Posts Tagged ‘babylon’

‘Splintering Babylon’ Trailer – Jekyll Island

If you’d like to support this project and get screen credit, we’re offering three tiers of rewards, or you can choose your own participation amount. ‘Splintering Babylon’ shines a light on how the tyrannical Babylon Beast system will come to an end, per biblical prophecy thousands of years ago. Please donate at to help pay for […]

Splintering Babylon: Kerry Cassidy Interviews Alexandra Bruce and James Grundvig

Kerry Cassidy had James Grundvig and me on her show last Tuesday to talk about our new documentary film project,  ‘Splintering Babylon: The Plan. Revelation. The Path to Freedom’, which is about how COVID PSYOP inadvertently revealed the hidden history of the past 80 years: That the United States did not win World War II; […]

Splintering of Babylon & Black Nobility | Conversations on the Fringe with James Grundvig and Alexandra Bruce

Four months ago, Sarah Westall had me on her show, in early January, after the story I posted about the infrasonic tracks discovered in ‘Leave the World Behind’ went semi-viral. I had just been fired by AMP and I was losing money, due to being blacklisted by all the major advertising networks and by being […]

‘Splintering Babylon’ – Concept Video

When the COVID PSYOP was deployed against the peoples of the world, few understood that we were witnessing the opening salvos of a long-planned “Final Solution” for the human species. As we observe the controlled demolition of Western Civilization, with standing ovations in Canada for a former Nazi SS officer and hundreds of billions of […]

‘Splintering Babylon: The Plan, Revelation and the Path to Freedom’

Alexandra Bruce and James Grundvig discuss an overview of the documentary film we are creating – ‘Splintering Babylon: The Plan, Revelation and the Path to Freedom’ and how you, the viewers, can participate in bringing the truth out to the masses. ‘Splintering Babylon’ is a provocative documentary that explores the controversial theory of Nazi influence […]

Sir Henry Kissinger: Midwife to New Babylon

The moment Kissinger’s last breath left his corpse, media commentators lost no time running out the gates, either singing songs of slavish praise about the “great liberal statesman” on one hand or composing devastating critiques of the bloodstained trail of tears Kissinger’s legacy left on the world. I was beginning to think that nothing new […]

Babylon: Ancient Site, Modern Problems (Video)

Amidst the challenges brought on by years of conflict, Iraq’s historic treasures, like Babylon, are gradually receiving attention once more. Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Asia Videos Read Later  Source

The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 299 – Babylon Warfare Pt E – [1:48:25]

Joshua What is the root of warfare? It is the selfish lust and desire for control, power and glory. That IS the very HEART OF SATAN. That is what is being expressed through the Jesuit Military Order and it’s Hierarchy of Control World Government! The beginning of war is God’s promise to Satan in Genesis […]

Searching for the Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The real location of the elusive Hanging Gardens of Babylon has eluded researchers for centuries. Read more Section:  News Myths & Legends Asia Ancient Places Asia Read Later  Source

ACH (2174) Dr. Lorraine Day – What Will Be The Mechanism By Which End Times Babylon Will Fall…

In today’s show originally broadcast on June 6 2023, Andy is joined by Dr. Lorraine Day for a show entitled, “What Will Be The Mechanism By Which End Times Babylon Will Fall…” We discussed: why we need to look at the Babylon of the Old Testament to see what the world has in store for […]

From Babylon to Christianity: Feeding into the Eucharist

There can be no doubt that the Christian sacrament of the Eucharist was derived from Jewish, Babylonian, Assyrian and Egyptian traditions of sun veneration and sun baking methods. Read more Section:  News History Ancient Traditions Read Later  Source

‘We Are Babylon’: Dozens of Congress Members Participate in Anti-LGBTQ Prayer Service

Dozens of members of Congress joined an audience of religious-right activists and Christian nationalists at the Museum of the Bible this morning for a “National Gathering for Prayer and Repentance.” Sponsored by various anti-LGBTQ religious-right groups such as the American Family Association, Liberty Counsel, Alliance Defending Freedom, and Pacific Justice Institute, the prayer gathering was […]

Introducing The Babylon Bee AOC Article Generator

Our writers spend way too much time writing jokes about how dumb AOC is. So, we are using A.I. to free them up for more important things. Source

The Babylon Bee’s Predictions for 2023

It’s that time of year again – when the mystic oracles at The Babylon Bee tell you what will happen in the next year with 100% accuracy! Will 2023 be better than this year? You decide! Source

Mystery Babylon Is Jewish

  So, the goy world is waking up to Jewish power.  The question is: Will the White Race rise up against the slave master, or will we be the slaves of the global plantation (Mystery Babylon)? The Real Head of the Snake, Part 2: “I know the truth (about the jooz), and somebody got to […]

Available Now: The Babylon Bee Guide To Democracy

At last, the time has come to unveil our latest literary masterpiece, The Babylon Bee Guide to Democracy. We hear a lot about democracy these days, how it’s in peril, how the evil ULTRA-MAGA Trump supporters want to destroy it, and how it will be over forever if your preferred candidate doesn’t win in November! […]

Available Now: The Babylon Bee Guide To Democracy

At last, the time has come to unveil our latest literary masterpiece, The Babylon Bee Guide to Democracy. We hear a lot about democracy these days, how it’s in peril, how the evil ULTRA-MAGA Trump supporters want to destroy it, and how it will be over forever if your preferred candidate doesn’t win in November! […]

VOCI – House of Rothschild Banking Syndicate: Mystery Babylon

EURO FOLK RADIO VOCI – House of Rothschild Banking Syndicate: Mystery Babylon Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share Share this: Source

VOCI – House of Rothschild Banking Syndicate: Mystery Babylon

EURO FOLK RADIO VOCI – House of Rothschild Banking Syndicate: Mystery Babylon Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share Share this: Source

VOCI – House of Rothschild Banking Syndicate: Mystery Babylon

EURO FOLK RADIO VOCI – House of Rothschild Banking Syndicate: Mystery Babylon Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share Share this: Source

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