Archive for the ‘Washington Post’ Category

Netanyahu just said Israel will permanently occupy the land ‘from the river to the sea.’ The U.S. media is covering it up

The other day Benjamin Netanyahu produced his most memorable statement since October 7. He said that his ultimate aim is that Israel will permanently occupy all the territory “from the river to the sea.” There is video of him saying it in Hebrew. He was double-crossing decades of official U.S. policy, which is supposed to […]

Israel is provoking the U.S. into a conflict with Iran — but the media ignores the danger

In addition to killing thousands of Palestinians in Gaza, Israel has been routinely attacking at least four other nations in the region: Iran, Yemen, Syria, and Lebanon. Why does the U.S. media keeps the American public in the dark? Source

Washington Post Censors Anti-Hamas Cartoon After Reader Complaints, Staff Revolt

The Washington Post has taken down a cartoon by conservative artist Michael P. Ramirez that mocked Hamas, after criticisms by readers and a revolt by staff members. Source

Nolte: Larry Sabato Says WaPo Wrong to Publish Trump +10 Poll

Nolte: A Washington Post poll shows Trump beating Biden by ten points, and that gave Larry Sabato a case of the sadz. Source

Washington Post and MSNBC voices say ‘Apartheid’ (and J Street inches closer)

The letter accusing Israel of apartheid initiated by Israeli Jewish scholars has given permission to commentators at mainstream publications to echo the accusation. Even J Street acknowledges it’s two sets of law based on “racial and ethnic” distinction. Source

Biden is risking war with Iran — and the media is ignoring the danger

The Biden administration plans to station Marines on commercial ships in the Persian Gulf. This could trigger war with Iran, but most of the mainstream U.S. press is not paying attention. Source

Biden is risking war with Iran — and the media is ignoring the danger

The Biden administration plans to station Marines on commercial ships in the Persian Gulf. This could trigger war with Iran, but most of the mainstream U.S. press is not paying attention. Source

The ‘NY Times’ deliberately distorts the news, to blame Palestinians for the Al-Aqsa mosque crisis

The New York Times coverage of the latest crisis in occupied Palestine is so distorted and so biased that it must have been deliberate. Source

When will the ‘NYT’ and other mainstream media report the death of the two-state solution?

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman recently said that the two-state solution in Israel/Palestine is, if not already dead, “in hospice.” Now it’s time for news reporters at his paper and other mainstream U.S. media, to look squarely at how and why two states is no longer possible. Instead, the two-state solution is supposedly still […]

With shocking bias, ‘NYT’ treats ‘deadliest year since ’05’ as a Palestinian numbers game

“The New York Times” realized it had to report the year-end casualty statistics for Palestinians in the West Bank, the highest toll since 2005. So it looked for a way to shift attention away from the major perpetrators — the Israeli military and Jewish settler/colonists — and put it on the Palestinians. Source

Netanyahu and Ben-Gvir are bent on extremist provocation, but you won’t learn about it in the ‘NY Times’

Eleven days ago, Benjamin Netanyahu appointed Itamar Ben-Gvir, the far-right Jewish-supremacist, as his Minister of National Security. Netanyahu, who is putting together the next Israeli government, also announced that the Ministry would have expanded powers, especially in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian West Bank. The appointment prompted a firestorm of criticism within Israel. Ben-Gvir immediately got into […]

‘NYT’ covers up the rise of Jewish supremacist Ben-Gvir, as Netanyahu’s security minister

Once again the “New York Times” launders the dark forces gaining power in Israeli politics. Tensions in the occupied Palestinian West Bank are already at their highest level in years, and yet Israel’s security policy is now in the hands of a fascist who was considered so extreme that he wasn’t even allowed to serve […]

Mainstream media continues to sanitize Itamar Ben-Gvir following election triumph

Itamar Ben-Gvir will probably be the kingmaker in Israel’s next government. So why do the New York Times and National Public Radio downplay his racism? Source

The ‘NYTimes’ hides why Israel is attacking Gaza — Prime Minister Lapid is running for re-election

The ‘NYTimes’ bias is clear as it attempts to blame Palestinians for Israel’s latest deadly unprovoked attack on Gaza . Source

‘NYT’ and State Department brazenly collaborate in Israel’s coverup of Abu Akleh killing

The State Department declares after examining the bullet that the killing of Shireen Abu Akleh was likely by an Israeli soldier but definitely not “intentional.” Really? The U.S. whitewash is brazen. It’s no surprise the State Department hoped Americans were too distracted by Fourth of July fireworks to pay attention. But why does the “New York […]

NY Times: Democrats Flip to Republican in ‘Political Upheaval’ of Border Towns

A couple of years after former President Trump made significant gains in often Hispanic-majority Democrat counties along the United States-Mexico border in Texas, a wave of Democrats in one particular community are switching parties to join the GOP. In Terrell County, Texas, the New York Times reports that multiple elected officials are opting to run […]

Tutu’s courage on Israeli apartheid is played down in obits in NYT, Washington Post and NPR

The Guardian has published an important eulogy to the late Desmond Tutu by Chris McGreal, saying what so many in the Palestinian solidarity community are saying: After fighting apartheid in South Africa, Tutu used his stature to call out apartheid in Israel and Palestine, and he paid a large price for doing so. Indeed, opposing […]

Washington Post Publishes Laughable Piece About Syrian Chemical Weapons Facilities

This Monday the Washington Post published a report, in their “national security” section, in which their “sources” claimed Israel had struck Syrian chemical weapons facilities, near the city of Homs. But instead of reading like a convincing piece of propaganda, the piece contradicts itself so many times that it leaves you wondering how it was […]

‘Settler violence is part of Israel’s official policy,’ experts say — but ‘Washington Post’ buries that angle

Earlier this month, the human rights group B’Tselem issued an important report titled, “State Business: Israel’s misappropriation of land in the West Bank through settler violence” that said the Israeli government “fully supports and assists” the spike in settler violence. Israel is using the settlers to widen the “Jewish-only space” on Palestinian lands, a process […]

Trump Calls on Pulitzer Prize Board to Rescind Awards to Washington Post, New York Times

Former President Donald Trump is calling on the Pulitzer Prize Board to rescind awards given in 2018 to the staffs of the New York Times and the Washington Post for their reporting that fueled the hoax that the Trump campaign had colluded with Russia to win the 2016 presidential election. In a letter dated September […]

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