Posts Tagged ‘commission’

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen accused of complicity in Israel’s War Crimes at ICC

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Obama’s Movie, Trilateral Commission Declares 2023 Year One of the NWO w/ Alexandra Bruce

Four months ago, Sarah Westall had me on her show, in early January, after the story I posted about the infrasonic tracks discovered in ‘Leave the World Behind’ went semi-viral. I had just been fired by AMP and I was losing money, due to being blacklisted by all the major advertising networks and by being […]

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen conspired with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla to defraud the European people

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Trilateral Commission calls 2023 ‘Year One’ of new world order

Members discuss China, middle powers and ChatGPT at meeting in India Meghan O’Sullivan, the North American chair of the Trilateral Commission, speaks in New Delhi on March 12. O’Sullivan was deputy national security adviser for Iraq and Afghanistan under President George W. Bush. (Photo by Patrick Ishiyama)   KEN MORIYASU, Nikkei Asia diplomatic correspondent, and SHIGESABURO […]

Australian Competition & Consumer Commission – Internet activity report

For the period ending 30 June 2023 December 2023 See report: Source

In Spite of Billions of Dollars in Lawsuits EU Commission Votes to Keep Glyphosate Another 10 Years

No surprises really, in light of their blatant denial of all Prof Seralini’s work! (and many others). You cannot believe a word from lying Monsanto cum Bayer … EWNZ

The veiled threat of fiscal commission as gateway to Social Security and Medicare cuts

NationofChange remains a vital, ad-free source of progressive news and activism, all thanks to donations from readers like you. Support our transparent, reader-funded journalism with your generous donation. The House Budget Committee, now under Republican control, is convening a critical hearing this Wednesday. The agenda? To scrutinize a proposal to form a fiscal commission focusing […]

Ohio commission decides to allow fracking in state parks

A government commission in Ohio has decided to open some state parks and wildlife areas to fracking.  The decision comes amid an investigation on allegations of possible fraudulent support from an industry group representing energy companies, The Associated Press reported. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources Oil and Gas Land Management Commission (OGLMC) greenlit multiple […]

Concerns mount as ‘MAGA Mike Johnson’ pushes for immediate commission on Social Security overhaul

House Speaker Mike Johnson’s push for a debt commission sparks concerns over the future of Social Security and Medicare. Source

European Commission To Assess 10 Countries For EU Membership

Authored by RFE/RL staff via, The European Commission is finalizing its enlargement report, potentially recommending Ukraine and Moldova for EU accession talks. Turkey has progressed towards ratifying Sweden’s NATO membership with Erdogan’s bill in the Turkish parliament, but Hungary’s decision remains pending. The EU’s decision on Georgia’s candidacy and Bosnia’s accession talks, as well […]

EU Commission Orders Germany to Take Back 38,000 Tones of Thrash Dumped into Poland

The European Commission has agreed with Poland in its dispute with Germany over German waste illegally transported into the country, Polish climate and environment minister Anna Moskwa has informed. “Germany must take away the waste illegally stored in Poland! The European Commission has admitted that Poland is right in the dispute with Germany,” Anna Moskwa […]

Child Abuse Royal Commission – Police (deliberately) fail abuse victims?

Corrupt police are the bane of society from something as innocuous as a traffic stop to the reporting of child sexual abuse. Across the colony there is no shortage of corrupt police, where their numbers are swelling as they obtain more and more recruits. “I told the detective that if they had done his job […]

Sudan accused African Union Commission of not serving Africa’s interests

The Sudanese Foreign Ministry, on Friday, accused the African Union Commission (AUC) Chairperson’s office of following a policy of double standards and serving an agenda that does not “serve the interests of Africa”, Anadolu Agency reports. The Ministry slammed remarks made by AUC spokesman, Mohamed Lebatt, on Thursday in which he criticised the Sudanese Foreign […]

Trilateral Commission Declares 2023 ‘Year 1 of The New World Order’

The year 2023 is officially “year one” of the New World Order, according to the Trilateral Commission, the globalist organization that was founded by David Rockefeller. The Trilateral Commission, which held its annual meeting in New Delhi, India this year, is a secretive globalist organization that seeks to coordinate ties between the U.S., Europe and […]

“Not A Big Brother Project” Says European Commission On Central Bank Digital Currencies

Authored by Mike Shedlock via, We have an official denial from the European Commission on Central Bank Digital Currencies… EC image via Politico link below First Rule of Politics [embedded content] Privacy Fears Dominate Launch of Digital Euro Plan Politico reports Privacy Fears Dominate Launch of Digital Euro Plan When the European Commission unveiled draft […]

US and European Commission Call for “International Framework” to Advance Geoengineering Research

The pronouncements delivered last week by the US government and the European Union represent one more step towards a singular, centralized governing body managing individual nations. Late on Friday, the White House released a report outlining the Biden Administration’s openness to studying geoengineering as part of an effort to reduce the amount of sunlight reaching […]

WHO & EU Commission Sign Global Vaccine Passport Deal

The World Health Organisation (WHO) and the European Commission have launched a global digital health certification network According to a report by Euractiv on Monday June 5th, the EU’s health commissioner Stella Kyriakides and the […] The post WHO & EU Commission Sign Global Vaccine Passport Deal appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Technocracy in Action: WHO and European Commission Partner for ‘Digital Health’ with New COVID-19 Digital Certificate

With the latest announcement that the European Commission and the World Health Organization are partnering on a Digital Vaccine Passport the Technocratic State is coming into view. On Monday the European Commission  and the World Health Organization announced a “digital health” partnership to establish a new Digital Vaccine Passport system for the world. The announcement […]

Predictive Programming in 1981: Trilateral Commission and New World Order

This was revealed on an episode of Barney Miller in 1981, entitled Field Associate. Predictive programing hidden in plain sight, as per usual. Front running the truth with the “conspiracy theory” labels. That script was greenlit on a comedy show, they knew they could flaunt it, and none would believe it. Would you like to learn more about […]

1968 Kerner Commission Finds ‘Over-Representation’ Of Jewish Merchants In Ghetto Businesses Contributed To Race Riots

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) Following the widespread urban rioting across American inner cities in the summer of 1967, the Johnson administration convened the Kerner Commission to find the causes of the rioting — and they found that one of the contributing factors was how racist Jewish merchants were ‘over-represented’ in the economic exploitation of Blacks in […]

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