Posts Tagged ‘Missing’

The Missing Piece Of The Puzzle: Behind The Inexplicable “Strength” Of US Consumers Is $700 Billion In “Phanton Debt”

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CARTEL PSYOP! Bodies in Mexico of missing Aussie and American surfers have bullet wounds to head…

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Baltimore bridge ship crash fatalities: 2 confirmed dead, 4 still missing

All crew members of the ill-fated cargo ship that collided with and caused the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore early Tuesday, March 26, have been located and found unharmed, ship management company Synergy Marine Group said in a statement. Unfortunately, a construction crew working on the bridge suffered casualties, with eight […]

Gaza’s ‘shadow death toll’: Buried, missing, trapped under the rubble

23 Mar 2024 Source: News Websites By Al Mayadeen English Gaza’s death toll, currently surpassing 31,000 martyrs, excludes the thousands of missing people buried beneath the rubble. The Ministry of Health in Gaza announced that the occupation committed 7 massacres in 24 hours, killing 72 and injuring 114. This brings the total number of Palestinians killed […]

7 Signs You’re Missing Key Nutrients — And How to Fix It

(Note: Thank you for supporting this sponsored message, which helps keep this Substack running to bring you uncensored news.) Over recent decades, obtaining all the necessary nutrients from diet alone has become more challenging. Soil depletion and agricultural practices focused on maximizing yields have reduced the nutrient content of fruits, vegetables, and grains. This phenomenon, […]

7 Signs You’re Missing Key Nutrients — And How to Fix It

(Note: Thank you for supporting this sponsored message, which helps keep this Substack running to bring you uncensored news.) Over recent decades, obtaining all the necessary nutrients from diet alone has become more challenging. Soil depletion and agricultural practices focused on maximizing yields have reduced the nutrient content of fruits, vegetables, and grains. This phenomenon, […]

More Than $1 Billion In Weapons Missing In Ukraine

According to a Pentagon watchdog, over $1Billion in military aid for Ukraine was improperly tracked and is now unaccounted for. An internal audit released on Jan. 10 by the DOD Inspector General says that the Department of […] The post More Than $1 Billion In Weapons Missing In Ukraine appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Waste Of The Day: Over $1 Billion In Weapons Missing In Ukraine

Authored by Adam Andrzejewski via RealClear Wire, Topline: The Department of Defense has failed to properly track $1 billion worth of weapons provided to Ukraine, according to an internal audit released on Jan. 10 by the DOD Inspector General. Key facts: The DOD is supposed to use special “enhanced end-use monitoring” techniques” to “safeguard” key […]

Think Twice Before You Organize An Effort To Locate A Missing Person…..

…especially in view of the fact that law enforcement has always worked for the power elite who are behind all of the rampant human trafficking, sex trafficking, child trafficking, slave trafficking etc. At the end of the day, every body snatcher, whether they know it or not, belongs to a highly organized bankster-sponsored human trafficking […]

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 100: Nearly 100,000 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed, injured, or are missing since October 7

As Israel’s assault on Gaza reaches 100 days, an estimated 100,000 Palestinians have been killed, injured, or are missing. Still Netanyahu declares: “No one will stop us; not The Hague, not the axis of evil and not anyone else calling the ICJ.” Source

Janet Ossebaard is missing and possibly committed suicide

It is with deep sadness that we must inform you that our good friend Janet Ossebaard has been missing for several weeks. I share this with the approval of Cyntha Koeter, with whom we are in close contact. For quite some time Janet was not doing well, and she left a few weeks ago with […]

Australian Surfer Missing After Witnesses Say Massive Shark Grabbed Him In Waves

A man who sped out on a Jet Ski in an attempt to help said he filmed a 13-foot shark in the water, which immediately started circling him. Source

Non-Binary CUNY Professor Filmed Ripping down Missing Israeli Posters, Attacking Onlooker

A “non-binary” college educator attacked a bystander who recorded her ripping down posters of Israelis who were taken hostage by Hamas. Source

Hurricane Otis Death Toll Rises To 48, 36 Missing As Search And Recovery Work Continues

Mexican authorities have raised the toll to 48 dead from Hurricane Otis, days after the fierce Category 5 storm struck. Source

A Wave Of People Are Tearing Down Posters Of Missing Israelis

The missing persons flyers depict Israelis taken hostage by Hamas. Source

Scientists Unveil ‘Missing Law’ of Nature That Explains How Everything In the Universe Evolved, Including Us

Scientists have identified a “missing law” of nature that might explain the evolution of evolving systems in the universe, including stars, chemicals, and life, reports a new study.  The so-called “law of increasing functional information" predicts that all evolving phenomena are subject to natural processes that prioritize important functions, such as stability and novelty, thereby […]

A Third-Generation Israeli Soldier Has Been Missing For Over A Week. Her Family Can Only Wait.

Roni Eshel’s father describes the wait for news as “hell.” Source

Les Wexner’s Sacrifice Needs & The HUUUGE NUMBERS of Missing Ohio Children (Where Wexner Resides Duh)

See all According to a report by Ohio’s attorney general Dave Yost, more than 15,000 children were reported missing in Ohio in 20221. Of these, 415 remain unaccounted for and six were found dead2. However, 97% of 2021’s missing children, a total of 13,606 children, have been safely found2. In a recent operation called Autumn Hope, the US Marshals Service in […]

California Introduces “Ebony Alert” To Find Missing Black Kids, Young Women

A new California law which goes into effect Jan. 1 is the first of its kind in the nation to prioritize the search for missing black kids and young black women. On Sunday, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed Senate Bill 673 to create the “Ebony Alert” monitoring system, which will allow the Highway Patrol to activate […]

Mother Of Missing Israel Festivalgoer Seen In Graphic Video Speaks Out

Shani Louk, a German-Israeli tattoo artist, was among thousands of attendees partying at the Supernova festival early Saturday morning. Source

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