Posts Tagged ‘instagram’

Facebook Knows Instagram Is Toxic for Teen Girls, Company Documents Show

Meta, the company that owns data hoovering cash cows Facebook, Instagram & WhatsApp is basically scum of the Earth, the lowest of lows a corporation that should be razed to the ground, period. Facebook Knows Instagram Is Toxic for Teen Girls, Company Documents Show Its own in-depth research shows a significant teen mental-health issue that […]

Instagram Being Sued as a Hotbed for Child Exploitation and Pedophilia, Calls for International BAN

    Shocking new reports show that Facebook’s parent company, Meta, knew that parents were monetizing photos of their own children for pedophiles and even went so far as to actively promote accounts with “underage modeling” to people who were under suspicion of inappropriate behavior toward children online. Activists are calling for the international permanent […]

Meta Removes Iran Supreme Leader Khamenei’s Instagram, Facebook Accounts

It has been a growing trend for the US government and US-based media platforms to censor and cancel Iranian state media entities. For example the biggest instance came in 2021 when the US Justice Department seized state-run PressTV’s domain.  The DOJ had seized a total of “33 Iranian government-affiliated media websites, as well as three of […]

The ‘Not-Naked’ Calendar of Images That Instagram Tried to Censor

The Not Naked calendar. Photo: courtesy of Slagland and Quence Queer collectives Slagland and Quench are selling a “not naked calendar” for 2024 to get back at Instagram’s slapdash, dodgy approach to censoring sexual content. Made in collaboration with sex workers, pole dancers and queer nightlife organisers, the point is to highlight the inequality of Meta’s […]

‘Stranger Things’ Star Noah Schnapp Blasts Instagram Followers for Celebrating Hamas: ‘You Either Stand with Israel or You Stand with Terrorism’

Netflix’s “Stranger Things” star Noah Schnapp has blasted his Instagram followers who have voiced their support and even celebrated Hamas and its murder of Israelis, saying “you either stand with Israel or you stand with terrorism.” Source

Kia and Hyundai Blame TikTok and Instagram For Their Cars Getting Stolen

Kia and Hyundai say it is not their fault that their cars are being stolen in an unprecedented theft surge made possible by the vehicles lacking a basic anti-theft technology virtually every other car has, according to a recent court filing. Instead, the companies point the finger at social media companies, such as TikTok and […]

PEDO PLATFORM: Instagram’s algorithms promote a “vast pedophile network,” report reveals

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Instagram uses algorithms that help promote a “vast network†of pedophiles who are seeking “underage sex content,†according to a new expose by the Wall Street Journal.The news outlet investigated these activities alongside researchers from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and Stanford University, and their … [Read More…] Source

Iran maintains block on WhatsApp and Instagram

It comes as hundreds of international figures — from Nobel laureates to actors — pledged their “unwavering” support of protesters in Iran. Source

Facebook And Instagram Could Soon Allow Transgender And Non-Binary People To Show Their Breasts

And in a real slap to the face for equality, women who were born biologically female will have no such option, according to a new report by the NY Post. Source

This Photo App Wants to Beat Instagram by Ditching the Awful Algorithm

Instagram started off as a photography app—well, if you can consider 2012’s Valencia-filtered photos of lattes “photography”—but, over the last decade, it’s morphed into something else indeed. These days, open the app, and you’ll mostly encounter hyper-posed selfies, birthday messages to people you don’t know, and, of course, algorithm-optimized ads for sunglasses and direct-to-consumer personal […]

Sophia Hadjipanteli poses naked on Instagram – See the photo

Sophia Hadjipanteli raised the temperature on Instagram after the new Greece’s Next Top Model judge posed without clothes. Obviously, within a short time she had gathered dozens of comments for her new post. “The dress code was business casual,” wrote the thick browed model. As soon as Vicky Kaya saw her post, she wrote under… […]

Facebook’s Instagram Tells Teens to ‘Take a Break’ Following Avalanche of Lawsuits

Facebook (now known as Meta) recently was hit with a wave of lawsuits relating to the company’s platforms and their negative impact on teen mental health; now the company’s Instagram platform is influencing teens to “Take a Break” and stop consuming harmful content.

Instagram censors suggestions Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self-defense

Musician and podcaster Jordan Sarmo has announced that Instagram deleted his post about Kyle Rittenhouse, a teen who is on trial for first degree murder of two men – that he says he committed in self-defense, as he was being chased and feared for his life. But the case has become just the latest in […]

Instagram model is on trial for distracting guard to break her mom out of Colombian prison

Aída Merlano Rebolledo became a Colombian senator in 2019, but she landed in prison several months later for voter fraud and corruption. Her sentence was for 15 years, but she only stayed in the slammer for two weeks thanks to her distracting daughter. According to prosecutors, 21-year-old Aída Victoria Merlano Manzanero kept guards occupied while […]

Facebook Whistleblower Precedes Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp ALL Shutting Down For Hours on Monday. Coincidence? Doubtful.

October 5, 2021 at 6:53 pmFiled Under:60 Minutes, CBS 60 Minutes, Facebook, Frances Haugen, Internet, Mark Zucerberg, Section 230, Social Media PALO ALTO (CBS SF) — Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen calmly told a congressional subcommittee Tuesday that Facebook chooses to allow harmful content on its platform that is “disastrous” for society and for children in particular because of the astronomical profits such […]

WSJ: Facebook’s Internal Documents Show Company Knows Instagram Is Terrible for Teen Girls

According to a recent report from the Wall Street Journal, social media giant Facebook is aware that its Instagram photo-sharing platform can have a negative effect on the body image of young women. One of Instagram’s internal presentations admits: “We make body image issues worse for one in three teen girls.” In a recent report titled […]

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