a fan of the Trump fanboying in the article. (ZH) Regular Source

Julius Malema Leads Stadium Full of Blacks in “Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer” Chant

Imagine if there was a stadium full of White people in America chanting about “kill the black” or Source

Whites Should Put Coats on Ground for Blacks to Walk Over: Yale Student Government

In support of Black History Month, the Yale student government sent out an email with suggestions on how non-people of color can contribute to “Black joy.” Source

Biden Claims White Families Want to Lynch Blacks and Celebrate the Spectacle

The president of the United States refuses to condemn the epidemic of anti-White violence taking place today, and instead focuses on how there was lynching in the past, which was actually a result of black criminality run amok. Today it is not White people going out and killing Blacks in cities; it’s other Black people. […]

Pack of Feral Blacks Girls Viciously Assault White Girl, Adults Do Nothing to Help

With this kind of beating, it can easily turn into the victim getting killed, but the adults have their kid gloves on and do very little to actually protect the White girl. Source

“The Civil Rights Movement Was A Revolution Of Blacks & Jews” – Roy Innis To Lubavitcher Rebbe Schneerson

Chabad Mafia associated civil rights leader Roy Innis can be heard (1:31 second mark) telling the Lubavitcher Rebbe Schneerson that the civil rights revolution of the 1950s and 1960s was a revolution of BLACKS and JEWS. Whether it was the judeo-Soviet civil rights revolutions including the BLM riots of today, or the Perestroika Deception in […]

Blacks ‘Enrich’ Hooters Restaurant Over Child’s Charity Candy Bar

Don’t you all love when your communities get enriched? It’s alway just like in the TV commercials, with smiling black faces giving some sage advice.  Source

Colombians dance, perform music during Carnival of Blacks and Whites

The Black and White Carnival is one of Colombia’s most symbolic festivals, reflecting the cultural traditions of the region. Declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2009, it brings together foreign tourists and people from all over Colombia every year. The origins of this celebration go back to those organised by the indigenous groups […]

The Satanic Brain Experiments Done at Tulane University By Dr.’s Who Considered Blacks Cheaper to Use and Lower Than Animals Even Using Racist SLURS Working With Communist Scientists From Russia As Well In Torture Mind Control Studies For Communist CIA (All Secret Society Scientists)

by Admin · Published October 31, 2021 · Updated November 1, 2021 Robert G. Heath – Tulane experiments were conducted by psychiatrist Dr. Robert Heath from Tulane University and an Australian psychiatrist, Dr. Harry Bailey, who boasted in a lecture to nurses 20 years later that the two psychiatrists had used blacks because it was “cheaper to use Niggers than […]

This Is One of the Many Reasons Why People Are “Racist” Against Blacks

People don’t want to live around blacks. It’s not just because of the way they look or talk. It’s because of how they act, which is often criminally violent. Link Share now! Source

Low Vaccination Rates Among Blacks Could Result In New ‘Jim Crow’ Segregation With Vaccine Passports

White Nationalists may be finally getting their wish — de facto racial re-segregation in America brought about through “vaccine passports,” which the vast majority of Blacks and Latinos will lack due to their low vaccination rates: Following an altercation at a restaurant in New York City, involving three black patrons and a waitress, the Black […]

Exclusive: Larry Elder Breaks Down Why Blacks and Hispanics Want to Recall Gavin Newsom

Larry Elder, talk radio host and Republican candidate for governor of California in the state’s special election, told Breitbart News on Friday that black and Hispanic Californians want to recall Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA). Poor quality public education, rising rates of crime, and skyrocketing costs of living are the three primary reasons black and Hispanic […]

Jews Complain That Whites See Them As Black And That Blacks See Them As White

After a century and a half of trying to assimilate into White culture — and begrudingly being accepted as “white” — Jews are now offended that Blacks insist that Jews are “white” and part of “white supremacy” and “white privilege” that Jews want the help of Blacks to destroy: It was less than a century […]

Race War begins in South Africa with Blacks VS Indians and Whites

    The media is not telling the whole story, they are just incoherently yapping but the truth to what is going on in South Africa is an actual race war. Whites and Indians are in a joint coalition force, fighting off the blacks which have spiraled out of control with recent lootings, crimes and […]

Irish Canadian Lady Responds To Accusations That White People Used To Eat Blacks

I did not even know Blacks were now under the impression that White people used to go around eating Blacks. Of course Blacks have been eating Blacks (and others) for ages in Africa, though. Link Share now! Source

The Martinez Perspective (June 21, 2021): Blacks Celebrate Juneteenth With Gun Violence, Republicans Attack CRT & More


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