Posts Tagged ‘alexandra’

Splintering Babylon: Kerry Cassidy Interviews Alexandra Bruce and James Grundvig

Kerry Cassidy had James Grundvig and me on her show last Tuesday to talk about our new documentary film project,  ‘Splintering Babylon: The Plan. Revelation. The Path to Freedom’, which is about how COVID PSYOP inadvertently revealed the hidden history of the past 80 years: That the United States did not win World War II; […]

Obama’s Movie, Trilateral Commission Declares 2023 Year One of the NWO w/ Alexandra Bruce

Four months ago, Sarah Westall had me on her show, in early January, after the story I posted about the infrasonic tracks discovered in ‘Leave the World Behind’ went semi-viral. I had just been fired by AMP and I was losing money, due to being blacklisted by all the major advertising networks and by being […]

Alexandra Panagiotarou takes a selfie in a bikini – See the raunchy photos

Alexandra Panagiotarou and Stathis Schizas went on a trip to Bucharest, shortly after the businessman’s voluntary departure from Survivor All Star. Through their Instagram profiles, both posted some photos from the trip to Romania. The instagrammer took a selfie while wearing a colourful bikini with belly strings. In another photo, she poses on a sun… […]

Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez Threatens To Leave Politics If Democrats Don’t Move Further Left

Socialist Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has threatened to quit politics if the Democratic Party does not move even further to the left. Just hours after the mainstream media has anointed Joe Biden as President-Elect, Ocasio-Cortez seems to be having some type of meltdown. AOC told the New York Times she could consider quitting politics if Democrats […]

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