Posts Tagged ‘censors’

Censors Failed to Cancel NatCon

As Nigel Farage took to the stage on Tuesday in the Claridge in Brussels, a large contingent of police officers could be seen milling around the venue with an order to close the event, on the grounds that it was “creating a public disturbance.” Emir Kir, the mayor of Saint-Josse-ten-Noode, one of the nineteen municipalities of […]

Can the Chief Justice Stand Up to the Censors?

Chief Justice John Roberts once flipped his vote on Obamacare to appease the DC establishment. Will he capitulate again in Murthy v. Missouri? In 2012, after oral arguments in Sebelius v. NFIB, the Supreme Court met in a secret conference to determine the constitutionality of Obamacare and its “individual mandate.” Following three days of oral […]

echnocensorship: When Corporations Serve As a Front for Government Censors

Nothing good can come from allowing the government to sidestep the Constitution. Unfortunately, the government has become an expert at disregarding constitutional roadblocks intended to protect the rights of the citizenry. When these end-runs don’t suffice, the government hides behind the covert, clandestine, classified language of national security; or obfuscates, complicates, stymies, and bamboozles; or […]

Elon Musk Launches “Thermonuclear” Lawsuit Against Pizzagate Censors Media Matters

Elon Musk has announced plans to file a “thermonuclear lawsuit” against Media Matters, threatening to destroy their ability to censor evidence of an elite pedophile ring involving major politicians and world leaders. On Saturday Musk confirmed he planned to launch the massive lawsuit against the pro-pedophilia group after they convinced advertisers to flee X by […]

Washington Post Censors Anti-Hamas Cartoon After Reader Complaints, Staff Revolt

The Washington Post has taken down a cartoon by conservative artist Michael P. Ramirez that mocked Hamas, after criticisms by readers and a revolt by staff members. Source

YouTube Censors Reporting On Leaked Trans Shooter Manifesto

YouTube has removed reporting by Steven Crowder on the pages of the withheld manifesto of the Nashville mass shooter that he managed to obtain, claiming that they “think it violates” their policy on “violent criminal organizations”. Whatever that means is anyone’s guess. Crowder shared the development with a screenshot from his YouTube account, commenting “Investigative […]

“Don’t Be Intimidated” By The Censors – Tucker Carlson Urges Americans To Fight Back By ‘Telling The Truth’

“Don’t Be Intimidated” By The Censors – Tucker Carlson Urges Americans To Fight Back By ‘Telling The Truth’ In a brief clip of him speaking in Utica, MI, Tucker Carlson expresses his deep concern over widespread acceptance of dishonesty in public life, lamenting, “what’s true? The true things are the things that you can’t say.” […]

Mark Zuckerberg’s Threads censors COVID-related searches to DISCONNECT people from knowledge

(NaturalNews) Threads, the latest text-based social media platform made by tech giant Meta, is now stopping terms connected to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) and… Source

The Censors’ Henchmen

The ongoing release of the Facebook Files reveals the target of the White House’s collusion with Big Tech: you. Censorship is not a targeted attack on speakers; the objective is to deny you, the citizenry, your right to access information.  Journalists including Michael Shellenberger have exposed what they dub the “Censorship Industrial Complex,” a tangled […]

German media self-censors about foreign origins of 5 ‘Germans’ arrested for rape of young girl.

John Cody – Remix News July 17, 2023 Over the weekend, after the international media loudly trumpeted that five German men were arrested for raping an 18-year-old Spanish girl, it was quickly revealed that all of the men have a “migration background.” Nevertheless, the vast majority of news outlets referred to the men as “Germans” […]

Deny, Deflect, Defend: The Censors’ Strategy on Display

Despite the uproar surrounding the case, Judge Terry Doughty’s order in Missouri v. Biden was straightforward. It prohibited government actors from colluding with social media companies to censor “content containing protected free speech.”  In other words, the defendants – including the White House, the CDC, and the Department of Justice – must obey the Constitution […]

YouTube Censors Australian Politician’s Maiden Speech To Parliament

Authored by Rebekah Barnett via The Brownstone Institute, “30 minutes of truth bombs” is how one Twitter user described Liberal Democrat John Ruddick’s maiden speech to the New South Wales (NSW) Parliament, last Wednesday 28 June. “Indeed, Ruddick, who left the Liberal Party in 2021 after public disagreements over the Party’s handling of the pandemic response, said […]

YouTube Escalates Its Attack on Robert F Kennedy Jr., Censors Another Interview

YouTube continues to censor the presidential candidate. Source

Biden Administration Censors Disclosure Of 2020 Election Censorship Documents

Censoring proof of censorship – that would be a new low for the current US administration, but that is what newly released documents – emails – are now revealing as the inner workings of the Biden White House related to online speech, and what they say they consider to be “misinformation.” Source

Facebook Censors Climate and Atmospheric Science Journal Study on Antarctica

Originally posted on The Most Revolutionary Act: By Paul Homewood [Ed: Interesting the factcheckers cite a USA Today article to counter a peer-reviewed scientific journal] This post came up on my Facebook today: When you click on SEE WHY, this comes up: And this is the story the Facebook censors don’t want you to… […]

ABC Censors Presidential Candidate RFK Jr.’s Vaccine Danger Remarks, as FDA Refuses to Release Safety Data

ABC reveals they censored “extensive portions” of their interview with RFK Jr due to “false claims about the COVID-19 vaccines.” Funny how these mainstream outlets make a point to highlight the anti-vaccine views of anyone who speaks up about — Michael P Senger (@michaelpsenger) April 28, 2023 Via Epoch Times: FDA Refuses to Provide […]

Facebook Censors Seymour Hersh’s Reports On Nord Stream Bombing, Zelensky Entourage Embezzling U.S. Aid

Facebook is censoring famed journalist Seymour Hersh’s report alleging the US and Norway worked together to bomb the Nord Stream pipelines as well as his report claiming the Zelensky regime embezzled “at least” $400 million in US aid. Source

Trudeau Vows To Appoint ‘Internet Censors’ To Patrol For ‘Destabilizing Speech’

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is “committed” to appointing internet “censors” with “strong enforcement mechanisms” that will patrol the internet for so-called “destabilizing” speech, according to a letter his office sent to Canadian MPs last week. […] The post Trudeau Vows To Appoint ‘Internet Censors’ To Patrol For ‘Destabilizing Speech’ appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Facebook Censors Hersh Story About Ukraine Government Corruption by Using ‘Fact Check’ From Pro-Ukraine Group

Facebook is censoring a Seymour Hersh story which accuses the Ukrainian president of embezzling funds by citing a pro-Ukraine ‘fact-checker’ which is partly funded by NATO. Source

AI Censors Go Full Bore Censoring Conservative Podcasts

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