Posts Tagged ‘considered’

Zuckerberg considered buying Associated Press – media

The aim would have been to use the agency as a direct news source for Facebook, Business Insider has claimed Source


28 feb 2024 CROATIAN MEP MISLAV KOLAKUSIC THE WHO SHOULD BE CONSIDERED A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION CROATIAN MEP, MISLAV KOLAKUŠIĆ ON THE “CLIMATE SCAM” BEING USED AGAINST FARMERS _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are reading this and aware of what is happening, the […]

Prince Harry says he’s ‘considered’ becoming an American citizen

Prince Harry says becoming an American citizen is “something that’s crossed my mind.” “I have considered it, yeah,” Harry said in an interview Friday on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” when correspondent Will Reeve asked whether he had thought about applying for citizenship since relocating to the U.S. “American citizenship is something that’s crossed my mind, but certainly… […]

The Funeral of a Narco-Influencer Is Considered a Threat to Public Peace in Chile

The murder of female narco influencer Sabrina Durán Montero, also known as “La Ina,” has the Chilean government on high alert this week, and her funeral tomorrow is being treated as “high risk.” Durán Montero rose to fame as a TikTok sensation after she started posting videos of herself dancing or talking from behind bars, […]

Wearing Skirts Was Considered Manly in Ancient Greece

When we think of manliness, images of rugged warriors and fearless gladiators often come to mind. Read more Section:  News Weird Facts Read Later  Source


One more time sheep.THERE IS NO “SARS-COV-02” “VIRUS” LYINGLY CLAIMED WITHOUT REAL SCIENTIFIC PROOF TO “CAUSE” “COVID-19” “DIAGNOSED” WITH A PCR PROCESS WHICH IS NOT A TEST. ‘211 health/science institutions globally all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever’ 211 health/science institutions globally all failed to cite even 1 […]

Ace Ventura Would Now Be Considered a Transphobic Bigot

No one at the time was concerned about the feelings of insane people who try to fool others into thinking they are the opposite gender, but now this movie would absolutely not fly. Source

Former BMJ editor: Health research should be considered fraudulent until proven otherwise

(Natural News) A former editor for the British Medical Journal (BMJ) posited that health research should be considered fraudulent until proven otherwise. “Stephen Lock, my predecessor as editor, became worried about research fraud in the 1980s – but people thought his concerns eccentric,” wrote Richard Smith in a July 2021 piece for the BMJ. “Is […]

Trans Woman Can’t Be Considered Parent Of Her Own Child, Rules Tokyo Court

A Japanese court ruled Friday that a transgender woman cannot legally be regarded as a parent of one of her own children. The court said that one daughter — born before the woman underwent her legal and surgical transition — is legally hers, while the daughter born after her transition is not. A family court […]

Trans Woman Can’t Be Considered Parent Of Her Own Child, Rules Tokyo Court

A Japanese court ruled Friday that a transgender woman cannot legally be regarded as a parent of one of her own children. The court said that one daughter — born before the woman underwent her legal and surgical transition — is legally hers, while the daughter born after her transition is not. A family court […]

Biden’s Treasury: Race Must Be Considered in Crafting All Fiscal Policies 

Biden’s Treasury has issued a plan requiring the agency in charge of the nation’s fiscal infrastructure to consider race in all policies.

ICU Nurse: People Who Died of COVID “Should Be Considered Murdered” by Withholding Safe, Non-Vax Remedies

Putting the human face of brave front-line workers on what doctors and scientists with integrity have been saying from the start of the pandemic, safe and effective remedies such as Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine have been withheld from COVID patients, resulting in hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths. For a full presentation of studies and facts […]

Meadows: Trump considered yanking Kavanaugh over ‘I like beer’ comments and apologetic tone

At the time he was having private reservations about Kavanaugh, Trump was publicly fighting for his confirmation, mocking Blasey Ford’s testimony at a rally and brushing off concerns from GOP lawmakers about his viability as a Supreme Court nominee. The new book by Meadows, “The Chief’s Chief,” contains several such insights into how the Trump […]

The Satanic Brain Experiments Done at Tulane University By Dr.’s Who Considered Blacks Cheaper to Use and Lower Than Animals Even Using Racist SLURS Working With Communist Scientists From Russia As Well In Torture Mind Control Studies For Communist CIA (All Secret Society Scientists)

by Admin · Published October 31, 2021 · Updated November 1, 2021 Robert G. Heath – Tulane experiments were conducted by psychiatrist Dr. Robert Heath from Tulane University and an Australian psychiatrist, Dr. Harry Bailey, who boasted in a lecture to nurses 20 years later that the two psychiatrists had used blacks because it was “cheaper to use Niggers than […]

Dan Andrews: People Will Be Considered Unvaxxed Only Six Months After Being Injected

Every half year for the rest of your life you will be reminded by the government that you need to get injected in order to make money and shop for necessities. Link Share now! Source

Report: Trump’s CIA Considered Kidnapping Or Assassinating Assange

Above Photo: WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange holds up a copy of The Guardian newspaper on July 26, 2010 in London. (Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images) “The Biden administration must drop its charges against Assange immediately.” Under the leadership of then-Director Mike Pompeo, the CIA in 2017 reportedly plotted to kidnap—and discussed plans to assassinate—WikiLeaks founder and publisher Julian […]

CDC says people will be considered unvaxxed until two weeks from the second dose. Any vaccine injury before that period will be recorded in ‘Pandemic of the Unvaxxed’

If you report a vaccine injury after ten days from your second dose that will be recorded as a Covid case for an unvaccinated person. According to CDC guidelines, it takes two weeks for Covid Vaccine to start working. And if you report an injury or death prior to that period not only they will […]

People Who Recieved Placebo In Vaccine Trials Will Be Considered ‘Fully Vaccinated’ By UK Govt

People that took part in the ‘vaccine’ trials and were only given the placebo, will be considered as being “fully vaccinated” by the UK government. The UK vaccines minister Nadhim Zahawi said: “As far as the UK is concerned they will be considered fully vaccinated whether they have had he placebo or the vaccine” “As […]

According to Merriam-Webster 79% of you are now considered ‘Anti-Vaxxers’

Merriam-Webster Expands Definition of ‘Anti-Vaxxer’ to Include Those Who Oppose Forced JabsDate: May 13, 2021Author: Nwo Report Polls suggest that’s 79% of Americans. Source: Paul Joseph Watson The Merriam-Webster dictionary has expanded its definition of “anti-vaxxer” to include those who oppose mandatory jabs.Yes, really.The full definition of ‘anti-vaxxer’ now states, “a person who opposes vaccination or laws […]

‘Certainly, Ron would be considered’: Trump floats DeSantis as 2024 VP

Spokespeople for DeSantis did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Trump’s remarks about the Republican governor of his adopted home state, which come as DeSantis has cultivated presidential speculation of his own. The praise for DeSantis also represents the latest public fissure in the once-airtight relationship between Trump and former Vice President […]

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