Posts Tagged ‘rappoport’

Jon Rappoport: American Culture and TV Ads — The Missing Link

Jon Rappoport: American Culture and TV Ads — The Missing Link   “The common wisdom is people are sick of TV commercials. They mute them. They change the channel to avoid them. “I don’t think that’s true. “The basic missing link is: the ads aren’t just promoting products; the ads ARE products.”   American culture […]

How Many People Have Psychological COVID? – By Jon Rappoport

FEAR FACTOR: How Many People Have Psychological COVID? – By Jon Rappoport SM / September 14, 2020 Source – – “…Let me tell you a true story about immunization okay? When I was a little boy in New York City in the 1940s, we swam in the Hudson River and it was filled with raw […]

How are viruses discovered and identified in the first place? Dec 30 by Jon Rappoport

The earthshaking Etienne De Harven interview by Celia Farber by Jon Rappoport The question I’ve been asking since 1987— If the experts are going to claim a particular virus causes a particular disease—how do they know that virus exists in the first place? For example, the supposedly new coronavirus in China. For example, Ebola. For […]

The Revolt in China: What It Means by Jon Rappoport

The Revolt in China: What It Means How the chief propagandists are trying to derail the story and kill it by Jon Rappoport November 30, 2022   We’re on the cusp of potentially enormous changes. China, the great superpower, is experiencing a human earthquake at its roots. The revolt in China has huge implications for […]


August 24th, 2022 The prolific author and investigative journalist Jon Rappoport is back and had so much to talk about.We discuss:A major medical crime that alternative media won’t discussWhy Jon doesn’t go to a GPWhy people are addicted to seeing allopathic doctorsThe collusion of media, corporations and governmentHow the media fakes authenticityThe problems with the […]

YCP – Covid Report from Jon Rappoport

YAHWEH’S COVENANT PEOPLE YCP – Covid Report from Jon Rappoport Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share Share this: Source

Jon Rappoport – The Great Reset is The Great Con – Parts 1,2&3

The Great Reset is The Great Con Mar11  by Jon Rappoport   by Jon Rappoport March 11, 2022 More than a year ago, I pointed out that you shouldn’t look for logic in trying to figure out why COVID necessitates The Great Reset. It’s a hustle, and not a very good one. The main PR […]

Football: Where Money Trumps “The Virus” by Jon Rappoport

Football: Where Money Trumps “The Virus”by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake NewsNovember 26, 2021 I wouldn’t ordinarily write about football; but the sport illustrates how vaunted Public Health Officials look the other way, when they’re supposed to. They have as much integrity as thieves in the night. Only idiots would pay attention to anything they say […]

Canada’s Medical Nazis (Jon Rappoport)

O Canada, you’ve got medical Nazis; their stench is rising into the sky by Jon Rappoport (To join our email list, click here.) They’re called the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO). As their home page states, they “regulate the practice of medicine in Ontario. Physicians are required to be members to practice […]

Jon Rappoport: Canada, You’ve got Medical Nazis – REBEL!

by Jon Rappoport They’re called the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO). As their home page states, they “regulate the practice of medicine in Ontario. Physicians are required to be members to practice medicine in Ontario.” In other words, CPSO is THE medical board. They run the show. If practicing doctors make a […]

Rappoport: Phase One And Phase Two Of Technocracy’s Civilization Lockdown — Decoded-Information

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The Virus That Isn’t There with Jon Rappoport

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How CDC/WHO will fake the effects of the COVID vaccine to make it look like a success, by Jon Rappoport

STRAIGHT LINE LOGIC Here’s how you make a vaccine look like a success: just reverse all the phony statistics you were using to “prove” we were in a pandemic to “prove” that it’s gone! From Jon Rappoport at Making a vaccine look like it’s a champion isn’t difficult for public health agencies. There are […]

Wisdom of our People

We’ll go through some of our racial Knowledge and Wisdom. It is good to actually go back and understand the Intelligence of our People, rather than to listen to modern day lunatics or read a Semitic book of nonsense. Refreshing, to say the least. These ones are Slavic proverbs. A good painter need not give […]

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