Posts Tagged ‘hungry’

Meet Henry Kissinger: war criminal, genocidal eugenicist, power-hungry plotter & more (Corbett)

RELATED:Henry Kissinger, War Criminal Extraordinaire: What You Need To Know About His Real History – And Why (Wake Up Kiwi) Source

Biden: Accept Grooming In Schools Or Your Children Will Go Hungry

The Biden administration has implemented a new rule that forces schools to align with far-left ideology on gender and sexuality, risking the loss of federal aid for free and reduced-price school lunches if they don’t comply. Legal experts suggest that this is just the initial step in a series of upcoming rules linking federal education […]

Going hungry in Gaza

People spend hours in line for some bread, braving the hellfire of Israel’s warplanes. Flour has run out in the south. Everything has changed, and life has reverted to a state of bare existence. Source

Hungry and angry: “Hangry” bacteria could be spreading toxins that make you sick

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Some people may feel “hangry,” or hungry and angry, when they miss a meal. But according to a study, bacteria can feel hangry too – which can make them release disease-causing toxins.The research was conducted by scientists from the University of North Carolina (UNC) and published in the journal Nature … [Read More…] Source

Right Wing Round-Up: Hungry People Don’t Exist

 ALL GIFTS 3X-MATCHED BY 12/31!  For 15 years, Right Wing Watch has monitored, exposed, and disrupted right-wing extremists across the country. As their influence grows, our work becomes even more important – as does your support. Please make a year-end donation to keep this critical work going. 3X-MATCH my donation of:  ALL GIFTS 3X-MATCHED BY […]

Pope on Christmas: Jesus was poor, so don’t be power-hungry

“VATICAN CITY (AP) — Recalling Jesus’ birth in a stable, Pope Francis rebuked those “ravenous” for wealth and power at the expense of the vulnerable, including children, in a Christmas Eve homily decrying war, poverty and greedy consumerism.” MATTHEW 23: 1Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to his disciples, 2 Saying, The scribes and […]

‘I’m just 33 kilos’: Frontline villages going hungry amid Ukraine war

An elderly villager in Ukraine has claimed locals have been going hungry amid the conflict.  Galina, 75, is from Lebyazhe, around 50 kilometres southeast of Kharkiv. Russian forces did not reach the village, but it was on the frontline of fighting as Ukrainian troops tried to defend the country’s second-largest city.  Now, invading troops have been […]

Is Your Dog Always Hungry?

Most dogs love food, and are highly motivated by treats, but some are more food-obsessed than others. Matilda, for instance, has a one-track mind. She’ll do anything for a crumb, and between meals she’s scouting every inch of the kitchen floor, looking for the tiniest morsel. She sits under the table at mealtimes, a behavior […]

While Americans go hungry, Democrats demand millions in food handouts for illegal aliens

(Natural News) The number-one priority for House Democrats right now has nothing to do with helping struggling Americans make ends meet amid ongoing food supply chain issues and shortages. No, the Left is instead honed in on trying to create more handouts for illegal aliens. House Resolution 8725, sponsored by Rep. Eleanor Norton (D-D.C.), would […]

While Americans go hungry, Democrats demand millions in food handouts for illegal aliens

(Natural News) The number-one priority for House Democrats right now has nothing to do with helping struggling Americans make ends meet amid ongoing food supply chain issues and shortages. No, the Left is instead honed in on trying to create more handouts for illegal aliens. House Resolution 8725, sponsored by Rep. Eleanor Norton (D-D.C.), would […]

A war criminal, a genocidal eugenicist, a power-hungry plotter, a modern-day Machiavelli, a Rockefeller toadie. Meet Henry Kissinger

28 aug 2022 2009 _______________________________ If you like our work please consider to donate : _______________________________ If you are looking for solutions (lawyer, form, gathering, action, antidote, treatments, maybe this could help you:HERE If you want to fight back better: Find the others: Spike Protein Protocol  Glutathione (most important for body […]

Pollak: Joe Biden Is Letting Babies Go Hungry in America

President Joe Biden is failing to address the acute shortage of baby formula across the country, which is resulting in panic for mothers, for whom formula is a necessary supplement or substitute for breast milk.

Sri Lanka’s Leaders Tell Raging, Hungry Citizens Crisis Will Last 2 More Years

Sri Lanka’s current economic crisis will likely endure for at least two more years, the nation’s finance minister, Ali Sabry, told the Sri Lankan parliament on Wednesday, Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported.

Colleges And Policymakers Can Help Keep Students From Going Hungry

Above Photo: Boxes of oranges and lemons at a food pantry at a California college. Far too many students lack reliable access to nutritious food. Wayne D’Orio for The Hechinger Report. Let’s identify barriers and find ways to remove them. The pandemic has created extraordinary need for millions of people across the U.S. This is […]

With No Tourist Handouts Because Of COVID, Bali’s Hungry Monkeys Raiding Homes

SANGEH, Indonesia (AP) — Deprived of their preferred food source — the bananas, peanuts and other goodies brought in by tourists now kept away by the coronavirus — hungry monkeys on the resort island of Bali have taken to raiding villagers’ homes in their search for something tasty. Villagers in Sangeh say the gray long-tailed […]

Are we hungry for change for genuinely transforming food systems?

While the governments chant the mantra of “leaving no one behind”, it is ironic that they are abetting corporate grabbing of land and resources, which is pushing farmers out of agriculture. Corporations are exercising more and more control over food and agriculture and influencing public policies. The forthcoming United Nations Food Systems Summit 2021, tentatively […]

Tucker Carlson Says Kamala Harris Is A ‘Power-Hungry Buffoon Posing As A Competent Adult’

Fox News host Tucker Carlson slammed VP Kamala Harris on his show Friday night claiming that she is ‘posing as a competent adult’ when she is really ‘a joke’  ‘Look at her, she is a joke, she can barely get through the day, she has no idea what she’s doing but you can’t say that out […]

US Trying To Extradite Diplomat For The ‘Crime’ Of Securing Food For The Hungry

US Trying To Extradite Diplomat For The ‘Crime’ Of Securing Food For The Hungry By Roger Harris, Popular Resistance. May 23, 2021 | Educate! Above photo: Alex Saab. Orinoco Tribune. The case of Alex Saab v. the Empire. The case of Alex Saab raises dangerous precedents in terms of extraterritorial judicial abuse, violation of diplomatic […]

Whimsical Father Pretends To Mishear Son Saying His Name Is ‘Hungry’, Spreading Good Cheer To All

Whimsical Father Pretends To Mishear Son Saying His Name Is ‘Hungry’, Spreading Good Cheer To All FRAMINGHAM, MA—Frederic Maxwell, age six, was in for quite the surprise when, feeling in need of nourishment, he relayed to his father, “I am hungry.” Now, one would think this was a rather simple statement with little area for […]

Civilians flee as Philippines soldiers dislodge 200 (hungry?) Islamist militants who seized town market – media

Residents were evacuated from a Philippines town after around 200 Islamist fighters captured a local market, reportedly in order to score a meal. Gunshots were heard as the military tried to flush the militants from the area. Members of the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) seized the public market of Datu Paglas, located on the […]

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