Posts Tagged ‘threat’

Op-ed: Trump and Vance pose a SERIOUS THREAT to the globalist agenda

(NaturalNews) Former President Donald Trump and his running mate, U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), pose a serious threat to the globalist agenda, according to an… Source

Op-ed: Trump and Vance pose a SERIOUS THREAT to the globalist agenda

(NaturalNews) Former President Donald Trump and his running mate, U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), pose a serious threat to the globalist agenda, according to an… Source

‘Giant Threat to the Food Supply’: Dr. McCullough Issues Bird Flu Update

Dr. McCullough warns the bird flu response is a giant threat to the food supply. “They’re coming on farms with hazmat suits doing mass PCR testing of healthy animals. All that’s going to do is raise a false case count and create orders for mass culling.” It gets worse. Dr. McCullough says, “They want mass […]

Expert charges DOJ actually is ‘a threat to the Republic’

Expert charges DOJ actually is ‘a threat to the Republic’ Source

China Says US Is ‘The Biggest Threat To Space Security’

The Chinese Foreign Ministry has claimed that the US poses the greatest threat to security in space and accused them of being the main instigator of space militarization. “The United States is a powerful driving […] The post China Says US Is ‘The Biggest Threat To Space Security’ appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Rep. Glenn Ivey says House foreign aid passage was ‘good day’ for Johnson amid ouster threat

Rep. Glenn Ivey (D-Md.) on Sunday suggested the House’s bipartisan passage of a massive foreign aid bill this week could fare well for Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), who is facing an ouster threat from at least three members of his GOP conference. When asked on NewsNation’s “The Hill Sunday with Chris Stirewalt” if he and… […]

Bird Flu: Real Threat or Profit-motivated Fearmongering?

04/09/24 As the media ramp up concerns about a potential H5N1 bird flu pandemic, some analysts questioned the motives behind the alarmist narratives, pointing to the financial incentives of vaccine manufacturers and controversial U.S. government-funded gain-of-function research on the virus. By  John-Michael Dumais Growing concerns about the potential for a devastating bird flu pandemic are […]

Japan Officially Declares AI ‘An Existential Threat to Humanity’

Japan has issued an urgent warning to humanity about the ‘existential threat’ Artificial Intelligence poses to the future of the human race. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT) and Yomiuri Shimbun Group Holdings, the country’s largest telecommunications company and the country’s biggest newspaper, published an AI manifesto outlining how society could totally collapse if AI is […]

RFK Jr. Schools CNN With Stunning Argument That Biden Is a ‘Worse Threat to Democracy’ Than Trump

Independent presidential hopeful Robert Kennedy Jr. went on CNN Monday night and delivered a two-minute response that shocked the corporate media world. When asked which candidate posed a worse threat to democracy, former President Trump or Joe Biden, Kennedy answered that you could make a clear and convincing argument for Joe Biden. Here’s why: #1 […]

USA Issues Threat to Hungary over Continuous Support for Putin

In a scathing rebuke delivered on Thursday, US Ambassador David Pressman accused Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban of isolating his country from the Western “community of democracies.” Pressman’s wide-reaching critique highlighted several grievances against Budapest and underscored the importance of maintaining ties beyond “temporary” leadership. “The Orban government’s decision to distance itself from the Western […]

Rod Thomson: SCOTUS exposed Democrats as the true threat to democracy with Trump ballot ruling

Rod Thomson: SCOTUS exposed Democrats as the true threat to democracy with Trump ballot ruling The U.S. Supreme Court has exposed the Democrats as the true threat to democracy with its decision that keeps former President Donald Trump on election ballots, according to public relations (PR) specialist Rod Thomson. Thomson, a former award-winning daily newspaper […]

Alabama Supreme Court IVF Ruling Highlights Dominionist Threat to Americans’ Freedoms

Analysis The recent Alabama Supreme Court ruling declaring that frozen embryos must be treated as persons under the state’s wrongful death law could have devastating consequences for Alabama couples using in-vitro fertilization to help them have children. Beyond that, if Chief Justice Tom Parker’s hopes are realized, the decision could push the entire nation’s legal […]

Ubiquitous threat: Microplastics discovered in every human placenta sample

In a new study conducted by a team of toxicology scientists at the University of New Mexico, an alarming discovery was made: Microplastics were found in all 62 human placenta samples examined. This revelation underscores a growing environmental crisis, highlighting the pervasive infiltration of microplastics into the most intimate aspects of human life. Microplastics, as […]

Terror Threat? NYC Mobilizing 1,000 National Guard Troops In Subways 

New York Governor Kathy Hochul is mobilizing 1,000 National Guard troops and State Police officers across New York City’s subway system in a show of force meant as a warning to criminals who have been terrorizing passengers.  Gov. Hochul announced earlier today that 750 guardsmen and 250 law enforcement officers would be deployed across “the […]

Terror Threat? NYC Mobilizing 1,000 National Guard Troops In Subways 

New York Governor Kathy Hochul is mobilizing 1,000 National Guard troops and State Police officers across New York City’s subway system in a show of force meant as a warning to criminals who have been terrorizing passengers.  Gov. Hochul announced earlier today that 750 guardsmen and 250 law enforcement officers would be deployed across “the […]

Terror Threat? NYC Mobilizing 1,000 National Guard Troops In Subways 

New York Governor Kathy Hochul is mobilizing 1,000 National Guard troops and State Police officers across New York City’s subway system in a show of force meant as a warning to criminals who have been terrorizing passengers.  Gov. Hochul announced earlier today that 750 guardsmen and 250 law enforcement officers would be deployed across “the […]

March 1 – Western Public Oblivious to World War Threat

Please send links and comments to [email protected] Putin’s warning that the world is on the verge of nuclear war is not even mentioned on the Network TV Nightly News Russian President Vladimir Putin says NATO countries risk facing “tragic” consequences if they send troops to Ukraine. “[Western nations] must understand that we also have […]

Biden Says Global Warming Is A Bigger Existential Threat Than Nuclear War

Last year President Biden deaclred that global temperature rising more than 1.5 degrees Celsius in the next two decades is more frightening than a nuclear war. “The only existential threat humanity faces even more frightening […] The post Biden Says Global Warming Is A Bigger Existential Threat Than Nuclear War appeared first on The People's […]

Man arrested for making ‘violent threat’ to Arizona election official in 2022

A man was arrested in San Diego Thursday for allegedly leaving a voicemail on the personal cell phone of an Arizona election official in 2022. William Hyde left a violent threat on the voicemail of the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office employee’s phone “on or about November 29, 2022,” the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced. Hyde,… […]

German General – Russia is no threat. China?

USA is making a big mistake turning Russia into an enemy.  US fears Germany and Russia working as one.  Hence the Ukraine War was launched by the USA. Source

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