Posts Tagged ‘viruses’

Scientists Create New Coronavirus Vaccine For Viruses That Don’t Exist Yet

Scientists have created a new jab to help protect against multiple coronaviruses, even ones that haven’t been discovered yet! Experts from the universities of Oxford, Cambride, and Caltech in Califonia, aim to ‘proactively’ build a […] The post Scientists Create New Coronavirus Vaccine For Viruses That Don’t Exist Yet appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Viruses Don’t Exist and Why It Matters

13 feb 2024’t-Exist-and-Why-It-Matters:4 Full show notes and references _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are reading this and aware of what is happening, the time for you to stay silent on account of self-preservation is over. The weight of what you […]


For years now I have been writing and posting links to articles and studies which prove no one, any where in the world, no “health’ organization, no “government” has scientifically Identified, Isolated, Purified a Reproducible sample of the mythical “SARS-COV-02” “virus” and the whole damn thing was a scamdemic to cull the human herd with […]

Experts Say That Arctic ‘Zombie Viruses’ Could Trigger New Pandemic

Scientists are now warning that so called climate change could cause ancient ‘zombie viruses’ in the Arctic permafrost to melt and potentially trigger a new pandemic. Should we be afraid?….thats climate change and pandemic both […] The post Experts Say That Arctic ‘Zombie Viruses’ Could Trigger New Pandemic appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Climate change is likely to spread viruses as humans encroach on the natural world…

Monday, May 23, 2022 MULTIPLY UPDATED May 24: This post is a winding story of current events and their linkages to hidden agendas. I am in hospital with a fractured hip and it is hard to write. This is not polished but is full of important information MY RECENT HISTORY I arrived in Europe May […]

Scientists Warn Killer Viruses Transmitted From Animals To Human Will Soar Due To Climate Change

Scientists claim that human deaths from four types of killer viruses that lurk in animals will soar 12-fold due to climate change. So we now have two things to worry about for the price of […] The post Scientists Warn Killer Viruses Transmitted From Animals To Human Will Soar Due To Climate Change appeared first […]

Why ALL “Viruses” Originate In Laboratories

From Dr Sam Bailey @ substack The COVID-19 “lab leak” narrative has been in play on mainstream platforms since early 2020. However, many in the so-called freedom community are portraying the story as a high-level cover up. They allege that the research has spun out of control with “engineered pathogens” on the loose. However, what […]

The Permafrost is Melting, Releasing Deadly Viruses (Video)

The Arctic’s permafrost is thawing due to human-induced climate change, resulting in dire consequences. Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Antarctica Videos Read Later  Source

Rand Paul: “Bill Gates Is Largest Funder Of Trying To Find Viruses In Caves And Bring Them To Big Cities”

Senator Rand Paul teed off on globalist Bill Gates Sunday, heavily intimating that the billionaire’s obsession with funding research into deadly viruses led directly to the COVID pandemic. Appearing on Fox News, Paul noted that Gates visited China last week. Source

How are viruses discovered and identified in the first place? Dec 30 by Jon Rappoport

The earthshaking Etienne De Harven interview by Celia Farber by Jon Rappoport The question I’ve been asking since 1987— If the experts are going to claim a particular virus causes a particular disease—how do they know that virus exists in the first place? For example, the supposedly new coronavirus in China. For example, Ebola. For […]

The China “epidemic”: lying about viruses

by Jon Rappoport January 29, 2020 In my ongoing series of articles (archive here), I’ve already established at least a dozen reasons for rejecting the coronavirus story. In particular, demanding that we believe the coronavirus is responsible for an epidemic is absurd. In this article, I’m going to cover another angle. In contemporary history, the […]


In 1799 George Washington took a ride overlooking his farm in inclimate weather.He became ill with some type respiratory illness. His wife Martha called tn the “health experts” (doctors).One “health expert shoved a suppository up his annus causing him to poop his brains out.Another “health expert caused him to vomit repeatedly. Now that they had […]

The Viral Delusion, the existence of the COVID virus and other viruses

SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 Tune in to “Good Morning CHD” as Mary Holland takes on the controversial subject of whether the existence of the COVID virus + other viruses, like the HIV virus – have been thoroughly proven. She brings on two guests, David Rasnick, Ph.D. and filmmaker of the series ‘The Viral Delusion’ Mike Wallach, […]

‘Viruses’ – Baileys, Cowan & Kaufman Respond To Del Bigtree

September 3rd, 2022 In a recent interview, Del Bigtree suggested that the world is not ready for the “no virus” conversation.  We take a different view, which is why the “Settling The Virus Debate” Statement was launched. Dr Sam and Mark Bailey are joined by Dr Tom Cowan and Dr Andy Kaufman to analyse Bigtree’s […]

International group funded by Bill Gates warns that one of 11 new viruses will become “next pandemic”

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), an international globalist organization funded by Bill Gates, is already talking about the “next pandemic.”Now that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) has been beaten to death, GAVI is presenting 11 new potential virus candidates that could become the next plandemic … [Read More…] Source

Mosquitoes Testing Positive to Rare, Deadly Viruses in US Months After Bill Gates Released Millions in The Wild

Months after a Bill Gates tech start-up released millions of genetically modified mosquitoes in to the wild, mosquitoes across the US are testing positive to extremely rare and deadly viruses, some of which have never before been reported in the United States. Various states across the country have reported a sharp increase in mosquito-borne viruses. […]

Viruses can remain infectious on microplastics for three days

“It doesn’t take many virus particles to make you sick.” Source

Cleaning Our Sinuses of Viruses

Just as we can clean viruses from countertops, we can also clean them from our sinuses Did you know that one of the most important ways to reduce your chance of succumbing to a virus is cleaning the nasal passages and throat? Fostering oral and nasal hygiene is exponentially more effective than masking and sanitizing […]

“PCR Tests DO NOT and CANNOT detect viruses.* That means all PCR are meaningless.”

– American biochemist David Rasnick So stop reporting the number of C0V1D cases or even deaths as the results are meaningless, and most likely only (dubiously) reported to suit an agenda (such as the profit by the sale of useless injections by Pharmaceutical companies) … “If diagnostic PCR testing was stopped immediately Covid would VANISH […]

VACCINES REVEALED – Dr. Thomas Cowan on Viruses and Covid19

November 22nd, 2021 This is a must-see interview with Dr Thomas Cowan. We completely affirm his theology here at CV19News and acknowledge the facts he brings forth with evidence that brings light to the entire non-science and complete fabrication (scam-demic) that is being foisted on all of humanity. This completely summarizes Germ vs. Terrain theory, […]

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