Posts Tagged ‘binary’

Non-Binary CUNY Professor Filmed Ripping down Missing Israeli Posters, Attacking Onlooker

A “non-binary” college educator attacked a bystander who recorded her ripping down posters of Israelis who were taken hostage by Hamas. Source

REPORT: Canadian ‘Non-Binary’ Rugby Player Accused of Injuring Women was Named ‘Hardest Hitter’ on Men’s Team

A “non-binary” rugby player accused of injuring women in a match was previously named “hardest hitter” when serving on the men’s team. Source

‘Non- Binary’ Pedophile, Who Repeatedly Raped Child, Walks Free From Court

A serial child rapist, who claims to be “non-binary”, has walked free from court after being convicted by a jury for repeatedly raping a young boy. Oliver James Bond, a 32-year-old man from the town of Cardenden, Scotland, was given a slap on the wrist by the liberal Scottish judge during sentencing. Bond, who had […]

Groomers have done their homework: Self-identifying “non-binary” students in New Jersey public schools INCREASE by more than 4,000%

(NaturalNews) Recent enrollment data from the New Jersey Department of Education has shown a more than 4,000 percent increase in the number of public school… Source

Non-Binary SNL Cast Member Also Comes Out As Non-Funny

NEW YORK CITY, NY — After an introduction from Michael Che, trans rights activist Molly Kearney descended from the ceiling for her highly anticipated announcement of being both non-binary and non-funny. Source

DoD Official Testifies That The Military Must Be A ‘Safe Space’ For The Non-Binary

The armed services must be a “safe space” in which each and every member feels validated and affirmed on his and/or her journey of self-discovery.  Source

Facebook And Instagram Could Soon Allow Transgender And Non-Binary People To Show Their Breasts

And in a real slap to the face for equality, women who were born biologically female will have no such option, according to a new report by the NY Post. Source

Bad-clown Rising – Non binary Report

» The nature of the cageYesterday at 8:44 pm by PurpleSkyz » IS THE NEW FINANCIAL STRUCTURE CLOSEYesterday at 2:27 pm by topspin2 » Following the Science? – 159 Children dead, 1.2k disabled, 14.5k hospitalised & 55k injured due to COVID VaccinationYesterday at 11:33 am by PurpleSkyz » COVER-UP: ‘My Son Hunter’, Hunter Biden’s Excellent Debauched AdventureYesterday at 10:29 am by PurpleSkyz » Ring […]

The Famous Crop Circle With A Binary Code & Extraterrestrial Face

The Famous (And Real) Crop Circle With A Binary Code & Extraterrestrial FacebyArjun WaliaSeptember 2, 2022 In Brief The Facts: The crop circle you see above appeared in 2002 in a field near Crabwood, United Kingdom. It’s been well documented, pictured and filmed by multiple photographers. It’s existence and the fact that it happened is […]

UK member of Parliament encourages parents to challenge children’s ‘non-binary’ claims

(The Christian Institute) — A Christian MP has encouraged parents to “push back” if their child claims to be “non-binary.” Nick Fletcher MP made the comments during a Westminster Hall debate on a public petition to allow the legal recognition of people who identify as “non-binary.” Fletcher addressed parents, saying, “If their child comes home […]

Pedophile Activists Host ‘Non-Binary’ Sex Ed Summer Camp for 8 Year Olds

A liberal summer camp in Indianapolis, Indiana, devoted to sex demonstrations for third-grade children is being organized by a group of pedophile activists who want to teach minors about how to put on condoms, “kinks,” and pornography. The sex education-themed event set to take place from June 6 – 10 at Half Liter BBQ & […]

TESS Spots Mysterious Dust-Emitting Object in Binary Stellar System

TESS Spots Mysterious Dust-Emitting Object in Binary Stellar System  Jan 4, 2022 by  Enrico de Lazaro Astronomers using NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) have discovered a unique object of uncertain nature — possibly a disintegrating asteroid or minor planet — orbiting one star in the widely separated binary system TIC 400799224. This color image […]

“Non-Binary” Assistant Professor Calls For ‘Stigma’ of Pedophilia to be ‘Delegitimized’

A new poll by Arizona Christian University has found that 39 per cent of 18-24 year olds now identify as LGBTQ. Yes, really. The survey, carried out in partnership with Foundations of Freedom, asked young Americans to choose a self-description, with over two-thirds of those aged 18-24 saying they were lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or […]

Demi Lovato: I Am NOT a Woman – I Am Non-Binary Now

Pop star Demi Lovato, just weeks after coming out as “pansexual,” has declared that she is no longer a woman and is instead “non-binary”. Lovato made the revelation in an Instagram post on Wednesday. “I am proud to let you know that I identify as non-binary and will officially be changing my pronouns to they/them […]

Singer Demi Lovato Comes Out As ‘Non-Binary’

American Singer Demi Lovato has come out as “non-binary,” and is now using “they/them” pronouns instead of “she/her”. ‘They’ said they came to understand ‘their’ gender identity after spending time doing “healing and self-reflective work” over the past year. Lovato’s announcement, which just happened ti coincided with the launch of a new podcast, was met […]

‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Introduces ‘Transgender,’ ‘Non-Binary’ Characters in Season 3

Season three of “Star Trek: Discovery” on CBS All Access will introduce the franchise’s first “transgender” and “non-binary” characters in the history of the science fiction drama. “Star Trek has always made a mission of giving visibility to underrepresented communities because it believes in showing people that a future without division on the basis of […]

Non-Binary Dyke Gets a Lecture About Jew Agenda to Destroy Whites

Mutant freak drowns in pro-white facts. Sub my bitchute. Help me out with some shekels.

Who Could Make A Face Like This & Include A Binary Code Message In The Middle Of The Night?

Next Story The crop circle above appeared in 2002, in a field near Crabwood, UK. Yes, it’s real, it’s been filmed and documented in the Crop Circle archives, and you can see better pictures and video footage of it below. So, it happened, regardless of who you believe made it. It’s ridiculously precise, like many […]

The Scam of Binary Options

February 06, 2018  /  Gilad Atzmon   By Eve Mykytyn Israel’s binary options business has been closed down by Israeli lawmakers as of the end of January 2018. This move should have come as a relief to investors and law enforcement officers world wide as the insidious binary options business had cost investors billions of dollars and […]

Facebook Bans All Ads for Cryptocurrencies, ICOs and Binary Options

Facebook Inc. on Tuesday said it is banning ads promoting bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, as well as those about initial coin offerings (ICOs) and binary options. The social networking giant said in a blog that it is making the move because these are “financial products and services frequently associated with misleading or deceptive promotional practices.” […]

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