Posts Tagged ‘microplastics’

New study reveals microplastics’ alarming journey from everyday items to human organs

Every day, unseen particles from the very containers and bottles we trust for our food and water are migrating into human bodies. The culprits—microplastics—are not just settling in our stomachs but are making their way into organs such as the brain, liver, and kidneys, posing potential health risks that are only now beginning to be […]

Avoid toxic contaminants like microplastics in salt by switching to Pink Himalayan Salt

Avoid toxic contaminants like microplastics in salt by switching to Pink Himalayan Salt When cooking, you normally use salt to season your food without worrying about where it came from. However, as a prepper, you need to make sure that the salt you use at home and keep in your pantry is always tested for […]

Scientists Discover Toxic Microplastics In Every Human Placenta Tested In Study

Authored by Naveen Athrappully via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Director of the Marine Institute of Plymouth Professor Richard Thompson analyses nurdles and other micro-plastics thanks to a microscope, in a laboratory at the University of Plymouth, south western England, on February 27, 2023. (BEN STANSALL/AFP via Getty Images) Harmful microplastics have been found in […]

Boiling Hard Tap Water Removes Up To 90% Of Microplastics: Study

Authored by Amie Dahnke via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Boiling tap water is good for more than just killing certain harmful pathogens. It can also destroy contaminants such as microplastics and chemicals, making drinking water safer to drink. (Jenn Segal) A new research letter published in Environmental Science & Technology Letters indicates that boiling […]

Ubiquitous threat: Microplastics discovered in every human placenta sample

In a new study conducted by a team of toxicology scientists at the University of New Mexico, an alarming discovery was made: Microplastics were found in all 62 human placenta samples examined. This revelation underscores a growing environmental crisis, highlighting the pervasive infiltration of microplastics into the most intimate aspects of human life. Microplastics, as […]

Microplastics in clouds could ‘modify the climate,’ study finds

The tiny particles have been linked with widespread environmental damage, as well as cancers and a range of adverse health impacts related to the lungs and heart. Source

Microplastics are everywhere, including in New Zealand’s rainfall

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) New research published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology reveals that in 2020 alone, some 74 metric tons of microplastics – that is, the plastic particulates released from waste into the environment – fell on the city of Auckland in New Zealand via rainfall.The first peer-reviewed study of its kind to […]

Viruses can remain infectious on microplastics for three days

“It doesn’t take many virus particles to make you sick.” Source

Mask Microplastics Can Carry Disease Pathogens & New Pfizer Docs Continue To Expose Massive Coverup

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (6/7/22). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Deadly Microplastics Found in Human Blood for First Time – Doctors Baffled

Scientists have detected deadly microplastics in human blood for the first time, leaving them baffled and concerned about what is causing the mysterious outbreak. According to researchers, the tiny particles were found in a whopping […] Source

In world-historic first, microplastics detected in human blood

“We’ve choked this planet with plastic, from the highest mountains to the deepest oceans—and we’ve no idea at all about costs for public health,” said a British lawmaker. Source

Microplastics contaminating food and drinks may be fueling a dramatic rise in bowel diseases

NANJING, China — Microplastics may be the reason some people are more likely to develop inflammatory bowel disease, a new study warns. Researchers at Nanjing Medical University found higher quantities of these microscopic plastic particles in the feces of people with IBD than in their healthy peers. The study notes that people regularly ingest these particles […]

Pervasive Microplastics Are Damaging Your Cells

Lab data show we eat, breathe, and drink microplastics at levels leading to cell damage, cell death. Plastic has become a problem. Since being developed, plastic has become a part of nearly every facet of daily life. Our food packaging is made of plastic, as is our clothes, our flooring, our upholstery, our face masks, […]

Microplastics may cause bacteria to develop higher antibiotic resistance

A recent study from Rice University has found how microplastic particles may increase antibiotic resistance. As microplastics are found everywhere from takeout containers, to clothing, to even being found in drinking water, this is alarming data.  According to EcoWatch, scientists at Rice University’s George R. Brown School of Engineering found that microplastics offer a habitat […]

Microplastics are in the air we breathe and in Earth’s atmosphere, and they affect the climate

Microplastics are found in the most remote places on land and in the ocean as well as in our food. Now several studies around the world have confirmed they are also present in the air we breathe. In our research, published today, we investigated for the first time how airborne microplastics behave in the atmosphere […]

Babies poop has ten times more microplastics than in adults, study finds

New research found infants have 10 times more concentration of microplastics in their poop than adults.  Microplastics are fragments of any type of plastic less than 5 mm in length, according to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the European Chemicals Agency. They cause pollution by entering natural ecosystems from a variety of […]

People Are Inhaling Microplastics From Masks, Especially in Cold Weather

The presenter seems to think that Covid is a real virus that is affecting people, but regardless, he shows much plastic is shed from masks at cold temperatures. Bitchute link

Polluting microplastics harm both animals and ecosystems

Education Updates People around the world discard tons of tiny bits of plastic every year. Those bits can break down into pieces no bigger than a sesame seed or piece of lint. Much of that waste eventually will wind up loose in the environment. These microplastics have been found throughout the oceans and locked in […]

Scientist find microplastics in human organs giving activists more ammo to demand change in plastic pollution

On Monday, scientists from Arizona State University shared their research on finding microplastics and nanoplastics in human organs.  This has led to activists and activist groups like Greenpeace U.K. to speak out demanding the reduction of plastic pollution worldwide.  Microplastic particles have been found in human organs for the first time! 😟 Microplastic pollution effects […]

Most Bottled Water Contaminated With Microplastics

Dr. Mercola, Guest Waking Times Plastic has become an incredibly harmful convenience, now threatening environmental and human health alike, and in more ways than one. With Earth Day being tomorrow, there is no better time to analyze the impact bottled water has had on our planet. There’s the issue of bulk plastics in our […]

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