Posts Tagged ‘kissinger’

Sir Henry Kissinger: Midwife to New Babylon

The moment Kissinger’s last breath left his corpse, media commentators lost no time running out the gates, either singing songs of slavish praise about the “great liberal statesman” on one hand or composing devastating critiques of the bloodstained trail of tears Kissinger’s legacy left on the world. I was beginning to think that nothing new […]

Henry Kissinger: The Declassified Obituary and Other Resources

Henry Kissinger’s death renews global attention to the paper trail of secret documents recording his policy deliberations. Famous for initiatives including détente with the USSR, the opening to China, and Middle East shuttle diplomacy, the historical record also documents the darker side of Kissinger’s controversial tenure in power. The National Security Archive has published a selection […]

Meet Henry Kissinger: war criminal, genocidal eugenicist, power-hungry plotter & more (Corbett)

RELATED:Henry Kissinger, War Criminal Extraordinaire: What You Need To Know About His Real History – And Why (Wake Up Kiwi) Source

Meet Henry Kissinger (2009)

FROM 2009: A war criminal, a genocidal eugenicist, a power-hungry plotter, a modern-day Machiavelli, a Rockefeller toadie. Meet Henry Kissinger. The post Meet Henry Kissinger (2009) first appeared on The Corbett Report. Source

The demon Kissinger plus sadistic teachers, procreating pandas and Irish nationalism, and more

The demon Kissinger plus sadistic teachers, procreating pandas and Irish nationalism, and more  Fri 3:54 pm +01:00, 1 Dec 2023  5 posted by pete fairhurst 2 [embedded content] A foul mouthed, funny and rambling monologue from the pagan Thomas Sheridan There is no need to agree with everything that he says, he is not a […]

For media elites, war criminal Henry Kissinger was a great man

DAVOS/SWITZERLAND, 24JAN08 – Henry A. Kissinger, Chairman, Kissinger Associates, USA; Co-Chair of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2008, captured during the session ‘Three Crucial Questions for the President of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf’ at the Annual Meeting 2008 of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, January 24, 2008. Copyright by World Economic Forum […]

Henry Kissinger’s Final Warning

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via, In one of Henry Kissinger’s final interviews before his death at 100 years old, the former statesman warned that Germany had made a “grave mistake” in allowing so many migrants into the country. The former US diplomat and Nobel Peace Prize winner’s death was announced on Wednesday. “Dr. […]

The Dark Truth About Henry Kissinger

Last Updated on November 30, 2023 Henry Kissinger died this week at the age of 100, prompting widespread criticism for his decades of New World Order subversion. Kissinger joined the globalist Council on Foreign Relations in 1956. In his decades of warmongering, Kissinger spoke at the secretive Bohemian Grove gathering, referred to military servicemen as […]

Watch: Henry Kissinger’s last major TV interview

Watch: Henry Kissinger’s last major TV interview lead image Source

Kissinger Dies But His Plans Much Alive

Kissinger Dies But His Plans Much Alive  Thu 5:13 pm +01:00, 30 Nov 2023  1 posted by pete fairhurst 2 Foreign policy has come home to roost; Western populations in the bullseye A perpetrator of the Vietnam war, he won a Nobel Peace Prize for ending it His Latin American coups, expecially Chile, aligned with […]

US leaders react to death of Henry Kissinger

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said during a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday that Kissinger “really set the standard for everyone who followed in this job.” “I was very privileged to get his counsel many times, including as recently as about a month ago. He was extraordinarily generous with his wisdom, […]

Henry Kissinger Received a Honored Welcome At The Gates of Hell

Henry Kissinger received a honored welcome at the gates of hell-Tens of thousands of demons and imps in jubilant welcome did yell- Satan himself handed Kissinger the ceremonial key to the gates of the fiery lake-The dark side did rejoice at the return of one of their own who spent his life working for evil’s […]

Henry Kissinger, War Criminal, Dead at 100

David Icke’s “eulogy” sounds about right: The sickening eulogies will now begin at the death at 100 of Henry Kissinger, but in truth a demon of demons has returned to his dark demonic lair. He served his Cult masters almost his entire life and his manipulations and policies have brought death, destruction and suffering to this […]

100-Year-Old Kissinger: Grave Mistake To Let In So Many People Of Different Cultures, Religions & Concepts’

During an interview with Politico this week, former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger finally admitted it was a bad idea for Western nations to bring in so many migrants from across the globe. “It was a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different culture and religion and concepts because it […]

Klaus Schwab’s Globalist Mentor Henry Kissinger Admits His Life’s Work Has Been ‘Grave Mistake’

Henry Kissinger, the 100-year-old globalist titan and long-term mentor of Klaus Schwab has admitted that his life’s work has been a “grave mistake” and globalist policies are destroying Western nations and making the world a […] The post Klaus Schwab’s Globalist Mentor Henry Kissinger Admits His Life’s Work Has Been ‘Grave Mistake’ appeared first on […]

Globalist Architect Henry Kissinger Admits ‘Open Borders Are Destroying Western Nations’

Globalist supremo Henry Kissinger, the man who recruited Klaus Schwab to the cause in the 1960s, has admitted that open borders are slowly but surely destroying western nations from the inside. Kissinger, the 100-year-old former […] The post Globalist Architect Henry Kissinger Admits ‘Open Borders Are Destroying Western Nations’ appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Interview 1821 – Kissinger and Xi Keep Great Reset on Track – #NewWorldNextWeek

 This week on the New World Next Week: Kissinger meets old buddy Xi Jinping in Beijing to discuss the New World Order plan; the banksters prepare the public for the age of debanking; and the Hollyweird strike portends the new era of deepfake unemployment. The post Interview 1821 – Kissinger and Xi Keep Great […]

Who is Henry Kissinger? Ft. The Great Reset

The video starts by showing us Kissinger’s role in subverting the American war effort at the end of the Vietnam conflict, the anti-war movement’s judeo-Marxist roots, and Kissinger’s role in transferring power from the West to Israel and Eurasia. Source

The Kissinger Continuum: The Unauthorized History of the WEF’s Young Global Leaders Program

The World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders (YGL) initiative has been responsible for seeding many of the ruling elite into positions of power and influence within the worlds of business, civil society and, most importantly, politics. The fall of the Soviet Union soon became the apparent catalyst for the creation of the Global Leaders for […]

FLASHBACK: Meet Henry Kissinger (2009)

FROM 2009: A war criminal, a genocidal eugenicist, a power-hungry plotter, a modern-day Machiavelli, a Rockefeller toadie. Meet Henry Kissinger. The post FLASHBACK: Meet Henry Kissinger (2009) first appeared on The Corbett Report. Source

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