Posts Tagged ‘delivered’

RNC HQ evacuated after blood vials delivered to building

Republican National Committee headquarters in Washington went on lockdown for about two hours Wednesday morning after a suspicious package was delivered to the building. The United States Capitol Police’s hazardous incident response division cleared the package, which contained two vials of blood, just before 10 a.m., according to spokesperson Brianna Burch. USCP first responded to […]

Pfizer’s Israeli-Made Decade-Old Syringe-Delivered Nanotech & San Fran Geoengineering Experiments

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (4/13/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Pentagon reveals $10 billion arms ‘hole’ due to Ukraine ,The US Defense Department has delivered weapons to Kiev expecting future appropriations to cover replacements, a senior official has said

Well dumb f##k politicians in Uniform, why the hell did you piss off 10 billion in $$ stolen from the American worker to enrich your Jew master’s weapons companies? So you pissed off ten billion dollars of tax payer loot expecting to steal another ten billion from Americans?F##k you and the donkey you rode in […]

Needleless vaccines are here… medical poisons can now be delivered via ultrasound

(NaturalNews) Public willingness to get injected with who-knows-what from vaccine needles is waning. Thus, scientists are now developing needleless vaccines that… Source

Israel: We Delivered Fuel to Shifa Hospital, Hamas Won’t Let Them Have It

TEL AVIV, Israel — The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) says it delivered 300 liters of fuel to a collection point near the Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, but that Hamas will not allow hospital staff to retrieve the fuel, which is apparently necessary for the hospital. In a statement, the Israeli government said: The IDF […]

SYRIZA: Mitsotakis promised “excellence” but instead delivered “tragic consequences”

Main opposition SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance said in an announcement on Thursday that Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis had failed to bring forth an “efficient state” as he had promised. “The New Democracy deputy Mr. Yiannis Loverdos, to his credit, today admitted what everyone knows but which the government had refused to admit for so many days now:… […]

Covid jab spike proteins get “delivered” to ALL bodily organs, resulting in hyper-accelerated aging

(Natural News) The phenomenon of “sudden deaths” being seen all around the world following the release of covid “vaccines” can be traced back to one common cause: the age-accelerating effects of spike proteins. Spike proteins lodge inside every organ of the body, we now know, and once there they transform a person from young to… […]

Trump campaign operative who delivered Jan. 6 false elector lists is identified

A little-known Donald Trump campaign operative delivered lists of false electors to Capitol Hill in a bid to get them to Vice President Mike Pence on Jan. 6, 2021, according to two people familiar with the episode. Mike Roman, then Trump’s 2020 director of Election Day operations, delivered those false elector certificates — signed by […]

The Speech Delivered by Truss and the Taiwan Issue

It makes sense to start telling another chronicle of the Taiwan issue with the sensational speech of the UK Foreign Secretary Elizabeth Truss at the residence of the Lord Mayor of the City of London on April 27. The topic of Taiwan in this speech (undoubtedly a keynote statement with a rather obvious personal and […]

Some Of The Weapons Delivered To Ukraine Will Be Used Against Us

The U.S. and its proxies in Europe are moving an enormous amount of weapons into Ukraine. But no one has an idea where those weapons will end up. It is likely that many of those will proliferate outside of the Ukraine and some of those weapons will inevitably hit those who now deliver them.

Slovakia Delivered MiG-29s to Ukraine in Operation Overseen by Pentagon

The Pentagon announced Tuesday Ukraine’s military had received additional aircraft as well as parts for repairs to get damaged aircraft flying again. Pentagon spokesman John Kirby did not offer details on which countries provided aircraft, but acknowledged new transfers.

Democrat Policies: Keystone Pipeline Would Have Delivered 830,000 Barrels of Oil a Day to US — More than Current Daily Russian Imports of 670,000 Barrels a Day

By Jim HoftPublished March 4, 2022 On his first day in office, Joe Biden killed off 42,100 jobs by ending construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline. The project would have delivered 830,000 barrels of crude to the US every day. Then, a few months later in May 0221, Joe Biden waived sanctions on Russia’s gas pipeline to Germany. The US […]

Australia Is Now Confiscating Booze Delivered To People Forced Into Lockdown

By Tyler Durden In the latest sign that Covid locked-down Australia has abandoned all pretenses of a democratic society and has effectively become a police state, Aussies are now having their booze confiscated in the name of ‘health monitoring’. Apartment blocks subject to lockdown measures in New South Wales, which is home to Sydney and […]

Baby Delivered Mid-Flight From Afghanistan, 2 Others Born On Arrival

One Afghan woman gave birth midair aboard a massive C-17 military plane evacuating people from Kabul, and two other women gave birth shortly after their flights landed, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby confirmed Tuesday. The two babies delivered on the ground were assisted by staff at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, an American-operated military hospital within Ramstein […]

‘We’ve delivered’: 70% of EU adults have at least one vaccination, Commission announces

Seventy percent of adults in the European Union have received at least one shot of the COVID-19 vaccines, Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen announced on Tuesday. “The EU has kept its word and delivered. Our target was to protect 70% of adults in the European Union with at least one vaccination in July. Today […]

Israel can now be delivered to your home in form of a monthly mystery box

A new initiative aimed at bringing Israel closer to the world now comes in the form of a mystery box collection of 15 gifts, named simply IsraeliBox. Each IsraeliBox comes with a unique and creative gift, delivered in a monthly subscription that “sends ‘Israel in a box’ each month – featuring products made in Israel […]

DeRegulated “Little Enrons” Delivered Electricity to Texans at Costs of Up to $17,000!

6h  · Perseverance Showed That Nuclear Engine Is Best for Space MissionsFeb. 22 (EIRNS)—NASA’s Perseverance rover which touched down on Mars on Feb. 18, some 203 days after its launch from Cape Canaveral, is powered by a kind of space nuclear power system, the Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (MMRTG), which was developed in partnership with the U.S. […]

UK Man Who Delivered Nazi Rant on Plane Journey From Poland Avoids Jail

A WIZZ Air plane. Photo: Wikimedia Commons. A British man who engaged in a tirade of racial abuse punctuated by Nazi salutes while on a flight from Poland in Oct. 2019 has avoided a jail sentence. Louis Mann, 28, had travelled from Warsaw in Poland to Liverpool in England when he spouted the horrific rant […]

Israeli Defense System Delivered to US Army to Shield Abrams Tank

An Israeli tank equipped with the Trophy Active Protection System. Photo: Israel Defense Forces. A new defense system for armored vehicles, developed in part by a top Israeli defense company, was delivered in full to the US Army on Wednesday, according to an American contractor. The Trophy Active Protection System (APS) was jointly developed by […]

China ready to share moon rocks delivered by it probe, but US’ own restrictions might prevent it from getting any

China’s space agency has announced that it will share data and samples obtained from the moon by its Chang’e 5 probe under international conventions, although US restrictions could prevent them from receiving it. The Chang’e 5 probe landed in Inner Mongolia on Thursday morning after completing a mission to retrieve lunar rocks and soil, providing […]

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