Posts Tagged ‘pizzagate’

‘Sickening’ Tape of Bernie Sanders Raping Boy Surfaces in New Pizzagate Files 

A senior advisor to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, who boasted that Pizzagate was “fake news”, has just been charged with a sickening array of child sex offenses in the UK. Meanwhile, disturbing allegations have […] The post ‘Sickening’ Tape of Bernie Sanders Raping Boy Surfaces in New Pizzagate Files  appeared first on The People's […]

‘Pizzagate Is Real’: Former UN Executive Director Drops Bomb on Global Elite

The global elite are a cabal of pedophiles who prey on children according to Calin Georgescu, the former executive director at the United Nations and former president of the Club of Rome, who warns “Pizzagate is real.” The detailed and extraordinary allegations leveled by Georgescu against his former elite colleagues means the former UN director […]

‘Pizzagate Is Real’: Former UN Executive Director Drops Bomb on Global Elite

The global elite are a cabal of pedophiles who prey on children according to Calin Georgescu, the former executive director at the United Nations and former president of the Club of Rome, who warns “Pizzagate is real.” The detailed and extraordinary allegations leveled by Georgescu against his former elite colleagues means the former UN director […]

‘Pizzagate Is Real’: Former UN Executive Director Drops Bomb on Global Elite

The global elite are a cabal of pedophiles who prey on children according to Calin Georgescu, the former executive director at the United Nations and former president of the Club of Rome, who warns “Pizzagate is real.” The detailed and extraordinary allegations leveled by Georgescu against his former elite colleagues means the former UN director […]

Elon Musk Launches “Thermonuclear” Lawsuit Against Pizzagate Censors Media Matters

Elon Musk has announced plans to file a “thermonuclear lawsuit” against Media Matters, threatening to destroy their ability to censor evidence of an elite pedophile ring involving major politicians and world leaders. On Saturday Musk confirmed he planned to launch the massive lawsuit against the pro-pedophilia group after they convinced advertisers to flee X by […]

Judge Who Labelled ‘Pizzagate’ a ‘Conspiracy’ Was SCOTUS Nominee Ketanji Jackson

SCOTUS nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson labelled ‘Pizzagate‘ a ‘conspiracy theory’ which damaged the reputations of upstanding politicians such as Hillary Clinton. The pro-pedophile judge is currently on track to become Biden’s pick for the Supreme […] Source

Pizzagate 2021 – The Virus That Infectus Our World!

Pizzagate 2021 – The Virus That Infectus Our World! / Medeea Greere These images are shocking and disturbing. These networks need to be shut down forever! These perpetrators are being rounded up and executed. This has been going on under our feet! 5 million kids are being rescued from underground under the cover of […]

Trump-Hating Star & Pizzagate “Debunker” Chris D’Elia Accused of Child Sex Abuse

Trump-hating Hollywood star Chris D’Elia has been accused of sexually abusing children in a new lawsuit by one of his alleged victims. The lawsuit claims that D’Elia collected images of child porn while luring an underage teenage girl to his hotel room in 2014. You can unsubscribe any time. By subscribing you agree to our […]

Pizzagate & Adrenochrome

by Admin · Published November 29, 2020 · Updated November 30, 2020 FullscreenShare Adrenokromi (pizzagate) blob:

The Big Picture Of Child Trafficking – Pizzagate and Beyond

This is a compilation of all of the child trafficking exposes we have done to date. Please share! Bitchute link

Chelsea Clinton Admits ‘Pizzagate’ Is Real

Chelsea Clinton has admitted that ‘Pizzagate‘ – a conspiracy involving politicians running a pedophile ring – is real via Twitter on Thursday morning.   In an unhinged rant, Clinton boasted “of course there’s a #Pizzagate 2.0. Of course there is,” in sarcastic reference to the recent child trafficking bust in Arizona. Of course there’s a #Pizzagate 2.0. […]

John Podesta Bites Head Off Feminist Over Pizzagate Question At Duke University [VIDEO]

Content originally published at Former Clinton campaign manager John Podesta jumped down the throat of feminist and Political Science major Nicole Kiprilov in front of 300 people at Duke University Wednesday, after the undergrad asked Podesta questions about how he responds to various controversies including ‘Pizzagate,’ Uranium One, The Podesta Group, and Joule Unlimited – a now-defunct Boston green […]

California Deputy Attorney Joseph Liddy Arrested In Pizzagate Bust

A California deputy attorney general has been arrested and charged for possessing child pornography as part of a pizzagate bust.  Raymond Joseph Liddy was charged by San Diego federal court after police found sexual images of children on his computer. reports: The investigation began after an electronic service provider sent a tip to the National […]

John ‘Pizzagate’ Podesta Forced To Testify Before Congress – Media Blackout

On Tuesday June 27, 2017, John Podesta was forced to testify before Congress in a closed-door hearing – amid a total media blackout. It’s unlikely you heard about this hearing due to the fact that the mainstream media refused to cover it. Here’s a tweet from one independent journalist Jack Posobiec who did cover it: John […]

Pizzagate activist Mike Cernovich a double agent

By Timothy FitzpatrickMay 6, 2017 Anno Domini Unusual bedfellows left-wing Dershowitz (middle) and right-wing Cernovich (right). The man on the left is wearing some Hebrew necklace. Court documents suggest that alt right personality and “Pizzagate” activist Mike Cernovich is a rape apologist “proxy” used for helping an elite paedophile ring run by billionaire Jeffrey Epstein. […]

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