Posts Tagged ‘department’

Pandemic Preparedness: Arsonists Run the Fire Department

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL [This article was co-authored by Brian S. Hooker, PhD] Imagine if you will, an exceptionally ambitious city Fire Department, located in a city with very few naturally occurring fires. These ambitious firemen don’t have nearly enough work, prestige, or pay for their liking. Uninterested in simply polishing their trucks, lifting […]

Justice Department offers Boeing plea deal: Reports

The U.S. Justice Department offered Boeing a plea deal on Sunday after it reportedly prepares to criminally charge the company of violating a 2021 deferred prosecution agreement that was implemented after two 737 Max crashes in 2018 and 2019. The Justice Department told Boeing it could plead guilty or go to trial, according to reports. […]

Police department in Pennsylvania using drone tech to crack down on theft and other petty crimes

(NaturalNews) Bensalem Police Department in Bensalem Township, Pennsylvania, has resorted to using advanced drone technology to address theft and other petty… Source

U.S. State Department says Israel’s Netanyahu has absolute diplomatic immunity against ICC arrest warrants for genocide, war crimes

(NaturalNews) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cannot be arrested and charged for war crimes in Gaza because he maintains absolute diplomatic immunity… Source

Biden’s Justice Department hounds elderly concentration camp survivor, ignores serial church arsonist

A corrupt FBI and Justice Department have done everything in their power to persecute nonviolent pro-lifers with the FACE Act, while ignoring the violent, ongoing and terrifying attacks on other institutions protected by the FACE Act: churches and pregnancy help centers. Source

Why the Department of Justice Wants to Take Down Apple

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL On May 5, 2021, White House press secretary Jen Psaki issued a mob-like warning to social-media companies and information distributors generally. They need to get with the program and start censoring critics of Covid policy. They need to amplify government propaganda. After all, it would be a shame if something […]

Energy Department goes all in on clean form of on-demand energy embraced by fossil fuel industry

Advances in oil and gas drilling have cut costs for a form of clean power that could help replace fossil fuels, according to the Department of Energy. Now the agency is going all in on geothermal energy, which uses heat from deep within the Earth to produce largely pollution-free electricity. The agency projects that geothermal… […]

Pentagon reveals $10 billion arms ‘hole’ due to Ukraine ,The US Defense Department has delivered weapons to Kiev expecting future appropriations to cover replacements, a senior official has said

Well dumb f##k politicians in Uniform, why the hell did you piss off 10 billion in $$ stolen from the American worker to enrich your Jew master’s weapons companies? So you pissed off ten billion dollars of tax payer loot expecting to steal another ten billion from Americans?F##k you and the donkey you rode in […]

Justice Department launches criminal probe into Boeing 737 MAX Alaska Airlines incident

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has launched a criminal investigation following the Alaska Airlines incident during which a door panel blew off a Boeing 737 Max mid-flight. Investigators have contacted some passengers and crew who were on the Jan. 5 flight that made the emergency landing in Portland, Ore., the Wall Street Journal reported Saturday.… […]

Education Department launching an investigation into death of Nex Benedict

The Department of Education said Friday that it is opening an investigation into the death of Nex Benedict, a 16-year-old Oklahoma high school student who died one day after getting into a fight in the girls bathroom at school, where they were allegedly bullied for months over their gender identity. The department’s Office for Civil… […]

State Department Threatens Congress Over Censorship Programs

State Department Threatens Congress Over Censorship Programs Source

New Media Sues the State Department Over Censorship

The State Department is censoring and limiting the circulation of disfavored press outlets. According to a new lawsuit filed in December on behalf of two media organizations, those being The Daily Wire and The Federalist, as well as the State of Texas and AG Ken Paxton versus the US Department of State (the State Department) […]

Texas Military Department ramps up recruitment to support border security efforts

(NaturalNews) Amid Gov. Greg Abbott’s escalating feud with the administration of President Joe Biden over the migrant invasion, the Texas Military Department… Source

Report: Biden’s State Department indoctrinating public school teachers to trust only LEFT-WING MEDIA

Report: Biden’s State Department indoctrinating public school teachers to trust only LEFT-WING MEDIA A report has revealed that the Department of State, in cooperation with entities from Germany, is indoctrinating public school teachers to trust only left-wing media by means of “anti-disinformation efforts” in the classroom. The Media Research Center (MRC) led by L. Brent Bozell […]

Owen Shroyer says Justice Department wants to make an example out of him with jail sentence

(NaturalNews) Conservative journalist Owen Shroyer believes the Department of Justice (DOJ) wants to make an example out of him with his recent jail… Source

State Department Approves Sale Of Tank Ammunition To Israel In Deal That Bypasses Congress

Bypassing Congress with emergency determinations for arms sales is an unusual step that has in the past met resistance from lawmakers. Source

Four Current and Former L.A. Sheriff’s Department Employees Died by Suicide in a 24-Hour Span


Biden Health Department Forces ALL Employees To Use ‘Preferred Pronouns’

The Department of Health and Human Services, headed up by Joe Biden’s transgender ‘Admiral’ Rachel Levine, has enforced a mandate that all employees must use ‘preferred pronouns’ and acknowledge the gender identity of their colleagues. An internal HHS email outlining the new “streamlined” policy was obtained and made public by the Heritage Foundation’s Roger Severino. Titled […]

State Department: At least 22 American citizens KILLED (so far) in Israel-Hamas conflict

(NaturalNews) The Department of State has disclosed that as of Oct. 12, at least 22 American citizens were killed in the Israel-Hamas conflict.Among the first… Source

Treasury Department Hires 5-Count Felon JPMorgan Chase to Look for Fraud


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