Posts Tagged ‘monkeys’

Cowardly Evil Loving With Pigs Fornicating Sheep Monkeys Can Not Force the Creator God To Rewrite the Rules of the Universe

‘The Sheep Argues with God!’ A Good Dream of a Just world the Angels Once Had- Now has made God Himself Look Away, His Countenance so Very Sad- Time wasted on such stiff necked self righteous Primitive souls treading in Quick sand- Who’s only thoughts are of self gain and more pain for their own […]

The Ages Old Debate, are THE With PIGS FORNICATING SHEEP MONKEYS Really That Stupid, Or Just Ball-less Cowards

Chemtrails, what Chemtrials, I don’t see nothing, you must be a tin foil hatter nut case! Everyone knows stone aged Arabs who could not fly single engine planes flew jumbo jets into the World Towers and Kerosene fire which burn around 1800 Degrees F. melted huge steel beans which only began to melt at 2400 […]

NEURALINK: From Murdered Monkeys To Human Trials

By Maryam Henein Imagine if Stephen Hawking had had this,” Elon Musk said on X on Sep 19, 2023, Source

Pig F##king Sheep Monkeys

“Yes, there certainly __is__ a virus named “SARS-CoV-2” and called “COVID-19” that DOES make people sick. But it was nowhere near what they claimed it was – because they used the SYMPTOMS of the Flu to diagnose an illness as “COVID-19” then blamed everyone who got sick on “COVID.” In the words of Dr. J. […]

San Francisco Announces Plan To Release Monkeys Onto The Streets To Fling Away All The Poo

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — In an effort to finally clean up the streets, San Francisco announced they will release several packs of monkeys into the city to help fling away all the poo. Source

Dallas Zoo’s Missing Monkeys Found in Abandoned House

Police in Dallas announced they discovered a pair of emperor tamarin monkeys, believed to have been “intentionally taken” from the Dallas Zoo on Monday, in an abandoned house. Source

Monkeys near Florida airport delight visitors

For over 70 years a group of non-native monkeys has made their home next to a South Florida airport runway, delighting visitors and becoming local celebrities. Source

Pennsylvania Woman Who Came in Contact with CDC Monkeys After Crash Is Experiencing Cold-Like Symptoms, Pink-Eye and a Cough

A truck and trailer carrying about 100 monkeys collided with a dump truck Friday afternoon along Route 54 just off Interstate 80 near Danville, Pennsylvania. Three monkeys escaped the crash. The monkeys were later reportedly “humanely euthanized.” The CDC is now monitoring local residents for cold-like symptoms. That’s very comforting considering the lab leak from […]

Monkeys gathering around a bonfire in Aichi zoo winter solstice custom

Monkeys at a zoo in Aichi Prefecture, central Japan, are gathering around a bonfire to warm up in the winter cold. The Japan Monkey Centre in Inuyama City showcases the event every year. The custom began nearly 60 years ago since 1959 when zookeepers made a bonfire for themselves, and the monkeys who are usually […]

New Regulations Require That Social Media First Be Tested On Monkeys

WASHINGTON, D.C.—While at first social media seemed like a great boon — a way for people to share their lives with everyone across the world instantly — now many consider it a detriment that spreads nothing but disinformation and hatred. New regulations aim to fight that, though, by requiring all social media first to be […]

It Wasn’t Just Beagles and Monkeys – Fauci’s NIH Also Funded Medical Experiments on AIDS Orphans in NY City

By Jim HoftPublished October 26, 2021 In August Gateway Pundit contributor Cassandra Fairbanks broke the story on Dr. Fauci’s use of taxpayer money to torture beagles in barbaric animal testing. Dr. Fauci funded a study in Tunisia where beagle dogs were eaten alive by parasite-infected flies. Dr. Fauci also spent over $16 million in […]

With No Tourist Handouts Because Of COVID, Bali’s Hungry Monkeys Raiding Homes

SANGEH, Indonesia (AP) — Deprived of their preferred food source — the bananas, peanuts and other goodies brought in by tourists now kept away by the coronavirus — hungry monkeys on the resort island of Bali have taken to raiding villagers’ homes in their search for something tasty. Villagers in Sangeh say the gray long-tailed […]

Chimpanzee and monkeys die in Texas after sanctuary loses power during Winter Storm Uri

The storm, which has caused temperatures to nosedive as far south as San Antonio, Texas, has caused power outages across southern US states as the power grids are struggling to cope with the increased demand. Brooke Chavez, the executive director of the Primarily Primates sanctuary, told the San Antonio Express-News on Tuesday that the facility […]

Monkeys Genetically Engineered with Human Brains!

A human gene injected into monkey brains not only made them larger, but it increased neuron function, making the animals more human. Marmoset brains are much smaller and smoother than human brains and during evolution our brain’s neocortex “folded” to form the wrinkled appearance, allowing for a greater surface area of the neocortex in the […]

Traitor Trump Pledges 500 Billion in Free Gibs to Monkeys in Latest Election Pander

Trump offers no such help to white people because he’s on a jew leash and works against our interests. ABC13: With fewer than 40 days left before the election, President Donald Trump unveiled his second policy plan in as many days as he tried to chip away at his Democratic rival’s support among Black and […]

Afro-Girl Shown Footage of Escaped Circus Monkeys

Racist nibba child gets called out. Sub my bitchute. Sub my Telegram. Help me out with some shekels.

Pet Monkeys Buried Like Children In Ancient Egypt

Polish archaeologists have uncovered several skeletons of monkeys that were pets of ancient Greeks and Romans who lived in Egypt in the first and second century AD. The remains of these pet monkeys were buried with great care. What is even more remarkable is that these pet monkeys were imported from India, which is providing […]

In a Scientific First, Cloned Monkeys Are Born. Will They Accelerate Biomedical Research?

There have been mice and cows and pigs and camels, bunnies and bantengs and ferrets and dogs, but ever since Dolly the sheep became the first cloned mammal in 1996, the list has had a conspicuous hole: primates. Now that hole has been filled. Scientists in China reported on Wednesday in Cell that they had […]

Florida Monkeys Excreting Rare Disease that Can Kill Humans, Scientists Warn

Florida Monkeys Excreting Rare Disease that Can Kill Humans, Scientists Warn January 10th, 2018 Never Forget: Dr. Mary’s Monkey by Edward T. Haslam Via: Guardian: Wildlife managers in Florida say they want to remove roaming monkeys from the state in light of a new […]

American Society isn’t a Zoo and White People Aren’t Monkeys

By Gilad Atzmon How to make well-meaning American’s into antisemites? Make sure they read Peter Beinarts Forward article, The One Thing Jews Should Be Doing To Combat White Supremacy. Beinart, a light Zionist intellectual has kindly revealed how American Jews reacted when they heard the neo-Nazis chant, Jews will not replace us. Some were fearful, […]

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